8 Strong Signs That He Definitely Likes You


signs he definitely likes you

Many women still wonder how men behave when they genuinely like a woman. The good news is, when a man likes you, he will show quite a few strong signs about it.

I can still remember laying on my childhood bed at my dadโ€™s house, at 25 years old, reading โ€œHeโ€™s Just Not That Into Youโ€.

I had moved home for the summer from Boston so that I could work full-time on completing my graduate thesis at Harvard. And, I was moving through some serious heartache that shook my confidence to its core.

My mom knew all about the situation with this guy, so she bought me a copy of โ€œHeโ€™s Just Not That Into Youโ€ which I devoured hungrily.

And what a freeing concept! He just wasnโ€™t that into me! I could deal with that.

I was determined the next time I met a guy to do things differently. To have confidence and assurance in myself. To hold strong to my boundaries. To show him that he needed to be deserving of me, not just the other way around.

Wellโ€ฆI did all of that. And it worked. I knew this guy was into me, and we were together for about a year.

So how do you know? What are the 8 strong signs that he definitely likes you? Read onโ€ฆ

Here Are 8 Strong Signs That He Definitely Likes You

1. He shows up for you.

The guy in Boston who just wasnโ€™t that into me didnโ€™t show up for me. I felt like I always had to scheme or devise plans in order to meet with him. We worked together, so we felt we had to be a bit more secretive, but if a guy really likes you heโ€™ll show up. Heโ€™ll text or call before you have plans and he definitely wonโ€™t ghost you.

2. He acts differently around you.

When a guy really likes you, heโ€™ll act differently around you than he does with other people. If this guy is just trying to play the game, then he may be super friendly and flirtatious with you, but chances are that heโ€™s the same way with any other woman he talks to. But if he behaves differently with you than he does with anyone else, itโ€™s a sign that he holds you in a different light.

Maybe he gets a bit more nervous around you or starts fidgeting. Maybe heโ€™s occasionally at a loss for words when talking to you, or he makes an extra special point to swing by your desk when he knows youโ€™ll be getting up for lunch.

Related: 20 Subtle Hints He Wants To Be More Than Just Friends

3. You know as much about him as he knows about you.

He shows an interest in who you are. He asks you questions about yourself, your family, or your life. He genuinely seems to want to know and listens with intent. On the flip side, when you ask him about himself, he doesnโ€™t give just vague or general answers which usually is an indicator heโ€™s trying to keep you at a distance.

Some guys arenโ€™t that talkative, and thatโ€™s okay, but when you ask him questions about himself you feel that heโ€™s giving you honest, open answers.

4. He gives off strong body language signs.

No matter how cool a guy is trying to play it, his body language is a huge indicator of whether he likes you. If a guy is into you, his body language will show it automatically. One main thing a guy will tend to do if he likes you is take up more space.

This is a dominant body language cue that men subconsciously do when trying to impress a woman or be seen as the alpha in a group of men. If standing theyโ€™ll have their feet spread apart wide and arms crossed or on their hips. When sitting they will take up more space by leaning back in their chair with their arms crossed behind their head and may have one foot crossed over the knee, called the alpha cross.

Another body language sign to know if a guy really likes you is that he will have his body pointing towards you when heโ€™s around you. His feet and torso will point towards you and he may lean in when youโ€™re talking, or casually touch you such as brushing your shoulder or quickly putting his hand on your knee.

Want to know more about the signs that he likes you? Check this video out below:

Signs he likes you

5. He tells other people about you.

If anyone in his life knows anything about you, itโ€™s a good sign. When a guy really likes you heโ€™ll tell other people about it, especially if youโ€™re already dating. If he introduces you to his friends or asks you to hang out with them once in a while,  thatโ€™s a sure sign that heโ€™s into you.

You may not want to hang out with his friends all the time, particularly if theyโ€™re a group of partying bachelors, but they should at least know about you. And how they treat you when youโ€™re around is a strong sign whether heโ€™s spoken highly of you, or if you seem to be the flavor of the month. When a guy likes you, heโ€™ll be excited about it and sure to tell other people in his life.

6. Heโ€™s the one to initiate.

If a guy wants to get your attention, heโ€™ll think of a way to do it, even if he has to make it up. I canโ€™t tell you the number of clients Iโ€™ve worked with who have been into a guy and have made excuses for his lack of initiation. I understand that we want to stay hopeful, and, โ€œmaybe he broke his phone right after I texted him which is why he never wrote backโ€ can feel better than โ€œheโ€™s just not that into meโ€, but the truth is that if a guy really likes you he will initiate.

If you work together heโ€™ll find a way to swing by your desk and playfully shuffle your papers. If youโ€™re out at a party or a bar heโ€™ll come up to you and smile or strike up a conversation. If you went on a date and he really enjoyed it heโ€™ll call or text you the next day. If his family is in town heโ€™ll ask you for restaurant recommendations. Heโ€™ll use any reason to initiate.

Related: Unconventional Ways Each Zodiac Sign Acts When They Like You

7. He compliments you.

A strong sign that a guy really likes you is if he compliments you. Iโ€™ve worked with some male clients who are really shy and nervous about initiating a conversation with a girl. I always instruct them to break the ice by complimenting a woman in some way. I had one client who told a barista he had a crush on that she had a beautiful voice.

Men will most likely complement your appearance or tell you that you look particularly nice today, but they might find other ways to compliment you such as being impressed with your work, telling you youโ€™re smart, or like my client above, that you have a beautiful voice 😉

8. He talks about future plans with you.

This one can be used as a sign if youโ€™re already dating him. It would be a bit weird if a guy youโ€™re just getting to know talked about future plans together! But if youโ€™ve been seeing a guy for a few months and he talks about future plans with you, itโ€™s definitely a good sign. It doesnโ€™t have to be long-term plans, either. A simple, โ€œIโ€™ve been so excited for that movie to come out, maybe we can see it next weekendโ€ means a lot.

Now Iโ€™d love to hear from you.

Have you dated a guy where you definitely knew he was into you? How did you know?

Remember, share as much detail as possible in your reply. Hundreds of incredible souls come here each week for insight and inspiration, and your story may help someone else have a meaningful breakthrough.

Thank you a thousand times over for adding your love and your voice to this amazing community.

If you have friends or family who would enjoy this article, please share.

Written by Alexis Meads Krilla
Harvard University MLA
Dating and Life Coach
Originally appeared on AlexisMeads.com
8 Signs He Likes You
8 Strong Signs That He Definitely Likes You
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8 Strong Signs That He Definitely Likes You

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