Physically abusive behavior can be caused due to someoneโs personality traits or intense feelings of anger and hatred. But astrology says itโs all in their zodiac signs and planetary movements. According to astrology, people of specific zodiacs, are highly likely to be physically abusive or violent. Find out who are physically abusive zodiac signs.
Here are the 6 Most Physically Abusive Zodiac Signs
1. Scorpio (October 23 โ November 21)
When it comes to having abusive tendencies Scorpio truly enjoys it. They donโt necessarily want to cause you pain, but theyโll be happy to ruin your life if you let them.
Little acts of physical abuse donโt really interest them โ they wonโt smack you because theyโre angry, for them, this is too flimsy and temporary. Theyโre full of destruction!
Read 10 Personality Traits Of Scorpio, The Ambitious Water Sign
2. Aries (March 21 โ April 19)
Aries is the sign of war, battle, killing and of course, all these aspects entail being violent. So, it only stands to show that Aries is more than likely the most physically abusive among the zodiac signs. They crave victory and if that doesnโt happen they will go crazy.
Read Aries Personality Traits: A Zodiac Guide to the Enterprising Yet Ruthless Sign
3. Taurus (April 20 โ May 20)
Taurus represents the Bull which means that theyโre super stubborn. But when it comes to being among the most abusive signs theyโre not overly violent. Itโs just that being angry works for them. They cannot stay calm for too long, thereโs always a quick punch in the nose or a push down the stairs โ thatโs how a Taurus is.
Read 10 Secrets About Taurus You Probably Know Nothing About
4. Leo (July 23 โ August 22)
Leo is another zodiac sign who isnโt hesitant about being angry or violent. They get angry easily and become aggressive at every chance they get. They get impatient with everything in life. And it makes them crazy and frustrated. When theyโre in a state of anger they usually begin to punch walls and rip up everything that comes their way. They donโt think before they commit violent acts, and they donโt regret them either.
Read Top 13 Reasons Why Leo Is The Best Zodiac Sign
5. Virgo (August 23 โ September 22)
The default emotion for Virgo is being abusive or violent. They get angry easily as though hate is what gets their blood pumping. They may not really assault or beat someone but they have non-stop violent tendencies about your painful death, and to pray with fervor for your demise.
Read 10 Personality Traits Of Virgo, The Mercurial Earth Sign
6. Sagittarius (November 22 โ December 21)
Sagittarius isnโt the most abusive zodiac sign but they surely have a lot of aggressive thoughts going on in their mind. They will take revenge for those who have wronged them. If youโve hurt them they will play graphic visions of you suffering in their head. Although it may be creative, thereโs a good chance that at some point or another, you will suffer.
Read The Good and Bad of Loving A Sagittarius: 7 Brutal Truths
Itโs been said that under most pressurizing circumstances, anyone can become violent. Most of us donโt like violence and find it rather disturbing. But a lot of people with specific zodiacs as mentioned above are repeatedly violent and often lose control over their actions; they tend to get physically abusive.
Did you find your zodiac sign here? Well, that means that you need to work on your anger issues and stop being abusive or violent.

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