I Am Tired Of Always Being The Strong One



Are you tired of always being the strong one, no matter where you go? Everyone leans on you for support, but who can you lean on, when you need it?

โ€œI donโ€™t like being strong and hard. Itโ€™s the things that transpired in my life that made me this way. I just wish that I didnโ€™t have to always be the strong one.โ€ ~~~ Anonymous.

โ€˜Tiredโ€™ isnโ€™t just enough to describe the state I am going through right now. I am tired and yes, this tiredness is beyond physiological tiredness. Itโ€™s psychological, itโ€™s emotional. I am tired of being strong. I am tired of trying to put on that makeup of a strong woman and be the Super Girl for anyone and everyone. I am tired of being the savior.

No, I never wanted to be like this. I never dreamt of becoming someone like this. But incidents…life made me face my worst nightmares, grilling me to become the strong woman. My idealism too burnt down my soft corners. I never wanted to let anyone down. I never wanted to disappoint anyone. And now, itโ€™s me who is lost, itโ€™s me who has become pale and worn out. Will there be someone for me, someone who will be by side in the ways I have been there for others? I really wonder!

I feel itโ€™s something that is not true at all. People see me…strong and independent. They see me as someone who can solve anything, who can deal with any situation and come up with a brighter future. But deep down, I cry. Deep down, they are not even aware of how I have been trembling, how scared and lonely I am.

Related: Why Strong People Face The Most Difficulties In Life

No matter how jaded I am, I try my best to be strong. I wake up every morning and chant the hymn of remaining strong to myself. I tell myself every moment that I am a strong woman and that I should take life in the way it comes. I keep on telling myself that I have faced tough times and I have been able to recover. I will be able to do the same in the future.

Long before even understanding this new species of โ€˜strong, independent womanโ€™, I had already started to become like one. A strong, independent, confident woman…doesnโ€™t it sound so cool? Well yeah. Women like us have been made to believe how great it is to become one. So, we try our best to show these qualities. Unfortunately, the world believes in our existence.

Never ever in my life have I met such a powerful woman who wouldnโ€™t long to fall back in someoneโ€™s arms, who wouldnโ€™t long to follow rather than lead, who wouldnโ€™t seek guidance at the end of the day.

The irony, it is us who keep on reiterating the fact that we are strong women, that we donโ€™t need anyone. It matters nothing to the world apart from the fact that we try in vain to convince ourselves of our existence.

But is it all worth it? Is there any shame in blurting out the fact that yes, I am a strong woman who needs a man? Of course not!

We all do. Yes, I do. I too have my fears, my insecurities, my nightmares. Itโ€™s perfectly legitimate to cherish the desire of being with someone. Thereโ€™s no wrong in craving for someone to hold you, to take care of you. When two souls unite, itโ€™s a blessing, itโ€™s not something to be ashamed of. Itโ€™s not a weakness. Itโ€™s rather a strength, itโ€™s the power of love.

I am exhausted from being this strong woman. I am independent economically but I donโ€™t wish to remain psychologically strong anymore. Yes, I desire to be caressed by someone.

I need someone who would take me in his arms and cuddle me, who, at the end of a bad day will be there for me, take me in his arms and tell me that things will be alright, who will look at my messed up face and tell me how beautiful I look, who will love me without my make- up, who will admire me for just the woman I am, not for the strength I have shown.

Related: Why Strong Women Get Emotionally Attached Too Soon

We have just one life. Whatโ€™s the use of putting on garb and be the person I am actually not in reality?

I canโ€™t hold on to this anymore.

I have grown indifferent to being this strong woman. A kiss and a hug to heal my wounds…yes I need them. Needing someone doesnโ€™t mean that I have broken down. It means I am getting rejuvenated.

Yes, I canโ€™t go on like this. We all do. Very few are willing to accept it. Yes, we all need this strong person. Itโ€™s okay if we are not strong always.

If you want to know more about being the strong one, then check this video out below:

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  1. Samantha B Avatar
    Samantha B

    i feel this. the strong in me is preventing the space for another strong and good one from getting too close atm, i almost needed to read this.

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