10 Signs of an INTP Personality Type

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INTP is the four-letter code of the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator. The INTP (The Thinker) personality type includes the traits, Introversion (I), iNtuitive (N), Thinking (T), and Perceiving (P).

If you want to know whether you have the personality of a Logician, here are the signs you should look out for. Below are the 10 signs you are an INTP.

Anyone with the INTP personality type tends to be very analytical and on the detached side, who are always lost in their own worlds because they are always thinking deeply about something or the other. Because they are Architect, they are always thinking about the different mysteries of life.

What does INTP mean?

The INTP personality type thoroughly enjoys solitude or alone time (Introverted), emphasizes more on concepts and ideas than details and facts (iNtuitive), bases their decisions on reason and logic (Perceiving), and like to be more flexible and impulsive rather than working in a planned and organized manner (Perceiving).

INTPs are known as The Architect because of their intuitive and deep understanding of complicated systems and concepts.

Here Are 10 Signs of an INTP Personality Type

Signs INTP Personality Type infographics

1. Abstract thinking and analytical.

INTPs perceive the world as a very complex thing and understand that as with any kind of machine, it is made up of many interrelated components. And when they add their abstract ideas to it, they can come up with some amazing ideas.

They are very good at analyzing the different connections, and judging how all these unrelated and different factors can come together and make something interesting, which ends up surprising most people around them.

Related: How Each Myers-Briggsยฎ Type Reacts to Stress (and How to Help!)

2. Uncomplicated and truthful.

The INTP personality type is a very straightforward and honest person, who would rather be brutally honest and tell the truth rather than deceive anyone by lying to them. Their intention is not to hurt anyoneโ€™s sentiments, but telling the truth matters to them a lot, because for them truth is supreme. Uncomplicated and honest to a fault, they are always the ones you can rely on for some good and honest advice.

3. Withdrawn and extremely private.

Because INTPs are such deep thinkers and are always thinking about complicated things, they turn out to be very withdrawn and exceptionally reticent most times. Their minds are always working at high speeds, and they are always looking for answers to unanswered questions, and this makes them lose themselves in their own worlds.

Sometimes, this makes it difficult for others, including their loved ones to reach out to them and understand what goes on their minds and hearts. And this leads to INTPs sometimes pushing them far away from them.

4. Snobbish and insensitive.

INTPs can sometimes get so lost in their worlds and get caught up in reason and logic, that they end up dismissing and ignoring the emotions of the people around them. Emotional things and sentimental ramifications often confuse them, and that is why they prefer to sit on the side of logic instead of dwelling on emotions.

Additionally, they can also get very condescending because deep down inside they are extremely proud of their logic and rationale. They love sharing their unique ideas, but get very arrogant and annoyed sometimes when they have to dumb down their ideas for people who are not on the same wavelength.

5. Genuine and imaginative.

Does this really come across as a surprise? Whenever you come across someone who is equally imaginative, creative, and original, chances are they are an INTP personality type. All the amazing ideas they come up with and the deep connections that they make are all a result of their one of a kind imagination

Those ideas might sound overwhelming and impossible at times, but for the most part, those ideas have turned out to be brilliant innovations.

INTP Personality Type

6. Impartial and broad-minded.

Just like they are truthful, they are amazingly unbiased too. No matter what the situation is, or who they are talking to, they will always give you an objective viewpoint with no mincing of words. INTPs donโ€™t believe in the idea of comforting someone temporarily with a lie.

They are also quite open-minded and are always receptive to opinions that might be more unique and different from theirs; for them, everyoneโ€™s ideas matter, as long as itโ€™s good and interesting.

7. Self-critical and anxious.

INTPs are very self-critical and anxious people because deep down inside they are always questioning themselves and their abilities. Almost all the time, they feel that they can do better, and come up with better ideas; according to them, they are never good enough. Whatever they do, they can always do better.

This kind of self-critical attitude makes them delay their decisions and projects very often, as they are frequently making changes, and sometimes they even quit before even starting something.

8. Scatter-brained and confused.

The INTP personality type can be very confused and scatter-brained at times, due to their high intellect and creative mind. They are always thinking about something or the other, and this sometimes leaves them disorganized and absent-minded.

INTPs can get so involved with the big things happening in their minds, that they forget to think about the minor things, such as paying bills and certain personal commitments.

9. Comfortable being alone and peaceful.

INTPs are some of the most introverted people out there and they love their alone time. They never feel the need to surround themselves with a ton of people, to feel complete and happy. They are mentally strong enough to be by themselves, and never feel that there is anything sad about that. They have a very rich inner world, and more often than not, they go there whenever things get too overwhelming.

Their peaceful demeanor makes them some of the most unproblematic people you will ever meet, and no matter where they go, they always radiate a lot of peace and calm.

Related: The Best Trait of Each MBTI Personality Type

10. Energetic and interesting.

Whenever a new idea pops into their mind, their excitement and energy know no bounds. Even though they are reserved by nature, even if someone else shares a new and interesting idea, they excitedly get on board; they just canโ€™t wait to discuss everything new and mind-blowing.

But donโ€™t think just because they are excited, they are going to jump and dance around. Chances are their enthusiasm will be expressed in the form of deep thinking, silent pacing, and pensively looking out in the distance.

Best Career Paths For INTP Personality Type

INTPs tend to do well in careers where they get to solve complex and interesting problems in an innovative way. They always look to analyze ideas and systems and come up with original, effective, and creative ideas and also create a deep sense of understanding in the process. They never do well with set rules and traditions, and try to stay far away from bureaucracy.

Additionally, they work well in small teams where everyone is logical, smart, competent, and creative, and absolutely despise co-workers who are intrusive, overbearing, and dominating.

Here Are Some Of The Best Career Choices For The INTP Personalities

  • Computer Programmer
  • Architect
  • Aerospace Engineer
  • Microbiologist
  • Psychologist
  • Surgeon
  • Astronomer
  • Lawyer
  • Graphic Designer
  • College Professor
  • Animator

Famous INTP Personalities

Here Are Some Of The Most Famous People Who Have INTP Personality Type

  • Albert Einstein
  • Marie Curie
  • Charles Darwin
  • Eckhart Tolle
  • Immanuel Kant
  • Harper Lee
  • Tina Fey
  • Kate Moss
  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Diane Lane
  • Kristen Stewart
  • Dustin Hoffman
  • Sigourney Weaver
  • John Cusack
  • Larry Page
  • Edward Snowden
  • Cathy Freeman

So, are you an INTP? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

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Signs of an INTP Personality Type

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  1. Rukeya Solomons Avatar
    Rukeya Solomons

    Yes i am one my star sign is also virgo and we tend to be lime that everything u said about intp personality is true i am exactly lime that people and even my family really donโ€™t understand me.

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