Is it Love or Lust: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself


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Is it Love or Lust: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself

Asking these 5 questions will let you know if it is love or lust.

We often have a romantic attraction for someone because we feel incredible chemistry and an amazing physical attraction to this individual. If we feel pure lust, it is often based on this physical attraction and our fantasy of how we imagine this person to be.

However, as we get to know themโ€”we may see the โ€œreal person,โ€ emerge. When that happens, we may still feel lust for them, but not love. Of course, being in love doesnโ€™t exclude lust; and lust can lead to love. But lust alone is not a very solid foundation for a long-term relationship.

A relationship founded and based on lust may go on for a long time. But it rarely satisfies our need for a deep and intimate love connection to that person.

So, sometimes, we find ourselves in a relationship where we ask:

Is it love or lust?

If you look to the following planets in your horoscope and ask five key questions, you will have your answer.

MOON – Emotional Compatibility

1. Am I comfortable being my true self in this relationship?

Look to the Moon to find out if your emotional nature will be compatible with the other person. Have you ever met someone you liked but didnโ€™t feel an emotional connection with? Or, have you ever had a relationship with someone you didnโ€™t feel emotionally safe? Or, have you ever been with someone who seemed so detached, you felt emotionally insecure in their presence? For someone to fit your emotional needs, itโ€™s important that your Moon signs be compatible with each other.

The Moon sign rules your emotions, deep-rooted feelings, and innermost needs. It explains how youโ€™re likely to express your emotions and indicates your cultural conditioning, and immediate emotional response to people, places and things. Your Moon sign reveals a great deal about the habits, reactions, and attitudes that were instilled in you by your family, and developed in your childhood.

The Moon position determines how you react to the behavior and actions of others. It also reveals the special needs you have to feel emotionally satisfied and secure. The Moon sign describes your โ€œinner child,โ€ and gives insights into how you nurture yourself, your domestic nature, home preferences, and the type of relationship you had with your mother or women in general. It is also an indicator of eating habits.

When two people have compatible Moon signs, they enjoy just being in each otherโ€™s space. They intuitively understand each otherโ€™s needs. Often, they can talk for hours and feel like theyโ€™ve known each other for years! They have a natural ease of living together. Theyโ€™re likely to appreciate the same home dรฉcor and have similar food preferences and eating habits. Because they have complimentary habit patterns, they respond to daily problems and minor differences in similar ways. They also enjoy an emotionally intimate sex life together.

Incompatible Moon signs between two companions can produce emotional confrontations and disharmonious day-to-day living together. Their habit patterns clash and result in major differences in personal behavior and eating and habits (e.g. โ€œI hate the way she squeezes the toothpaste out of the tube.โ€ Or, โ€œI canโ€™t stand the way he talks with all that food in his mouth.โ€) Because they spend so much time angry or at odds with each other, their relationship lacks the emotional intimacy that makes for a satisfying sexual relationship.

In order to have a harmonious relationship, itโ€™s important that you and the other person understand each other on an emotional level. If youโ€™re going to have an emotionally satisfying and secure relationship, itโ€™s important to know that your Moon signs are compatible.

MERCURY – Communication Compatibility

2. Do I feel good about the way my partner and I communicate, interact and resolve issues?

Look to the planet Mercury to find out if youโ€™ll think and communicate incompatible ways with the other person. Mercury is the planet that rules our intelligence, mind, memory and, all types of communication ranging from talking and texting to writing. It also affects our self-expression and communication style.

How Mercury functions in a personโ€™s birth chart explain a great deal about how they think, formulate ideas and communicate them. It indicates how someone makes sense of the everyday world they live in.

A personโ€™s Mercury sign tells us how easy or difficult it is to communicate with them, especially about sensitive issues. It helps explain why we have similar ways of thinking about all kinds of matters or, why we tend to have radically different ideas than they do.

If your Mercury sign is compatible with the other person, youโ€™ll find them understanding, supportive and easy to talk with. If they are incompatible, youโ€™ll end up disagreeing, arguing and fighting much of the time youโ€™re together.

The sign that Mercury is in can tell you whether a person is likely to communicate in an honest, positive and optimistic manner, or more negatively in a secretive or deceptive way. Their sign can also tell you whether they are prone to use their communications to put down others, be extremely critical, sarcastic or argumentative.

So, if youโ€™re going to get along, have harmonious communication and compatible ideas with your partner, itโ€™s important to know your Mercury sign and theirs. Then, you can determine whether or not you are likely to have compatible communication with each other.

VENUS – Love Compatibility

3. Would I still love this person, if they were to lose all their material possessions?

Look to the planet Venus to find out if youโ€™ll feel a love connection with this person. Venus is the planet that rules love, relationships, and pleasure. The way that Venus functions in your life, gives you valuable insight into your love nature, how you have fun, and your enjoyment of beauty. This planetโ€™s influence gives your personality that special charm that draws others to you, and the sex appeal that the right person may find irresistible.

Your Venus sign tells you a great deal about the kind of lovers you attract or that attract you. It describes the ways you seek enjoyment and express your sensuous nature. This planet shows your capacity to express and receive affection. Venusโ€™ influence on you also shows the way you relate to the opposite sex, and how youโ€™re likely to love them and want to be loved.

So, itโ€™s important to know what sign your Venus is inโ€”if you want to understand your intimate relationship needs and to find someone who will really make you feel happy and loved, even if they have nothing materially to offer you

MARS – Sexual Compatibility

4. Do I feel a feel real chemistry and excitement to do things with this person?

Look to the planet Mars to find out if youโ€™re going to be sexually compatible with the other person. This planet rules your physical energy, actions, the way you initiate and your drive. Mars is also the planet that rules your sex drive, desire nature, and how you put your needs and wants into action.

Your Mars sign gives insights about whether your sexual relationship with the other person is likely to be intense, passionate, tempestuous, conventional or lacking in vitality. Whether youโ€™re a man or a woman, it rules your sex drive. In simple terms: Mars is the planet of passion and sexuality.

It also describes the kind of person youโ€™ll feel an immediate physical chemistry. This will be someone whoโ€™s most likely to really turn you on, (as in โ€œhot and excitedโ€). So, itโ€™s important to know what sign your Mars is in (and what sign the other personโ€™s Mars is in) – if you want to feel the amazing chemistry in your relationship and find someone youโ€™re sexually compatible. This valuable knowledge will help you avoid getting stuck with someone who will prove to be a big disappointment sexually.

Mars also rules being assertive and active. It may be important that you have a relationship with someone who is active and enjoys doing the kind of things you like doing. If you are energetic and enjoy doing many activities, you may not be compatible with someone who prefers spending most of their free time sitting on the couch watching television.

SUN – Personality Compatibility

5. Do I feel attracted to this person emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually?

Look to the Sun to find out if youโ€™ll be attracted to a personโ€™s personality. Your Sun sign represents your ego and basic identity. It describes your general character and the traits of your personality. Your Sun sign indicates the way you express your will and individuality as the unique person you are. Your Sun sign determines how others will see you. To feel a strong attraction with the other person, itโ€™s important that your Sun signs are compatible.

Itโ€™s a wonderful experience to meet someone whose personality you immediately like. When your Sun sign is compatible with the other person, you feel an immediate attraction and rapport with them. There is a natural chemistry where you enjoy being in each otherโ€™s presence.

On the other hand, youโ€™ve probably talked with someone who you immediately felt no personal chemistry or attraction. That is often a result of your Sun signs being incompatible. You and the other person are likely to have very different ways of expressing yourselves, approaching life and accomplishing goals. There is a built-in disharmony between you as individuals.

These differences ultimately lead to many relationship challenges you will have to overcome to get along. Youโ€™re likely to spend a great deal of time arguing and disagreeing. Instead of cooperation, you may find yourself competing with each other. There can be a clashing of wills and egos over your differences. Youโ€™re likely to think the other person is bossy and dominating. Or, they may think that about you. It is difficult to have a harmonious relationship together.

But when your Sun sign is compatible with the other person, you feel a basic romantic attraction and connection with them. You share similar values and can creatively work together to achieve common objectives. You enjoy a natural ability to energize and cooperate with each other.

Itโ€™s easy for you to spend lots of time together and become natural friends. You support each otherโ€™s individual self-expression and personal goals, making it possible to have a harmonious relationship together. This makes for the kind of person you can build a happy life within a long-term relationship. This is why Sun sign compatibility between two people is so important.

These are the five (5) important relationship areas to consider, in deciding whether you are โ€œin love or in lustโ€ with the other person. You can learn about each area of love compatibility by comparing your birth chart to the other personโ€™s. In your horoscope, these personal planets will tell you whether or not you are really compatible with a love relationship.

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Is it Love or Lust: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself
Is it Love or Lust: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself
Is it Love or Lust: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself

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