How To Make A Man Miss You: Three Powerful Ways To Be “Missed”


miss you

It’s always a great feeling to be missed by the man you love or have a crush on. So if you want to make a man miss you, here are some strategies on how to make him miss you that are downright effective.

If I ask you, โ€œhow do you build a relationship thatโ€™s healthy and deeply intimate?โ€ what would you answer? Do you have a foolproof strategy to make a man miss you?

You might say that you need to do things like have romantic dinners and deep conversations, spend lots of quality time together getting to know each otherโ€™s inner workings. While those are all valid suggestions and might indeed lead to greater intimacy, I invite you to entertain the idea that itโ€™s equally important to be missed in a relationship.

Of all the things we can be, one of the most important is โ€œmissed.โ€ This may seem counter-intuitive.

miss you
How To Make A Man Miss You: Three Powerful Ways To Be “Missed”

You might say, โ€œBut Clayton, I need to be present in order to show him how wonderful I am. If Iโ€™m not around him then heโ€™s more likely to forget about my fabulousness!โ€. And, to that, I say, โ€œAu contraire!โ€

One of the most powerful tools you have at the beginning of a relationship is that dynamic of yearning, of desiring and thinking about each other constantly, and that canโ€™t happen if youโ€™re always together.

In fact, the opposite might happen. It might be that he realizes he needs some space from you, the exact opposite result of what youโ€™re trying to create.

So, the importance of breathing room cannot be over-emphasized. Space is that key element that helps romance and passion burn brightly, especially in the early days of a relationship.

So, how do you tackle this in a healthy way, with maximum impact? How do you get him to miss you with the passion of a thousand suns? Or, perhaps, just enough to ask you out again?

Ultimately, there are three ways to make a man miss you in a manner that is healthy and beneficial to your relationship.

If you follow these three steps, youโ€™ll leave him thinking about you, desiring your presence, and coming back for more.

Step 1: Take Full Responsibility for Your Happiness

This is an interesting romantic myth in our culture that itโ€™s our partnerโ€™s job to make us happy. And if theyโ€™re not happy, somehow, we are failing them. In truth, this is nonsense.

While the idea that others make us happy is well-spun โ€“ โ€œHe makes me so happyโ€ or โ€œShe completes meโ€ โ€” in reality, itโ€™s a load of dating doo-doo. Why? Because happiness is an inside job โ€”completely and 100% our own individual responsibility.

If we fail to take responsibility for our own happiness, we make someone else (our partner), the culpable party. And that is a breeding ground for resentment. The second weโ€™re unhappy, we point our fingers in their direction, blaming them for our lack of fulfillment.

Itโ€™s one of the quickest ways to make a relationship come crumbling to the ground.

Related: 17 Uncomfortable Signs Youโ€™ve Finally Met A Good Guy

So, how do we avoid assigning our joy to other people and keep it in our control? Get in touch with the things you love, take care of yourself, find value and self-worth outside of your relationship (be it through a hobby, at your job, or through volunteer work), and stop blaming others when things go wrong (or youโ€™re feeling low).

Once you do that, you become someone who no longer needs to be rescued, or pulled out of a rut of despondence. He can breathe a sigh of relief because he doesnโ€™t feel the weight of obligation to save you and โ€œfixโ€ your emotional state.  You no longer need your partner to assume the role of hero, and you as a damsel in emotional distress.

You instead become a partner, a true equal in the eyes of the person youโ€™re dating. It liberates you and your significant other by making respective happiness an inside job. And that allows you both the chance to offer the greatest gifts you can in any romantic union: the best versions of yourselves.

Related: 3 Reasons Why Women Prefer Dating Younger Men

Step 2: Trust Him

Without Trust, Honesty, And Communication, Love Is Just Another Four Letter Word
How To Make A Man Miss You: Three Powerful Ways To Be “Missed”

Trust is one of those things thatโ€™s fickle โ€“ when people prove themselves untrustworthy, continuing to trust them is foolish. However, until your partner gives you no reason not to, assume the best of them.

Trust is among the most critical ingredients in a long-lasting relationship.

Trust is one of the most important gifts you can give a man. When you trust him, you allow him to demonstrate his integrity. When you trust him, you are choosing to no longer to see him through your own insecurities.

Rather, you are choosing to allow him to create himself as the best and highest version of himself. You are holding that vision for him to step into and that in turn fuels his desire to be his best.

When you trust him, youโ€™re more OK with him pulling away a bit to individuate, to take a breath and some time for himself, knowing that heโ€™ll come back more balanced, refueled. and ready to connect.  That’s how you make a man miss you and leave him coming back for more.

Related: 8 Signs That Indicate A Person Is Incapable Of Loving Someone

Step 3: Bring in Emotions and Play

For most men, emotional depths are unexplored territory. They allow themselves to feel the socially acceptable, โ€œmasculineโ€ emotions of pride, anger, lust, etc., but other feelings that might be considered โ€œfeminineโ€ are largely off-limits.  They remain buried deep down in, quite literally, no-manโ€™s land.

Women, on the other hand, are emotional superstars, blessed with way more emotional flexibility than their masculine counterparts. In our culture, itโ€™s acceptable for women to feel the full gamut of emotions, and to express them openly. Use this to your advantage.

As a woman, you can invite your man to join you in a rich world of experience and the feelings that he may have disowned ever since childhood. Part of him is craving that deep dive into this long-lost emotional territory.

A woman who is not afraid to express herself, to share her vulnerabilities, to play and flirt and tease, to joke around, to tell him what she thinks, to cry or be afraid, is wildly attractive.

This kind of emotional expression invites the man to be present, to slow down, to stop being so future-oriented, to stop thinking about goals or making money. Itโ€™s an invitation to step out of the mold society has designated for him, and to take a break and smell the proverbial roses.

He gets to vicariously live and feel through her, and she actually gets him to open up and feel things that he may not have allowed himself to feel for a long time. There is a priceless value in that.

Related: Why Women Donโ€™t Want a โ€œNice Guyโ€?

Play and the act of being comfortably embodied is something men are very cut off from. Women, on the whole, tend to be more embodied, more comfortable in their own sensuality. Introducing play and sensuality is another surefire way to get him into the present.

Most importantly, it gets him out of his head and into his heart. If you want to make a man miss you, the heart is exactly where you want to be.

If youโ€™d like more on this subject, check out the upcoming webinar The Three Keys to Being Relationship Ready โ€“ How to Attract and Keep a High-Quality Man. You can click this link and find a time that works for you.

Are you ready to make your man miss you?

Written by: Clayton Olson
Originally appeared on:

Republished here with permission.

Clayton Olson is an International Relationship Coach, Master NLP Practitioner, and Facilitator. He delivers private virtual coaching sessions and leads online group workshops. Register for his free webinar that reveals the 3 Keys to Attracting and Keeping a High-Quality Man or grab his free guide  5 Secrets To Create An Extraordinary Relationship.

Ranging from anger and sadness to longing and desire, there can be many reasons why you would want to make a man miss you. These strategies on how to make him miss you will not only validate the love you have for him but in fact strengthen your relationship.

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How To Make A Man Miss You: Three Powerful Ways To Be “Missed”
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How To Make A Man Miss You: Three Powerful Ways To Be “Missed”
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How To Make A Man Miss You: Three Powerful Ways To Be “Missed”
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How To Make A Man Miss You: Three Powerful Ways To Be “Missed”

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