How To Combat Psychic Attacks


How To Combat Psychic Attacks

Psychic attacks are bloody awful! They leave you feeling drained, paranoid, and unable to trust your own intuition. A lot of information out there focuses on building your defenses, which is great.

You need that in your skillset. You also need to know how to counter the attack as and when youโ€™re dealing with it too. Solely having a strong defense isnโ€™t sufficient to fully combat the attack.

The following techniques are not designed to be a substitute for seeking professional help for health-related issues but are more of an option for you to explore should you need some support in the short term.

Psychic attacks can be overwhelming and somewhat scary to contend with but theyโ€™re more common than you might think. A psychic attack is a moment when another living force is trying to โ€˜feedโ€™ on either your positive or negative energy, as well as your physical vigor, to give itself strength. I know this sounds terrifying but unfortunately, it happens, and you need to learn how to deal with it more effectively. Iโ€™m assuming thatโ€™s why youโ€™re reading this.

Whatever the source is, it can be categorized as a parasite, and you need to step away from that person if you know who they are.

How a psychic attack works are that the person who is working against you has somehow managed to find a chink in your spiritual armor and therein a way into your energy field. These people are very self-aware and have strong intuition themselves, so they know what theyโ€™re doing and have deliberately set their will against you. They may have found a way past your defenses by finding a point of entry through your chakras, your emotional reactions, physical touch, or even by establishing a connection via your third eye.

Read also, Are You Under A Psychic Attack? Symptoms and Ways To Protect

Now, this doesnโ€™t mean you have to walk around in one of those giant zorb-bubbles all day. Knowing the points of entry within your energy field will help you with combating the problem.

When experiencing a psychic attack, you will have an idea as to where the point of origin is based on your symptoms. For example,

A headache and fatigue indicate a mind connection. Back-ache indicates your root chakra. Feeling uneasy could be your solar plexus as this generates positive emotion and a sense of well-being.

1. The first step in addressing a psychic attack is to acknowledge that it is present.

You cannot combat something you refuse to accept is affecting you and the energy spent on convincing yourself otherwise could be better placed. As aforementioned, this is not in lieu of seeking medical or professional help. Talking about your experiences with either a doctor or spiritual counselor can be of great benefit. Medications can help to alleviate the symptoms and talking with a trusted spiritual counselor could empower you.

Remember, being the target of a psychic attack is usually a sign that you have a strong energetic frequency and so ironically, itโ€™s kind of a compliment.

Letโ€™s explore what a psychic attack feels likeโ€ฆ As you would expect, this varies from person to person and depends on which entry point is being targeted.

It can look/ feel like:

  • Anxiety and/ or Depression
  • Insomnia and Nightmares
  • A pushing or pulling sensation at the base of the spine
  • Feeling trapped
  • Obsession vs Apathy
  • Restlessness and Self-Destructive tendencies
  • Adverse thoughts and feelings about yourself

Not only is the aim of a psychic attack to drain you of your energy but it is also a strategy to slow you down and move you away from achieving your goals. Fight back.

2. The second step and by far the easiest is to re-establish order and eliminate chaos.

You may have heard the expression, โ€˜Tidy House, Tidy Mind,โ€™ which at first glance seems like basic life advice but it is more profound than that.

Negative energies thrive in chaos and seek to weaken your defenses where possible to make you more susceptible to the attack. Therefore, restoring order weakens the negativity against you, and strengthens your ability to respond to its influence.

This means stop procrastinating and get the washing up done, brush your teeth, take a mindful shower, start eating cleaner, drink more water, and wash your hands more.

If you bump your knee or arm in the process, then this is a sign itโ€™s working. A parasite does not like being eliminated and so disrupting its influence on you and your behavior may be met with some energetic resistance.

Bonus points if you bump your head! Kidding.

3. Once you have created a better environment for your energy to thrive in, step 3 would be to incorporate other strategies to help counter the attack.

So, letโ€™s look at some of the tools you can use:

a) Smudge sticks.

Smudge sticks are an age-old Native American practice for clearing away negative energy. Since then, science has been proven that the ingredients in some smudge sticks have antibacterial properties and so they literally cleanse the air too.

b) Crystals.

Many people advocate the use of crystals, but their effects have never been potent enough for me. Crystals are fun because they work like a scented candle. They radiate for a while but then the energy slowly dissipates without regular ignition. You must keep charging them for them to be effective and when youโ€™re struggling with re-charging your own battery, then expending that energy on a low-level tool wouldnโ€™t be my first go-to personally.

c) Salt.

Salt has long been revered for its protection and cleansing properties and so can be used to create a circle around the outside of your home. Alternatively, you can just place it along the threshold of your external doors to block out any bad influence. Black pepper is a good one to use too.

d) Random.

Placing a jar of mixed seeds on your windowsill is a strange one but effective.

Psychic attacks take place in the energetic/ astral realm and so the roles there are slightly different. Itโ€™s hard to list them all here, but;

e) A jar of seeds acts as a distraction tool to prevent undesirable energy from entering the homestead.

f) Bells are great for disrupting energetic frequencies too.

The vibrations reverberate and subsequently, the negative vibration has a harder time focusing or fixating around you. You can place them on door handles or keep one by your bedside.

g) Placing mirrors on your windowsill to face outside of the home deflects the energy back to the sender.

You can buy small stick-on mirrors which can be placed in the corners of the window so as not to affect the style choices within your space.

h) Wearing a piece of red thread around your neck or wrist is a great protection charm.

The color red typically represents strength and you can either wear it by itself or with dried herbs sewn through it. Cloves can prevent gossip and bay leaves help ward off harmful influences.

You wonโ€™t need these tools forever. Dealing with psychic attacks is not a lifestyle choice. It can just be helpful to know that you have these tools available should you need them.

4. Real talk. Negative energies seek to put your moral compass on tilt.

What this means is that a destructive influence will seek to put you out of balance so it can assume more and more control over your energetic frequency.

Step 4 would be to consider the 7 deadly sins as an example. These taglines can help you categorize where your moral character may be lacking and therein unwittingly allowing an undesirable foothold for the parasite to feed on.

For instance,

Lust and Vanity/ Pride are amongst the easiest and subsequently most common ones to target for a parasite. Any misaligned practices or thoughts in this area always seem innocent enough, to begin with, but the way corruption works are that it eases you into negativity and imbalance one step at a time.

You may start taking greater care of yourself and think youโ€™ve earned yourself some bragging rights in response to what youโ€™ve achieved. Feeding that mentality frequently could result in a superiority complex. This can lead to chaos.

You may fantasize about another person in the heat of the moment. Before you know it, youโ€™re seriously considering an affair. This too could lead to chaos.

When your mind, body, and soul are in balance, itโ€™s very hard to be then be thrown off-kilter and so guard your thoughts rigorously but with compassion. Only you can judge yourself.

5. If you know who is leaching from you, then these visualization techniques in step 5 will help to break the attachment and empower you to handle the situation

This can be done using nothing more than your own personal strength.

  • Cut the silver cord of attachment that binds you and that person on an energetic level.
  • Build a brick wall mentally. You can build it around them or around you.
  • Try to avoid engaging in a battle of wills. Dark cannot chase out dark and this will only serve to feed the parasite. Only light can chase away the darkness.
  • Distract yourself with music.
  • Burn incense to act as a mini smudge stick.
  • Watch a film that gives you positive reinforcement or helps you to raise your energy levels to a joyous state. Donโ€™t let your mind fixate on the discomfort of the attack.
  • Turn yourself into a tree. Imagine roots growing from your feet deep into the ground. This will help you to stay grounded. Imagine your arms stretching up to the sky. This will help you to view the psychic attack as an opportunity to grow strong.
  • Invoke feelings of, โ€˜I couldnโ€™t care less,โ€™ and, โ€˜Iโ€™m absurdly happy with who I am and the life Iโ€™m living.โ€™ Negative influences cannot operate on that level.
  • Invoke your spiritual guardians and ancestors for assistance.
  • Invite the most benevolent and supreme of all powers you can think of into your very being. This might be a deity, or it might be pure love. Whatever that looks like for you will work, as long as you believe it in it.
  • Put an actual light on. This is a tried-and-true psychological hack to make you feel safer in the dark.
  • If you live with someone trusted, strike up a conversation.

Distracting your mind and fixating on something else will build up your resilience to the attack and make it extremely difficult for the negative energy/ ill-will of someone to take effect.

6. If you donโ€™t know who is leaching from you, then step 6 would be to ask for a name.

Whether you receive an intuitive answer or not, you will be more informed and therefore better equipped.

Lastly, donโ€™t be afraid. The purpose of fear is to help us identify our weaknesses and guide us towards overcoming them. A psychic attack is no different and the aim of that game is to starve it and conserve your own energy in the process.

Negative energy cannot physically harm you. It can only try to influence your thoughts and behavior and it canโ€™t even do that without your initial consent. What I mean by that is that only you can give others the power over your mind. The more you encounter psychic attacks, the stronger and more effective you will get in using these techniques and the quicker the parasite will lose interest.

If negativity can have such a physical and overwhelming influence over us, then positivity can too. The best part of positivity is that it is self-generating and the fact that psychic attacks are even things just goes to prove that thereโ€™s more to life than meets the eye.

When youโ€™re not scared and can swiftly move past the discomfort, the parasite has no choice but to find a new energy source.

You yourself are an energetic being having a human experience and the beauty in that is that you can re-charge infinitely. Healthy food, restful sleep, positive stress response, and self-care rituals will keep you feeding your own vitality. Your body is self-repairing and so with mindful actions, you can attain a much higher frequency which fundamentally is unattainable to these people.

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