The ONE Thing Guys Like More Than Sex (But Won’t Tell You)


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ONE Thing Guys Like More Than Sex

There has always been a common misconception since time immemorial that men only care about sex the most, and as long as they get that, they don’t need anything else. But there is one thing, that guys like more than sex, and expect from women, but the catch is that they might never tell what it is, to you.

So simple you can do it for him EVERY DAY.

Womenโ€™s jaws would drop if they could listen in on my conversations with married men. Our discussions contradict just about every misconception wives utter about their husbands.

Husbands donโ€™t want to hurt. They donโ€™t want to argue. They donโ€™t want to control. And they definitely donโ€™t โ€œjust want to make outโ€. These guys are desperate for her to know the truth. And they shed tears at the thought that their wife may never WANT to know the truth.

The Power in Her Pinky

The truth for these men lies at the end of her pinky finger.

In that finger is packed an unspeakable power many wives choose to ignore or have yet to discover. Itโ€™s so simple and so tender that men are afraid to even ask for it. We barely talk about it with each other! We donโ€™t want to appear soft. We donโ€™t want to risk a womanโ€™s reaction to our weakness.

What is it?

It is the power of a delicate, skin-to-skin touch of feminine acceptance and approval.

When a woman calmly grazes the end of her pinky finger across any part of a manโ€™s body and offers a verbal or non-verbal vote of confidence or support, his world changes at that instant.

It is so powerful we are often left speechless. Our throats and tear ducts begin to swell and we quietly indulge in the comforting reassurance of the moment. If we could package the word โ€œloveโ€, it would feel like this when the bottle was opened. Our โ€œwell-being meterโ€ pegs out and our heart rate and breathing slow.

Every husband I know is dying to feel this. Simple, easy-peasy feminine acceptance and approval. Nothing else.  Justโ€ฆthis.

Related: 8 Stupid Ways A Guy Acts When He Likes You And What It Might Mean For You

A World of Men Speak About Pinky Power

These are real examples of how men across the globe describe it. In every case, I can hear their clenched voice of vulnerability trying to sound โ€œstrongโ€ as they speak. Just for fun, try to imagine their accents as you read these.

  • Oklahoma: โ€œShe reached over during the movie and put her hand on my knee and looked at me and smiled and said โ€˜Iโ€™m happy you brought us here, thank you.โ€™ โ€
  • Alberta: โ€œShe slapped me on the back and giggled and called me ‘studโ€™.
  • UK: โ€œShe scratched the top of my head for about two minutes and didnโ€™t say anything. It was awesome.โ€
  • Turkey: โ€œShe touched my elbow and whispered, โ€˜Youโ€™re such a good father and a sweet man, I love that about you.โ€™ โ€œ
  • Jordan: โ€œWhen I told her about my idea for a better vacation spot she grabbed my arm and said, โ€˜I love you!โ€™โ€œ
  • New Zealand: โ€œShe just reached across the car seat and scratched the back of my head softly as I drove. Itโ€™s intoxicating.โ€

Want to know more about what guys like more than sex? Check out this video below:

What guys like more than sex

Why Men Canโ€™t Tell Women about Pinky Power

Itโ€™s simple. We think women will think itโ€™s silly. Itโ€™s not โ€œmanlyโ€. Too vulnerable.

Women might laugh at the notion that their words and touch could cause a lump in our throats. Even if we try to explain it, they might just roll their eyes along with a big โ€œpuh-lease!โ€

The most common reason husbands feel like they canโ€™t talk about it is because their wives have already proven they arenโ€™t interested or canโ€™t handle it.

In her brilliant article, โ€œI Am the Patriarchyโ€, Jonalyn Grace Fincher listed 17 shining examples of how women refuse to let men be vulnerable. The article continued the discussion Brene Brown started in her book, Daring Greatly, where she addresses the male vulnerability.

โ€œWe ask men to be vulnerable, we beg them to let us in, and we plead with them to tell us when theyโ€™re afraid, but the truth is that most women canโ€™t stomach it. In these moments when real vulnerability happens in men, most of us recoil with fear and that fear manifests as everything from disappointment to disgust. And men are very smartโ€ (Brene Brown, Daring Greatly).

What most women donโ€™t know is that just reading this list can make a grown man cry. These things happen on a daily basis for many husbands who donโ€™t dare discuss them.

Here is Jonalynโ€™s starter-kit list for women.

  • Believing my husband is substandard when I have to do manual labor due to his absence/illness/unavailability. e.g. snow shoveling.
  • Avoiding eye contact when he admits feeling overwhelmed.
  • Taking over when he seems to fumble.
  • Assuming his emotional absence (shut down) is normal and natural for men and refusing to pursue his feelings.
  • Showing embarrassment when heโ€™s afraid.
  • Expecting him to shoulder the hardest work (emotionally, physically, intellectually, spiritually) without complaint.
  • Never ask him what heโ€™s afraid of. Refusing to offer him the understanding and sympathy I offer my girlfriends when heโ€™s overwhelmed.
  • Expecting him to tolerate more criticism than a woman.
  • Growing quickly impatient when he doesnโ€™t demonstrate mastery over a project: from booking social events to filing our taxes to fixing the kitchen sink.
  • Becoming business-like and cold when he asks for help.
  • Knowing our girlfriendโ€™s needs and wants more than we know our own husbandโ€™s.
  • Hiding his mistakes from our kids, as if they (like me) cannot handle him being vulnerable.
  • Expecting him to have more strength than I do.
  • Expecting him to shoulder more grunt-work.
  • Expecting him to โ€œman-upโ€ (whatever that means) when I want him to do something unpleasant.
  • Expecting him (when youโ€™re both equally fire-arm trained) to inspect every scary sound in the house and calling him names (even in your head) when he shows hesitation.

Related: 10 Things Men Are Dying To Hear From A Woman

What To Do With This Information

For the Women: You have more personal influence and power in your relationship than you know. Your ability to inspire feelings of confidence and well-being in your man is available to you at all times โ€“ every minute of every day. What might you stop doing today and start doing tomorrow that could change his world in an instant? You have this secret power โ€“ why wouldnโ€™t you use it?

For the Men: Admit it. You want pinky power. You love pinky power. Her touch of approval and acceptance is a gift you want more. If weโ€™re honest, those are the feelings we seek through being physical, arenโ€™t they? Donโ€™t be ashamed of your needs and vulnerability. Stand proud in your manly desire for her pinky power. Explain it without apology or fear. Find out what HER version of pinky power is from you. Then apply generously.

Written by Steve Horsmon
Originally appeared on

The perception that guys only want sex is so wrong. Yes, sex is very important to them, but that does not mean they want only that. There are so many other things, that guys like more than sex. Women need to sometimes take a step back and realize that men are emotional beings too, and they also want emotional acceptance from their partners.

The ONE Thing Guys Like More Than Making Out (But Won't Tell You)
The ONE Thing Guys Like More Than Making Out (But Won't Tell You)
The One Thing Guys Like More Than Sex (But Won’T Tell You)
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The One Thing Guys Like More Than Sex (But Won’t Tell You)

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  1. Matthew Cook Avatar
    Matthew Cook

    I would not think of this, being single all my life so far I never would think of it.

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