15 Everyday Habits That Gives Away Parts of Your Personality


Habits of Your Personality

Scientists who work on human behaviour claim that a lot can be understood of a person’s character from his/her every day habitual actions. Following are such habits that gives away parts of your personality.

1. Eating habits:

1. If you are used to eating quickly, you might be ambitious, purposeful and impatient.

2. Area slow eater, you like to derive enjoyment from life and keep things under control.

3. Mix things while eating you are accustomed to multitasking and might often mess things up.

4. Divide food on your plate and eat each part separately then you are a systematic person who likes keeping things well-sorted. But you might find it hard to get used to new circumstances.

5. Like trying new dishes then you are probably an ambitious person who loves taking risks.

6. Are very particular about what you eat then you might be prone to anxiety and nervousness.

7. Like drinking pure black coffee, then you are more likely to have some psychological disorders — like the ones that serial killers have.

8. Enjoy bitter food bitter foods, then maybe a sign you are a psychopath according to a study.

9. If you like beer, tonics, and other unsweetened drinks, you are more likely to exhibit traits of sadism or narcissism. At times you can be hypocritical, vain, and selfish.

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2. Bathing:

bathing habits gives away personality
15 Everyday Habits That Gives Away Parts Of Your Personality

Whether you choose to take a bath or a shower and what you do while taking it can say a lot about your personality. If you:

1. Take a lengthy bath then you are a person who likes to do things with time. You take things easy and like to stay relaxed.

2. Daydream while showering then you are a creative person. You love to imagine.

3. Sing while showering then you are a sociable person who likes to make friends.

4. Shower while brushing your teeth then you are good at multitasking.

5. Take a shower quickly then you care more for others than for yourself.

6. Always use a sponge then you are a thoroughly responsible person and you do even the smallest of tasks with utmost devotion.

7. If you take a warm shower then you are lonely.

8. If you prefer a cold shower, then you are stubborn, egocentric, and they don’t like the opinions of others.

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3. Leisure:

How You Spend Your Leisure Time
15 Everyday Habits That Gives Away Parts Of Your Personality

How you communicate with others can be understood from what you like to do at your leisure. If you:

1. Read, you are a kind-hearted person who is empathetic by nature.

2. Play video games or watch TV then you are perhaps impatient and have difficulty in accepting opinions that oppose yours.

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4. Holding a cup:

your style of holding cup
15 Everyday Habits That Gives Away Parts Of Your Personality

The way you hold a cup can tell whether you are an introvert or an extrovert. If you:

1. Look into a cup, you are contemplative and inward-looking.

2. Look over the edge of a cup, you are talkative, expressive and carefree.

5. Toilet paper:

Toilet paper Habits Gives Away Personality
15 Everyday Habits That Gives Away Parts Of Your Personality

Whether you are a dominating person or you let others dominate you can be known from the way you hang your toilet paper. If you:

1. Rollover then you have fine leadership abilities and hold the upper hand in a relationship.

2. Roll under then you prefer to follow.

6. Tanning booths 

Do you visit tanning booth despite knowing the negative effects of tanning? 

1. Scientists claim that the desire to tan under the artificial sunlight shows that people have other addictions.

2. Such people are vulnerable to seasonal affective disorders and are six times highly likely to become alcoholics.  

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7. E-mails

A person’s mailbox habits gives away personality details:

  • If you never ignore new letters and try to sort them, delete, or respond as soon as you get them, then you love keeping things under control.
  • If you rarely delete messages after reading, it is a sign of perfectionism. You want to have a sense of security so you keep everything just in case.
  • If you leave e-mails unread and don’t delete them, then you are more intelligent because you understand that these letters are not fruitful for you and choose to not waste your time on it.

8. Shopping

Your shopping habits reveal your preferences:

1. Visit a drugstore and scrutinize the ingredients on each tube of toothpaste until you find one that suits your needs? If yes, then you are what scientists call an “explanation fiend”

2.  If choose your desired product quickly and assume you know how it works, then you are  “explanation foe.”

According to a study, explanation fiends are people who have an eye for details, love to analyze information, and detail about products. Explanation foes, on the other hand, refers to people who aren’t into a detailed analysis of products and prefer more general information.

9. Punctuality 

Whether you always love to be on time or not reveals you are Type A or B 

1. If you are chronically late, then it’s a sign of a laid-back attitude – Type B person.

2. If you won’t leave the house until everything is in order then you are a perfectionist.

3. If you get high from reaching office to meeting deadline, then you are a crisis maker. 

4. If you are overly optimistic about how much you can accomplish in a certain amount of time, then you are a dreamer. 

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10. Selfie style 

The way you pose when taking selfies to reveal your openness about new experiences:

1. Positive emotion indicates extraversion and openness.

2. Click selfies from below, then you are a friendly person.

3. If you hate to reveal a private space in the background, then you are a conscientious person.

4. If you make duck face when taking a selfie then you may be neurotic.

11. Walking style 

The way you walk every day reveal a lot about your personality:

1. If weight is forward and your stride is quick – you are a productive and logical person.

2. Walking with your chest forward and shoulders back with head held high, then you are fun, charismatic and socially adept.

3. If your weight is over your legs, not forward or back, you’re more interested in people than in tasks and more focused on your personal life than your career. 

4. If you’re light on your toes when you walk and your eyes are glued to the floor, you’re most likely introverted and polite. 

12. Your Handshake

1. If you like firmer handshakes than you are an extrovert, positive and emotionally expressive person. 

2. If you prefer looser grips during a handshake then you are more shy and neurotic.

Related: What Does Your Birth Date Say About Your Personality? – MIND GAME

13. Your handwriting 

Your writing style
15 Everyday Habits That Gives Away Parts Of Your Personality

1. People with large handwriting are people-oriented and attention-seeking.

2. Small-handwriting means you are introverted and have good concentration. 

3. The slanted text reveals you are friendly and impulsive, while left slant indicates you are reserved and individualistic.

4. No slant means you are logical and pragmatic.

5. Handwriting with heavy pressure implies you hold strong emotions and quick to react but light pressure suggests you are easy-going and can move from place to place. 

14. The way you carry a bag

Habits Gives Away Parts of Personality info
15 Everyday Habits That Gives Away Parts Of Your Personality

According to the body language expert Patti Wood:

1. Wearing a purse in the crook of your arm shows you are high-maintenance and place a lot of emphasis on social status.

2. Wearing a strap across your body with the bag in front means you prioritize protection and accessibility

3. Toting your bag behind you implies a cool, calm, and collected personality.

4. If you mostly prefer a backpack you are more independent and want to take care of yourself and the people around you,

5. Carrying a bag in hand indicates you are an assertive, well-organized, and efficient person.

15. Your shoe style

Your Shoe style
15 Everyday Habits That Gives Away Parts Of Your Personality

1.If you prefer high-heeled boots that implies you are the one to take control of the situation.

2. Flat-wearer are always focused, modest, and generous.

3. Those who prefer wearing comfortable shoes are relatively agreeable.

These are 15 everyday habits that gives away alot of personality details.

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Habits Gives Away Personality
15 Everyday Habits That Gives Away Parts Of Your Personality
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15 Everyday Habits That Gives Away Parts Of Your Personality

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  1. John Slover Avatar
    John Slover

    Source: author’s rectum.

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