Feng Shui Colors — Use These 4 Colors For A Happy And Abundant Home


Best Feng Shui Colors To Use For Your Home

Everyone has a favorite color and certain shades that brighten our moods. In this article, we’re going to focus on four of the best Feng Shui colors that are said to attract wealth and abundance.

Colors have a big significance in the ancient art of Feng Shui. They can serve as conduits to emotional energies and natural elements. By using the power of feng shui colors, one can create an environment that lets wealth and success grow.

Are you ready to create a more prosperous atmosphere for yourself and your family? Let’s take a look at some of the best and worst feng shui colors to avoid!

Related: 8 Chinese Good Luck Symbols That Might Just Change Your Fortune!

Try These Best Feng Shui Colors For A Happy Home

1. Purple: Symbolizing Material Riches and More

While connected to spirituality, purple also represents material abundance in Feng Shui philosophy.

It’s a regal color that is rooted deep within us and reflects the energy we put out into the world. Using different shades of purple in your home can help you create prosperity.

Use dark purple accents with gold and white colors in your living spaces for good results. Lighter lilac shades work well for bedrooms and bathrooms but be careful not to overuse them or else they could be too gloomy.

2. Gold: A Color Full of Good Fortune

Gold is a lucky color, everyone knows this already! In Feng Shui, touches of gold represent fortune and blessings which attract wealth through abundance.

Add accessories like pillows, curtains, or picture frames with little hints of gold around your house for good fortune vibes! Dining rooms especially benefit from gold accents since they enhance welcoming environments; thus attracting financial bounty.

3. Dark Greens: All-Natural Prosperity

Green is associated with stability, fertility, and nature. In Feng Shui, dark greens are connected to economic wealth.

Infuse the color into your home by adding houseplants or nature-themed art. This deep green is perfect for bedrooms because of its calming effect. In kitchens, it helps balance elemental energies which fosters abundance.

4. Deep Blues: Flowing with Abundance

Dark blue symbolizes water—our planet’s oceans are vast after all! This connects it to abundance in the world of Feng Shui. If you want a money-making aura around areas associated with finances, then add some deep blues there!

You could try painting your front door or an accent wall with dark blue paint if you’re bold enough! For more subtle approaches, use furniture or decorations like fish tanks or fountains

Though these feng shui colors could attract wealth, they need to be balanced out by others so that there’s no disruption in energy flow.

3 Feng Shui Colors To Avoid

  1. Red: While red is considered lucky in many cultures, too much of it can lead to restlessness and financial instability.
  2. Black: The color black is sophisticated but if used excessively can create stagnation and hinder abundance.
  3. Grey: Grey may be neutral, but too much grey can stifle prosperity by dampening energy flow.

Related: 5 Best Ways To Feng Shui Your Home For Positivity

By carefully picking the right colors and avoiding ones that won’t work for you, you’ll have a space that welcomes wealth!

With each brushstroke of color on your canvas through Feng Shui principles, your home will become a sanctuary where wealth and prosperity flourishes.

feng shui colors to avoid

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