21 Habits That Happy People Master: Your Guide To Happiness


Habits Happy People Master Happiness

Ask some random people what they really want out of life, and they will probably reply, โ€œI want to be happyโ€. Happiness is something that we all aim for, but not all are able to call themselves โ€œhappyโ€. And the lucky ones who are truly happy have nurtured the right habits that ensure they become happy people.

Happiness is a habit โ€“ cultivate it.โ€
~ Elbert Hubbard

Being happy doesnโ€™t mean not feeling grief, sorrow and dejection; we all have our rough patches. But the key is to not let those gloomy emotions overtake your life.

Our brains are prone to think negatively, but the good news is you can make an internal shift and train yourself to hold on to happiness by developing the right habits.

Here are 21 habits that happy people have mastered:

1. Be Thankful.

Arenโ€™t you grateful for all the things life has given you? You are alive and surrounded by such beauty- thatโ€™s reason enough to feel thankful. One of the many good habits of happy people is appreciating life’s abundance.

Sometimes, it helps to appreciate the world with the eyes of a child who is easily wondered. Make each day count, value the little joys, donโ€™t fret over small disappointments. Focus on the magnificence of every living creature. 

Read 7 Laws of Gratitude That Will Change Your Life

2. Be wise in choosing friends.

Surround yourself with like-minded people who share similar ethics and goals as you. The best thing you can do to boost your motivation is surround yourself with positive people, who have optimistic views, are supportive, and encourage their friends.

3. Be thoughtful.

Itโ€™s a great quality to learn to accept others for who they are and where they stand in life currently.

We often try to change others and impose our views on them. But every person must be respected for who they naturally are.

Help others whenever you can- good vibes are contagious- whenever you brighten up another person, you are bound to feel more cheerful.

4. Be a lifelong learner.

Growth makes us happy, but to grow you need to keep learning actively. An important habit of happy people is to learn continuously.

Stay updated with current information pertaining to your career and hobbies. Encourage new interests; it can be any kind of activity- dance, a sport, board games, etc.

5. Solve problems with creative thinking.

โ€œA pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.โ€
— Winston Churchill

Donโ€™t be bogged down by obstacles; rather see them as opportunities to learn, grow and make positive changes to your lifestyle.

Everyone faces challenges in life, how you deal with them decides how successful you become.

Donโ€™t engage in self-pity. Listen to your gut when you feel stuck- your instincts are almost always right.

6. Do what you love, love what you do.

Iโ€™m sure if you ask around, more than 80% of the people will say that they hate their jobs. No surprise then that the number of unhappy people around the world is increasing by the day.

We devote a large portion of each day to our work. So have the courage to choose something you enjoy doing.

Ask yourself– Is the extra money worth the perpetual dissatisfaction in life? Devote time to your hobbies and interests; it will not only make you happier but also keep you more focused at work.

7. Enjoy the journey.

I understand that work consumes much of your time. But you can still do those little things that help appreciate the beauty of life. You can make time for a walk in nature with a loved one; behold the beauty of sunrises, the blooming trees, and the infinite sky.

โ€œDonโ€™t wait to be successful at some future point. Have a successful relationship with the present moment and be fully present in whatever you are doing. That is successโ€
— Eckhart Tolle

8. Lighten up and laugh abundantly.

Laughing has immense healing power; it will always be the best form of therapy.

Try not to take everything in life too seriously, rather look for the humor in every situation.

A good laugh recharges your mind instantly, so laugh often.

9. Forgive

Forgive, not for anyone else but for the sake of your own mental peace. By holding grudges, we hurt ourselves the most.

Most importantly, learn to forgive yourself. Donโ€™t be too hard on yourself. Everyone makes mistakes; the best we can do is accept and learn from them. 

10. Attitude of gratitude

โ€œAcknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.โ€
— Eckhart Tolle

Gratitude is one of the healthiest feelings we can harbor. There is so much in life to be grateful for- you have a home, a loving family, friends, and a job. Show appreciation towards your loved ones.

Feel grateful, for that is the surest way to attract more positive things into your life.

11. Strengthen your relationships.

Invest in relationships; they are there for you in your good and bad days. You owe them your time and attention. Prioritize their needs and show them that you value their presence in your life.

12. Be honest.

When it comes to being honest, it should start with yourself. Accept your true self without fear and shame. That is how you can work on yourself to become a better human being.

Be honest in your relationships. Brutal honestly may hurt at times, but when lies are uncovered, it often means the end of ties.

13. Practise meditation

Meditation is very useful in relaxing our overactive minds. When your mind is calm, it can function better at its full potential. There are many forms of meditation; even a few minutes of complete silence is enough to rejuvenate your mind. Chose one thing you like and practice that daily.

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14. Mind your own business.

Focus on yourself and the kind of life you want to build. It doesnโ€™t help to get too involved in other peopleโ€™s matters. Concentrate on your life and that of your loved ones.

Try not getting affected by the opinions of society, and in turn, donโ€™t judge the way others lead their lives- to each his own.

15. Have an optimistic outlook.

Dwelling in negative thoughts wonโ€™t ever fix your problems. You need to develop the mindset of looking at life with the โ€œthe glass is half fullโ€ attitude.

Sometimes, we donโ€™t know why seemingly unwanted things happen to us; all we can do is try to find the positive side of any situation.

Read The Epicurean Philosophy for Happiness: How To Be Happy & Seek Pleasure

16. Love unconditionally.

It takes courage to truly love people. Most of us love superficially, wanting to change people to suit our needs.

If you can, love people for who they are without wishing to alter their nature. I know that you donโ€™t always agree with their beliefs and choices, but thatโ€™s whatโ€™s unconditional love is all about. Your gain?– peace of mind and contentment.

17. Be resilient.

Donโ€™t let setbacks in your path deter you from moving forward. The โ€œnever give upโ€ attitude is hard to develop, but once you learn to overcome your failures and keep moving towards your goals, you get one step closer to true happiness.

Itโ€™s easy to get distracted. some of the winning habits of happy people include focusing on your goals, chalking out a plan, and taking action.

18. Be a go-getter.

There are things you want in life. Donโ€™t wait for fate to fulfill your dreams. Be proactive and do what is necessary to reach your goals.

Accept your mortal limitations, no point wasting energy on what you canโ€™t change. 

19. Practice self-care

Your mind and body perform amazing things for you round the clock. Never neglect the health of your mind and body.

Keep the muscles of your brain sharp by taking up new challenges. 

Cultivate a healthy lifestyle. Eat healthily, drink plenty of water, and exercise regularly. Schedule medical checkups. 

Read 14 Surprising Brain Benefits of Running That You Should Know

20. Have confidence in yourself.

Self-confidence will come when you accept who you are instead of trying to be someone else. Spend time finding out what you like and dislike, and donโ€™t be scared to accept yourself because you are different from the crowd.

In any situation, give your best, and donโ€™t be critical of yourself in hindsight.

21. Shoulder responsibilities.

One of the key habits of happy people is owning up everything in their lives. They feel responsible for their thoughts, actions and feelings. Naturally, when they make a mistake, they own up.

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21 Habits That Happy People Master: Your Guide To Happiness

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