8 Lessons Women Never Learn About Men


Lessons Women Never Learn About Men

Not every romantic relationship works out, and there might a lot of reasons behind that. Women might be more emotionally intelligent than men, but there are certain lessons women never learn about men, which then leads to breakups. So, what should every woman know about men?

Sometimes, women don’t even realize that they are doing certain things that are threatening to destroy their relationship.

If men and women could completely understand each other, they would never have any difficulties in a relationship. 

When a couple breaks up, both the parties are responsible for it, no matter how many shares of guilt they have in damaging the relationship. Itโ€™s not easy to understand the opposite sex but itโ€™s definitely something that can be worked upon.

A few weeks ago when a friend of mine told me that she was on the verge of breaking up with her boyfriend, her 3rd boyfriend to be precise, I told her clearly to look into her mistakes.

Iโ€™m not blaming her but women too, have their flaws; women do make mistakes unknowingly.

These mistakes are ingrained in their habits and donโ€™t seem like mistakes at all. The hard truth is, these actions are the real reasons which ward off men.

If you read our list carefully, you will be surprised to know the lessons women never learn about men. Ready to explore what every woman should know about a man? Read on then!

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8 Lessons Women Never Learn About Men

1. You have to give him space.

What should every woman know about men? This right here!

I understand you love being with him. But if you follow him everywhere, it will become claustrophobic. Loving someone doesnโ€™t mean you should be with him 24*7.

Let him work on his own and have fun on his own. Respect his interests and life. Try to focus on spending quality time together rather than asking him to meet every single day. Give him space. If he truly loves you, he will come back to you at the end of the day.

2. If heโ€™s meant to go, he will.

Accept the truth! If a man is meant to leave, he will eventually. You canโ€™t force him to be with you. Nagging him continuously by telling him not to go will not help. Accept it and move on.

3. If he wants to cheat, he will.

So your man is a cheater. He enjoys dating other women. How many of his girlfriends are you going to meet and how many times are you going to charge him?

It doesnโ€™t help at all. If a man is a cheater, he will cheat and eventually leave you. So, you should better take the call first. This is what every woman should know about a man.

4. Fantasizing the idea that you two are together.

You might really like him; you must get swept over by the way he greets you or compliments you. It might even occur that you two had slept with each other and it was just casual for him. You have to stop fantasizing that you two are together.

Be practical. If you are confused about his feelings, ask him directly. If he is not serious about you, he will eventually run away.

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5. Donโ€™t try to change him.

Another one of the major lessons women never learn about men.

You might not like certain things about him but that doesnโ€™t mean you have to change him. What if he tries to do the same for you? Would you like it? Obviously, not! Love him the way he is.

6. Donโ€™t try to make him feel jealous.

This is one of the common mistakes a woman makes. Donโ€™t try to grab his attention by making him feel jealous of male admirers. You will definitely succeed in grabbing attention but it will cause a negative impact.

If your man is interested in you, he will come to you because of the woman you are, not because others are interested in you.

7. Stop being a drama queen.

Men hate drama, and this is what every women should know about men.

They despise women who create a scene out of nowhere. Stay simple. Thereโ€™s absolutely no need to create drama.

Give your man some peace of mind. You can be emotional but try to control your emotions. Donโ€™t let them go astray and cause trouble for both of you.

8. Build your own confidence.

Donโ€™t ask him to tell you how smart or beautiful or capable you are. Be confident yourself. He will tell you when he feels like. Donโ€™t make him feel that heโ€™s there only to praise you. Men appreciate confident women. Be one.

Related: 5 Secrets To Finding A Fulfilling and Happy Relationship When You Are Needy

These are some of the lessons women never learn about men, but that needs to change. Learn from the mistakes you have been making. They arenโ€™t that hard to rectify and it will solve a lot of relationship issues. All the best.

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8 Lessons Women Never Learn About Men
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8 Lessons Women Never Learn About Men
what every woman should know about a man
8 Lessons Women Never Learn About Men

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  1. Vivy Avatar

    I think this is e best thing i have ever read to make me stong as a woman i have a story to tell a good one its best spoken

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