8 Best Flirting Tips To Bring A Shy Guy Out Of His Shell


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best flirting tips to bring a shy guy out of his shel

Flirting with a shy guy can seem like a challenge sometimes, doesn’t it? However, don’t lose heart, as a few flirting tips can help you bring a shy guy out of his shell and win his heart.

I get tons of emails asking me about flirting tips for women and especially how to get a shy guy to come out of his shell. Well, with a shy guy you have to be more available, take the lead more often, and maybe even give him the first kiss. Keep in mind, however, that he needs to be responding very positively to each of your moves.

If he doesnโ€™t respond to you, end the relationship because you donโ€™t want to be stuck in a fantasy where you are crazy about someone who is truly not into you.

8 Flirting Tips That Can Bring A Shy Guy Out Of His Shell

#1 See Him When He Is In His Element.

If he plays sports, go watch. Be there as he finishes a marathon. If he is giving a talk, try to arrange to be in the audience. 

When a shy guy is in his element he will be at the height of his charisma and at a high point of self-confidence. Bottom line: he will be feeling very good about himself.  And this means he will feel empowered to make a move on you if he is really interested.

Related: Things To Know Before Dating an Introverted Man

#2 Compliment Him.

Notice something about him or what he is doing that you really like and praise it with a specific and sincere compliment. For example, Your blog about going to Sicily was hysterically funny and made me want to go! 

This builds his self-esteem and will tend to get him to talk more about the topic. And it may even get him to show off a bit for you.

#3 Say His Name A Lot; Give Him A Complimentary Nickname.

This indicates that you are noticing him and that he is important to you. He will bond more quickly with you when you use his name. Also, choose a complimentary nickname based on one of his qualities that you admire. 

For example, if he is into playing baseball, call him โ€œJeter.โ€  This will get him to laugh and open up with you about his baseball experiences.

#4 Ask Open-Ended Questions.

Good examples are, โ€œHow did you end up in the city?โ€  โ€œHow do you manage to train for a triathlon when you work full-time?โ€ These kinds of questions will help a shy guy open up and talk about himself. And this will lead to him feeling known and being comfortable with you.

flirting with a shy guy
8 Best Flirting Tips To Bring A Shy Guy Out Of His Shell

#5 Ask For Help With Something.

Men love to help women. They are biologically wired that way! Ask him to fix your computer, your car, your bike, your doorโ€”you name it. 

He will enjoy coming through for you and feel much more connected to you. Ask him questions about what he is doingโ€”this will get him talking more. When he is in the โ€œhelperโ€ role he is much more likely to share with you.

Related: 5 Keys To Understanding And Loving An Introverted Man

#6 Ask What He Likes To Eat Or What Sports, Hobbies, Or Movies He Likes.  

Shy guys are often petrified to make the first move. It is very easy to open the door to a common interest by asking about food, hobbies, or other fun activities. When you hit on something you both love, you will instantly become more bonded. It is easy, then to make the first move and ask about doing the activity together. 

This is a good litmus test. When you are opening the door that much if he does not respond and make the date, chances are he is not into you.

#7 When Leaving, Say Youโ€™d Like To See Him Again.

Tell him youโ€™d like to get together again. If he responds positively, by smiling, nodding, or saying โ€œyesโ€ he may be feeling some attraction to you. At that point, make sure he has your contact information!

#8 Make Physical Contact With Him.

If youโ€™ve spent some time together, make physical contact with him. Being physical releases oxytocin, the bonding hormone so he may feel closer and start responding to you immediately.

In addition, touching him gives him permission to make an affectionate gesture towards you later onโ€”where he holds your hand, puts his arm around you, or kisses you.

So practice some or all of these flirting tips and youโ€™ll bring out the best in guys. And if you need more help in overcoming shyness and learning how to flirt, you can get in touch with me today to get a personal gift from me to you.

Related: 11 Personality Traits Of A Sigma Male That Sets Them Apart

As a PBS love expert, Iโ€™ve helped tens of thousands of women overcome their own and their boyfriendโ€™s shyness. I will personally match you with a gifted dating coach who will give you a free session by phone or Skype. This is time-limited, so Click Here to change your life.

And now check out this video with flirting tips to bring a shy guy out of his shell:

Amazon Prime Love Expert Dr. Diana Kirschner will personally match you with a handpicked coach for a gift BREAKTHROUGH-To-LOVE coaching session by phone/Skype/Zoom. Simply fill out the form at https://lovein90days.com/dating-coach/. โ€œMinds Journal sent meโ€ for VIP treatment!

Written By Diana Kirschner 
Originally Appeared On Love In 90 Days 
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8 Best Flirting Tips To Bring A Shy Guy Out Of His Shell

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