10 Signs You Are An ENFP Personality Type


Signs ENFP Personality Type

ENFP is the four-letter code of the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator. ENFP (The Champion) personality type generally consists of the traits Extraverted (E), iNtuitive (N), Feeling (F), and Perceiving (P).

People who have the ENFP personality type are always brimming with new ideas, have infectious energy, and are extremely people-centered. They are passionate, caring, and enthusiastic, who never hesitate to help others understand their true potential.

What does ENFP mean?

ENFPs like it best when they get to spend time with other people (Extraverted), highlight concepts and ideas rather than details and facts (iNtuitive), prioritizing values and feelings when it comes to making decisions (Feeling), and being flexible and spontaneous rather than organized and planned (Perceiving).

The ENFP personality type is known as The Champion because of their eagerness and zest to help others realize their true potential, and pushing them towards fulfilling their dreams.

10 Signs You Are An ENFP Personality Type

Signs ENFP Personality Type infographics
10 Signs You Are An Enfp Personality Type

1. Inquisitive and observant.

ENFPs never brood, or obsess about ideas, they simply go out and do it. They never stay stuck in their comfort zones and are always looking to do new things, and go on new adventures. Extremely open-minded, creative, and imaginative, this makes them see life as one big, mysterious puzzle with multiple possibilities.

They are also extremely observant people, who miss nothing and don’t underplay even the minute of things. This is because they believe that everything has a reason, and every little thing plays a part in the bigger picture. Due to their curious nature, they look at all these things and try to make sense of all of it.

Related: The Best Trait of Each MBTI Personality Type

2. Amiable and well-liked.

Because of their spontaneous and adaptable nature, ENFPs turn out to be people who are enthusiastic, approachable, intelligent with an empathetic soul, and an altruistic personality. They are very easy to get along with, who never try to intimidate others by showing off their knowledge.

Their friendly disposition makes them popular wherever they go, and such is their appeal, that people actually look forward to meeting them and making them a part of their plans.

3. Easily stressed and over-emotional.

ENFPs are sensitive and emotional people who think a lot about other people’s feelings and sentiments, which leads to them overthinking a lot. They think about every little thing they might have said to someone and even the other way around, and this ends up making them feel overwhelmed. Moreover, they also never say no to anyone’s requests, which just adds to their stress.

When you get easily stressed and then you add being over-emotional on top of that, it’s too much, right? Well, that’s exactly what happens to an ENFP. When they feel extremely stressed out, they tend to have emotional outbursts, which let’s just say, are not very pretty.

4. Overthinking and obsessive.

Things are not always very simple and straightforward with the ENFP personality type. They don’t just believe what you are telling them; they will look for clues and signs that will prove to them that there is more to the story than what meets the eye. ENFPs always think that there are ulterior motives, and they don’t rest until they find that.

This overthinking and obsessive nature of theirs don’t always serve them well and ends up making them feel emotionally and mentally exhausted for the most part. They lose a lot of sleep thinking about why someone did what they did, and how could they even do so, in the first place.

5. Lively and dynamic.

ENFPs love meeting new people, and they love it, even more, when they get to forge connections with them. They are naturally expressive and outgoing people and add to that their energetic personality and you have a winning recipe. They are social animals, who never miss a chance to mingle with people and astound them with their dynamic nature.

Always brimming with new and interesting ideas, they are always eager to share them with people. Because they are not close-minded, they are never stuck in their ways and are always open to thinking about and accepting new ideas, even if it’s not their own.

6. Social and exceptional communicators.

The ENFP personality type has amazing social skills and people skills, that help them get along with just anyone and everyone. Their social personality and exceptional communication skills also help them express their ideas to people very easily.

One of the best things about ENFPs is that they are equally good at deep conversations as well as small talk. So now you can see why it’s never really that challenging for them to have amazing conversations, no matter where they go?

7. Lack of discipline and unfocused.

ENFPs are very creative and imaginative beings with a thousand ideas swirling around in their heads. But the problem is that they never act on those ideas, and hardly ever follow through with them. Most of the time, other people are brought in to make their ideas a reality, but that doesn’t seem to hold the same magic.

They are so stuck up in their initial energy and enthusiasm, that by the time they are actually supposed to work on their ideas and make them a reality, they lose interest. Another thing that you will notice about an ENFP is that they will start new projects before even finishing the previous ones. Due to all this, most of their innovative and good ideas fail to come to fruition and end up being shelved.

8. Approval seeking and low self-confidence.

Even though they are very talented, intelligent, and creative, ENFPs still suffer from an inherent inferiority complex, due to which they believe they are not good enough. This leads to them always looking for approval from others, even if they don’t need it at all. They might be the brightest bulb in the room, but most of the time, they don’t realize it.

Naturally, this approval seeking behavior leads to low self-confidence, low self-esteem and low self-worth. They always want to be loved by everyone, and when that doesn’t happen, they feel like they have done something wrong, or that they are simply not good enough.

Related: How Each Myers-Briggsยฎ Type Reacts to Stress (and How to Help!)

9. Disorganized and messy.

There is one thing that you will never see and that is an ENFP being organized and tidy. ENFPs thrive in chaotic and messy environments, and they don’t see any problem with that. They feel the most comfortable in surroundings like this, but the other people in their life get frustrated and annoyed with them.

No matter how much someone might try to guide them and push them towards having a more planned and tidy approach, they will just not do it. This unorganized attitude of theirs sometimes makes them forget important things, such as important appointments, dates, phone calls, reminders, and what not.

10. Open-minded and kind.

ENFPs are open-minded and warm people, who never fail to make someone feel loved and cared for. They are genuinely nice human beings who try to do good for others and help them be the very best version of themselves. ENFPs have this unique talent of making everyone feel welcome and accepted.

Their warm and cozy behavior makes people come to them again and again for advice, support, and guidance. Charming and understanding to a fault, it’s no wonder that they are always the most popular ones in the room.

Best Career Paths For ENFP Personality Type

As long as they are able to use their creativity and imagination to help others and express themselves, they are happy. They flourish when they are given the opportunity to solve people-oriented and creative problems by coming up with unique and original solutions. They hate monotony and routine, and always look for challenging tasks and assignments.

The perfect work environment for the ENFP personality type is one that is relaxing and friendly, with few to no restrictions when it comes to creativity. As long as they are able to fulfill their curiosity, and follow their imagination, they don’t need anything else.

Here Are Some Of The Best Career Choices For The ENFP Personalities

  • Actor
  • Music Director
  • Dancer
  • Author
  • Journalist
  • College Professor
  • Interior Designer
  • Nutritionist
  • Chiropractor
  • Massage Therapist
  • Fitness Trainer

Related: Stay Single Until You Meet Someone Like This Based On Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type

Famous ENFP Personalities

Here Are Some Of The Most Famous People Who Have ENFP Personality Type

  • Charles Dickens
  • Anne Frank
  • Anais Nin
  • Ricky Gervais
  • Amy Schumer
  • Robin Wiliams
  • Jennifer Aniston
  • Sandra Bullock
  • Keanu Reeves
  • Kat Dennings
  • Drew Barrymore
  • Walt Disney
  • Cher
  • Bob Dylan
  • John Lennon
  • Tom Brady
  • Salvador Dali

So, are you an ENFP? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

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10 Signs You Are An Enfp Personality Type

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