Get Your Eyes Checked Regularly! Study Reveals Link Between Eye Health And Dementia Risk



Get Your Eyes Checked Regularly For Your Brain, Breaking News

Don’t wait any longer for a healthy brain – get your eyes checked regularly: Untreated visual impairments linked to higher dementia risk, says a recent study!

Why Should You Get Your Eyes Checked Regularly?

The study conducted by clinician-scientist Dr. Joshua Ehrlich and his team revealed a significant correlation between untreated visual impairments and development of dementia.

Unlike previous studies, this research stood out for its comprehensive assessment of vision and its representative sample size. The study analyzed data from nearly 3,000 individuals who participated in the 2021 National Health and Aging Trends Study in the United States.

get your eyes check for brain health
Get Your Eyes Checked To Reduce Dementia Risk

Read more here: 14 Things Your Eyes Say About Your Health

To evaluate vision, the participants were provided with tablet devices containing tests for near and distance vision, as well as contrast sensitivity. Dr. Ehrlich emphasized that extensive research was conducted to ensure the accuracy and equivalence of these iPad tests to the gold standard tests performed in doctors’ offices.

This innovative approach allowed thousands of older adults to conveniently undergo vision assessments in their homes.

The study included exclusively older individuals aged 71 or above who underwent dementia screenings using the Dementia Screening Interview. The results indicated that 12.3% of the overall sample showed signs of dementia.

However, this percentage increased significantly for peopke with visual impairments: 19.5% for distance visual impairment, 21.5% for near visual impairment, and a staggering 32.9% for those with moderate to severe visual impairment or blindness.

Dr. Arielle Silverman, the director of research at the American Foundation for the Blind, emphasized that even mild vision impairment can elevate the risk of dementia.

Dr. Thomas Holland, a physician scientist at the Rush Institute for Healthy Aging, echoed this sentiment and expressed concern over the two-and-a-half-fold increase in risk associated with moderate to severe impairment.

It is important to note that the study established a correlation between vision impairment and dementia, but it could not definitively determine the causal relationship. The vision loss might be a consequence of dementia, occur simultaneously, or contribute to the cognitive decline.

Similar to the correlation with hearing loss, experts speculate that sensory impairments reduce sensory input, potentially accelerating cognitive decline.

Dr. Holland explained that being unable to feel or hear properly increases the likelihood of injury and may lead to confusion. Additionally, vision loss might limit opportunities for social engagement and community participation, contributing to the correlation.

Considering the findings, Dr. Ehrlich emphasized the significance of proactive vision care. Alongside maintaining a healthy lifestyle, he recommended regular visits to eye care professionals for comprehensive vision checks.

Addressing any identified problems promptly is crucial. Dr. Holland highlighted that around 80% of vision impairment and blindness cases are preventable or reversible, making timely intervention vital.

Depending on the specific condition, treatment options may include corrective procedures like LASIK or cataract surgery, or the use of prescription glasses. However, it’s important to acknowledge that not all cases of vision loss are treatable.

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In such instances, vision preventive health should be accompanied by rehabilitation services, allowing individuals with vision loss to live independently and confidently.

Vision rehabilitation therapists can provide strategies to work with the remaining vision and offer non-visual techniques to support engagement in various aspects of life.

In conclusion, prioritizing vision care and taking preventive measures reduce dementia risk and are essential for maintaining cognitive health.

Early detection and treatment of visual impairments, when possible, can significantly reduce the risk of developing dementia.

Aging can be challenging, but with appropriate support and rehabilitation services, individuals with vision loss can continue leading active, independent lives.

Read more here: Top 10 Foods To Boost Your Brain Power and Memory

So make sure to prioritize regular eye check-ups to reduce dementia risk and safeguard your cognitive well-being!

get your eyes checked
People With Visual Impairments

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