Everything Is Energy And We Control It With The Power Of Thoughts


Everything Is Energy And We Control It

Everything Is Energy! Everything begins with your thoughts and your emotions amplify it. And your actions give energy-momentum. We control energy with the power of our thoughts.

The Nobel Prize awardees in physics, beyond doubt, proved that the physical world is one big ocean of energy that materializes and dematerializes in a split second, over and over again. Nothing is solid. This is the world of quantum physics.

They proved that thoughts are responsible for holding this ever-changing energy field together in the form and shape of the objects we know.

Everything Is Energy
Everything Is Energy

So why do we see a person, instead of flashing clusters of energy?

Think of a film roll. A film is a collection of about 24 frames per second. Each frame is separated from the other by a small space. Compared to the speed these frames change, our eyes are tricked, and see them as a continuous film.

Related: People Can Draw Energy From Other People The Same Way Plants Do

Think about television. The cathode tube is a simple tube with a bunch of electrons hitting the screen in a certain way, making an illusion of shape and movement.

Anyway, this is how all objects are made.

We have five physical senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste). Each of these senses has a specific range (for example, a dog hears a different range of sound than people do; snakes see a different spectrum of light than us, and so on). In other words, our senses perceive energy from a certain fixed point of view and thatโ€™s how they create images and form our perception.

But thatโ€™s neither exact nor complete. Thatโ€™s just an INTERPRETATION.

Thought Power

How can we say that everything is energy and we control it with the power of thoughts?

All our interpretations are based exclusively on our โ€œinner mapโ€ of reality, but not the real truth. Our โ€œmapโ€ is the result of the collective experience of our personal lives.

Our thoughts are associated with this invisible energy and they determine what form it will take. They can literally change the universe โ€œparticle after particleโ€, creating our 3D life.

Related: The Law Of Attraction: How To Transform Negative Thoughts (FAST!)

Look around you.

Everything you see in our physical world began as an idea that kept growing until it materialized into a physical object through a series of steps.

You literally turn into your most frequent thoughts. Your life has become what you imagined and believed in.

 Everything we do is infused with the energy
Everything Is Energy

The world is literally your mirror, it allows you to experience everything you believe to be the truth in this 3D plane โ€ฆ until you change it.

Quantum physics tells us that the world is not a constant as it may appear to be. Instead, it is a place of constant motion in which our individual and collective thoughts keep building, tearing down, and rebuilding. Itโ€™s a perpetual mobile.

What we believe to be true is actually an illusion, almost magic. Fortunately, we started to expose the illusion, and, most importantly, we are learning how to change it.

Watch this video to know how to use quantum physics to make your dreams your reality:

Hereโ€™s a simple explanation.

What are the components of our body?

The human body is comprised of nine systems, including the circulatory, digestive, endocrine, muscular, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, skeletal, and urinary systems.

  • What makes these systems?
  • -Tissues and organs.
  • What are tissues and organs made of?
  • -Cells.
  • What makes the cells?
  • โ€“ Molecules.
  • What makes a molecule?
  • โ€“ Atoms.
  • What makes an atom?
  • โ€“ Sub-atomic particles.
  • What makes a subatomic particle?
  • โ€“ Energy!

We are just an energy light in its most beautiful and intelligent configuration. An energy that is constantly changing under the surface and all of that itโ€™s controlled by our powerful mind. Everything is energy.

Related: Signs the Law of Attraction Is Working For You

You are one big and powerful human being.

If you could see under a strong electronic microscope and do other experiments on it, you would see that you are made up of clusters of forever-changing energy in the shape of electrons, neutrons, protons, and other sub-atomic particles.

So is everything else around you. Quantum physics tells us that the act of observing the object is the one that causes the object to be there.

The object does not exist independently of its observer! So, as you can see, during observation, your attention is focused on something and your intention literally creates that thing.

That is scientifically proven. Your world has consisted of soul, mind, and body.

Each of these three has a function that is unique. What you can see with your own eyes and experience with your own body is the physical world, which we call the BODY. The body is an effect created by a cause.

That cause is called THOUGHT.

The body cannot produce. It can only experience and be experienced โ€ฆ itโ€™s a unique ability. On the other hand, the thought cannot experience โ€ฆ it can make, create and interpret. It needs a world of relativity (the physical world, the Body) to be experienced.

The soul is everything, the one that gives life thought, and body.

Related: What kind of Energy do you have? โ€“ Mind Game

The body has no power to create, although it gives the illusion that it does. This illusion is the reason behind so many frustrations. The body is a pure effect and has no power to cause or create.

The key is to use this information to see the Universe in a different way than we see it now so that we can manifest what we really want.

Energy and thoughts
Everything Is Energy And We Control It With The Power Of Thoughts
We Control It With The Power Of Thoughts 1
Everything Is Energy And We Control It With The Power Of Thoughts
Everything Is Energy We Control It With The Power Thoughts pin
Control Energy With Power Of Thoughts
Energy pin
Energy And Power Of Thoughts
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Everything Is Energy And We Control It With The Power Of Thoughts
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Everything Is Energy And We Control It With The Power Of Thoughts

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  1. Manoshakthi Masilamani Avatar
    Manoshakthi Masilamani

    I agree with you and understand what you have told. I am a mind power trainer and promote the power of subconscious mind. Yet I have to further learn the manifestation technique and I want to teach this to our fellow people. I am doing all this kind of work freely spending our own money. I strongly believe in Newton’s third law.

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