How Magnesium Relieves Stress and Anxiety: 6 Proven Ways


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Reasons To Take Magnesium For Anxiety And Stress

Mental illnesses are the major reason for disabilities throughout the world. Stress and anxiety are the most common mental illnesses everywhere. Panic disorders, generalized anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, social anxiety disorder and other phobias are all anxiety-related.

They usually manifest as panic and anxiety attacks. This is to be expected since panic is the bodyโ€™s reaction to current threats while anxiety is the body anticipating some threat to come.

anxiety and stress
How Magnesium Relieves Stress And Anxiety: 6 Proven Ways

Various kinds of treatments are available and of these, a lesser-known but completely natural and extremely effective cure is magnesium. Its usefulness in treating stress and anxiety has given it titles like โ€˜natureโ€™s Valiumโ€™ and โ€˜the original chill pillโ€™. Moreover, it is also essential for many metabolic functions.

But even then, most people donโ€™t consume the necessary amounts of magnesium. It is no wonder that as the rate of consumption has decreased, anxiety levels throughout the world have risen. Adults should ingest around 400 milligrams every day but in America, the average intake is only about half that amount.

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How Do You Find Out If You Are Low On Magnesium

Even if you donโ€™t have a clinically diagnosed anxiety disorder, you might be suffering from stress and anxiety. This only becomes worse when your body doesnโ€™t have the required amount of magnesium. You might find yourself becoming an insomniac. Falling asleep will become very difficult. The smallest of things will irritate you and youโ€™ll be very sensitive to all kinds of sounds. You canโ€™t explain why you feel so restless and depressed.

Besides these mental symptoms, your muscles will become sore. Youโ€™ll develop spasms and tremors. Your bones will also become weak. Scientists are now sure that proper intake of magnesium can help settle these symptoms of anxiety in people. One of the easiest ways to fill in your magnesium quota is by drinking it and below youโ€™ll find a fantastic recipe that will take all your worries away.

How Does Magnesium Help With Stress and anxiety?

Before moving on to the recipe, it is also important to understand exactly how magnesium works in alleviating stress and anxiety. It has a variety of functions some of which can be quite surprising.

1. Stimulates Production Of GABA

GABA or gamma-aminobutyric acid is a neurotransmitter that relaxes the brain. When the production of GABA decreases, the brain is always active and you will feel restless and disoriented. You might start panicking, develop all kinds of anxiety disorders, and even suffer from IBS. Magnesium binds and stimulates the GABA receptors in your brain thereby making you feel calmer.

2. Decreases Cortisol And Epinephrine Levels

If your muscles are tight and youโ€™re getting cramps, you are most probably low on magnesium. This makes your body produce more epinephrine and cortisol which are the stress hormones. Increased levels of cortisol can cause many mental disorders including anxiety and amnesia. Consuming magnesium will loosen the muscles and prevent the rest from happening.

3. Prevents Inflammation

Any part of your body can become inflamed and when this occurs in the brain it can make you anxious and depressed. Cytokines are the substances that cause inflammation and they have been found to contribute to the formation of a variety of mental disorders as well as to suicidal thoughts. Magnesium is anti-inflammatory and deficiency of magnesium is associated with higher risks of inflammation.

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4. Treating Depression

Anxiety and depression usually occur together and magnesium can be used in the treatment of both. Taking supplements can have a massive effect on depression in as few as seven days. This is because magnesium increases the amount of serotonin or the โ€˜happiness hormoneโ€™ in the body. This increase in serotonin can also help women deal with the depression that occurs as a part of premenstrual syndrome. Moreover, magnesium can even contribute to soothing menstrual cramps.

5. Stabilizing Blood Sugar Levels

This is extremely important for the functioning of your brain because the brain is fuelled mostly by the glucose in your body. When the level of glucose drops, the body becomes stressed and starts producing stress hormones. Those who regularly experience this can testify to the amount of anxiety it induces.

By sticking to a proper diet that is healthy and high on protein and by ensuring that magnesium levels are high you can ensure that your blood sugar level stays stable.

6. Better Control Over Your Life

A steady intake of magnesium will help you maintain a steady hold over the reins of your life. Youโ€™ll be in a good mood, stress wonโ€™t get to you, you will concentrate better, no longer crave different foods, feel more energetic and feel better rested after a nightโ€™s sleep.

As small as this change may seem to you, it will greatly affect every other aspect of your life and you will no longer feel overwhelmed by all that is happening around you.

Read Jin Shin Jyutsu: Ancient Japanese Technique For Stress Relief

The Magic Magnesium Drink

To make this miraculous drink which will take care of your magnesium intake these are the ingredients you need:

1. A cup of spinach or kale
2. A banana
3. 1 tbsp powdered cacao
4. 1 tbsp honey or agave nectar
5. A scoop of protein powder (if you are so inclined)
6. A cup of almond milk without any added sweeteners.

Just blend all this together and youโ€™ve got a power-packed, delicious shake.

You can also choose other dark leafy greens, pumpkin seeds, cashew nuts, dark chocolate, and avocado and make them part of your drink because all these ingredients contain high levels of magnesium. In your regular diet, whole grains, salmon, and tofu can be used to ensure that you donโ€™t develop a deficiency.

โ€œI find it funny that more doctors arenโ€™t clued into the benefits of magnesium because we use it all the time in conventional medicine.โ€ โ€“ Mark Hyman, M.D., author of The Ultra-Metabolism Cookbook and The Ultra-Mind Solution.

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Magnesium โ€“ A Miracle Cure For Anxiety
Reasons To Take Magnesium For Anxiety And Stress pin
How Magnesium Relieves Stress And Anxiety: 6 Proven Ways

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  1. Adrian Pattenden Avatar
    Adrian Pattenden

    I’m an Agoraphobic sufferer of 20+ year’s to date, & I suffer ‘many’ other mental health traits to, like O.C.D, Acute Anxiety, Clinical Depression, Schizoid Personality Disorder, Paranoia, Social Phobia. I also suffer with I.B.S, Asthma, & Lymphatic issues. Life has been an uphill struggle from a very young age, & thing’s don’t seem to ever go smoothly. I did however read your article & I ‘have’ found parts to be both useful & ‘other things’ to try, which I was unaware about before now.
    Appreciated the information. Thank you!

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