10 Secret Thoughts A Man Has When He Really Likes You


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What A Guy Says When He Really Likes You? Secrets Thoughts

Have you ever wondered what a man thinks when he really likes you? What are the signs that give it away? And what are the secret things he might be thinking about when youโ€™re not around?

Men can be complicated and often send mixed signals when it comes to dating. To help figure it out, here are 10 secret thoughts a man might have when he really likes you.

As a love and relationship author, I spend a LOT of time thinking about what men are thinking (and why they do all sorts of confusing things) when they are in relationships.

One of the most common questions I get from my readers is, โ€œWhat are the signs that a man likes you?โ€ and โ€œWhat is a man thinking when he is falling for me?โ€

In fact, for a man to fall for you, he MUST think about you when you arenโ€™t around. Men feel attraction and fall in love with your absence.

Hereโ€™s a quick journey into what a man thinks about when he likes you.

How A Guy Acts When He Really Likes You? He Says…

1. โ€œTell me more.โ€

When a man really likes you, he will try to get to know who you are in a deeper way.

You wonโ€™t feel like heโ€™s ignoring you, talking over you, or glossing over what you have to say. He will listen, remember details, and ask you about things going on in your life. Getting to know you better will take priority for him.

Related: 11 Ways To Tell If A Guy Likes You (Even If Heโ€™s Not Saying So Out Loud)

2. โ€œDo you have plans for the weekend?โ€

A guy who likes you will make sure that he gets as much time with you as he can. He will be motivated to schedule things in advance so that he doesnโ€™t miss out on any opportunity he can to see you.

He wonโ€™t contact you last minute, in the middle of the night, or when he knows you arenโ€™t available because he could miss out.

3. โ€œWhatโ€™s your family like?โ€

When a man starts falling for you, he will want to know about your tribe. What kind of family you grew up in, whether or not you are religious and whether you had a good childhood will all be of interest to him.

He will also try to make a good impression with your friends and family. He will introduce you to his friends and think about bringing you home to meet his Mom. How you fit into the bigger picture will be important to him โ€” especially if he is family-minded.

He will also sit patiently through those embarrassing stories from when you were a kid.

4. โ€œWhat makes you really happy?โ€

Men who like you wonder how they can contribute to your happiness. Even if he doesnโ€™t ask you directly, he will pay close attention to what excites you โ€” then he will try to do more of that. He will try to do things that he knows you like.

When heโ€™s falling for you, lighting you up makes HIS day.

Related: 8 Unmistakable Body Language Signs Heโ€™s Interested In You

5. โ€œDoes she add to my life?โ€

A man who is looking for a life partner will notice whether you add to his life. Men are keenly aware that the women they choose for the long term will affect everything from where they live to their children.

When he really likes you, heโ€™ll try to make sure that youโ€™re a safe person to share everything with.

“Men get to be a mixture of the charming mannerisms of the women they have known.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

6. โ€œDoes she respect me?โ€

Itโ€™s not that well-known, but one BIG secret about men is that your respect is more powerful than your love. If he feels like you arenโ€™t solidly in his corner, he will not commit to you long-term.

A man canโ€™t fall for you if you donโ€™t treat him with respect. This includes trusting him to solve his own problems and respecting the way that he manages his life. He made it this far without you, so if you emasculate him now or treat him like youโ€™re the only thing holding him together, he will eventually resent you.

7. โ€œIs she a happy person?โ€

Emotionally stable, healthy men are drawn to happy women like moths to a flame. The fact that youโ€™re already happy without him just makes him want to make you even happier.

Your personal happiness with or without him is a strong signal that he can be himself and you will still happy. Thatโ€™s a win-win for both of you.

If you drag him down with negativity, itโ€™s unlikely that heโ€™ll stick around. Propping up a woman emotionally is really wearing for men. It will damage your relationship over time if youโ€™re constantly venting negative emotions. Plenty of men report that the reason they finally dumped a woman was that she was constantly unhappy.

When youโ€™re happy on your own and able to self-soothe, he wonโ€™t be as worried that youโ€™ll bring him down during tough times.

8. โ€œI really like you.โ€

Capital L โ€” as in LOVE โ€” might be too loaded of a term for him right now โ€” so he might go with simply telling you out loud that he likes you. When he cares about you, he will want you to know about it so that you donโ€™t get the wrong idea.

Since heโ€™s serious about you, he will want you to know.

Related: 8 Strong Signs That He Definitely Likes You

9. โ€œI want you all to myself.โ€

Every guy knows deep down that if he doesnโ€™t get you to be exclusive with him, another guy could. Trying to monopolize your time (within reason) and bringing up the โ€œletโ€™s be exclusiveโ€ talk and all things he thinks about when he likes you.

“A real man only lies to his woman when he’s surprising her.” – Mitch Cuento

10. โ€œI hope she doesnโ€™t go too fast.โ€

When a guy really likes you and sees long-term potential with you, he will actually want you to go slowly when it comes to the bedroom. He will put you on a little bit of a pedestal. He wants to feel like you donโ€™t have sex with every man who crosses your path.

Itโ€™s old-fashioned, but when a man really likes you, he tries to make sure you donโ€™t feel pressured to have sex too soon since that could upset you and ruin things. Your feelings will take the highest priority.

So these are some of the things a guy does when he really likes you, share your thoughts on this below!

Written by Elizabeth Stone
Originally appeared in Attract The One
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What A Guy Says When He Really Likes You? 10 Secrets Thoughts
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Things A Guy Does When He Really Likes You
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10 Secret Thoughts A Man Has When He Really Likes You

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