10 Defining Traits Of An ISFP Personality Type

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ISFP is one of the sixteen personality types of the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator. The ISFP has character traits that are defined by Introverted (I), Sensing (S), Feeling (F), and Perceiving (P). People having the ISFP personality type are cheerful people with a lot of enthusiasm, even though they might not always show that.

They always choose to live in the present moment and enjoy, rather than think about the future and get anxious about it. ISFPs like to go with the flow and donโ€™t like it when people try to impose restrictions and rules on them. They are quiet and reserved individuals by nature who can sometimes be very difficult to know.

However, the people who know them very well, always get to see their warm, caring, and expressive side. ISFPs, also known as adventurer personality types, have a remarkable aesthetic and artistic sense and always look for beauty in everything. That is why most of them turn out to be gifted artists, sculptors, and painters.

What Does ISFP Mean?

People having the ISFP personality type always gravitate towards spending alone time (Introverted), focus on details and verity more than assumptions and ideas (Sensing), are driven by their values and feelings (Feelings), and are more impulsive than uptight (Perceiving).

They are always referred to as The Artist due to their knack and effortless talent for designing artistically beautiful things and experiences.

Related: Stay Single Until You Meet Someone Like This (According To Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type)

Strengths Of ISFP Personality Type

Signs Show ISFP Personality Type Info

Like all the other personality types, the ISFP personality also has its strengths and positive characteristics. Their quiet and unassuming attitude combined with their amazing sense of aesthetics makes them some of the most talented and beautiful people you will ever see. Read on to know more about their strengths.

1. Sensitive and gentle.

People with the ISFP personality type are very gentle and sensitive, and they are those people who are always looking to support and help people through their tough times. Full of empathy, they are very attuned to their own emotions and are strongly driven by their feelings. This is one of the many reasons why they are gifted at resolving conflicts and establishing peace and harmony.

2. Curious and intense.

Concepts and ideas might sound interesting and all, but an ISFP always wants to explore things rather than focus on theory. They love to get out there and see the world for what it is, and they do this with so much intensity and passion that it is bound to rub off on the people close to them.

Their โ€œyou only have one lifeโ€ attitude always drives them to make the most of their lives and live it to the fullest.

3. Artistic and ingenious.

Because they are so good with emotions and feelings, they are always able to use them to craft beautiful and bold ideas, that never fail to tug at the heartstrings of people. They always succeed in expressing their imagination in remarkable ways and with astonishing beauty. Be it a song or a painting, you will rarely find a person who wonโ€™t be moved by their art.

4. Impulsive and fearless.

Since ISFPs are always looking to have fun and experience as much adventure as they can, they never shy away from trying out different things. They are active people who are always pursuing some hobby or the other and are never low on energy. Living uptight and boring lives is something they hate, and โ€˜Carpe Diemโ€™ is always their life motto.

5. Experimental and observant.

There is probably no other personality type who likes to experiment with everything other than ISFP. They are always up to something, and they are always looking at everything from different perspectives. ISFPs are inspired by people and values and after observing them very deeply, they come up with some of the other inventions, and creations.

Weaknesses Of ISFP Personality Type

No one is infallible and that rings true for the ISFP personality type too; they are not immune from having flaws and drawbacks. Read on to know more about their weaknesses.

1. Unpredictable and irresolute.

ISFPs are flexible people, but sometimes there is a difference between being flexible and irresolute, and sometimes ISFPs can be so broad-minded that they fail at making strong and solid decisions. They end up changing their opinions a hundred times a minute, and always seem confused. This makes them prone to getting manipulated at times.

2. Oversensitive and easily worried.

ISFPs are prone to get hurt very easily, and always give in to their emotions for even the smallest of things. Being sensitive is one of their biggest USPs, but sometimes they take it too far by getting hurt at anything and everything.

They also get stressed out very easily and end up having a nervous breakdown at times. Even the slightest inconveniences rattle them, and they lose their creativity and charm and take criticisms too seriously.

Related: How Knowing Your Myers-briggs Personality Type Can Help You Feel Less Stressed in Life

3. Excessively competitive and stubborn.

People with this personality type can end up being unduly competitive at times and are always looking to prove that they know best and they are the best.

They tend to escalate tiny things into major competitions and then get too intense with beating everyone and emerging as the winner. If they lose, they can be sore losers and refuse to accept that the other team was better. A classic case of sour grapes.

4. Easily loses interest and feels bored.

If you know an ISFP, you would know how much they hate abstract and theoretical ideas; they would rather go out and understand everything themselves. Theories are boring and irrelevant to them, and that is why they get easily bored when they donโ€™t have anything active and fruitful to do. Sometimes in order to learn something, the theory is important, and because they hate it, they end up losing focus.

5. Wavering self-esteem and low confidence.

When they are pressured to prove themselves, it causes a dent in their self-esteem and they end up feeling under-confident about themselves. They hate it when someone questions their artistry and talents, and this causes a huge blow to their feelings.

They end up questioning themselves and their abilities and start feeling that they are not as good as they think themselves to be, and their critics are right.

Best Career Paths For ISFP Personality Type

ISFPs tend to thrive in careers where they get to be themselves and have the freedom to express their artistic and aesthetic side. They like to do things that give them hands-on experience and succeed in environments that are cooperative and peaceful so that they can do their work in peace.

They prefer staying behind the scenes, keeping a low profile, and feel immensely uncomfortable with situations where they have to do public speaking or work in big groups. ISFPs like to work alone.

Here Are Some Of The Most Ideal Career Paths For The ISFP Personalities

  • Artist
  • Fashion Designer
  • Chef
  • Interior Designer
  • Nurse
  • Graphic Designer
  • Translator
  • Botanist
  • Florist
  • Jeweler
  • Animal Trainer

Famous ISFP Personalities

Here Are Some Of The Most Famous And Well-Known ISFJ Personalities

  • Paul McCartney
  • Kurt Cobain
  • Lana Del Rey
  • Lady Gaga
  • Marie Antoinette
  • Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
  • Marilyn Monroe
  • Christopher Reeve
  • Heath Ledger
  • Kobe Bryant
  • David Beckham
  • Pablo Picasso
  • Monica Bellucci
  • Brad Pitt
  • Ryan Gosling
  • Rihanna
  • Janelle Monae

Are you an ISFP? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section down below!

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