6 Types Of Energy Vampires At Work And How To Protect Yourself From Each


Protect Yourself from Energy Vampires at Work

Having energy vampires at work can be a trying and very, very annoying experience. But, are you going to leave your job because of them? Of course not! So, you need to learn how to deal with energy vampires at work and how to protect yourself from energy vampires at work.

The quality of our relationships affects our health. Our relationships are governed by a give and take of energy. Some coworkers and colleagues make us more electric or at ease. Yet others suck the life right out of us. The super toxic ones can make you believe youโ€™re flawed and unlovable.

You may tiptoe around them for fear of an explosion. Some attack with put-downs, blame, or shame. They might say, โ€œDear, youโ€™re looking really tired and old today,โ€ or โ€œYouโ€™re too sensitive.โ€ Suddenly they make you feel as if something is wrong with you.

As a physician and energy specialist, I want to verify that energy vampires roam the world sapping our exuberance. With patients and in my workshops Iโ€™ve seen their fang marks and the carnage theyโ€™ve strewn. But most of us donโ€™t know how to identify and cope with draining people, so we mope around as unwitting casualties, enduring preventable fatigue.

In The Empathโ€™s Survival Guide and Positive Energy, I discuss some types of draining people to watch for at work and ways to deal with them.

Related: 5 Types Of Emotional Vampires: How To Protect Yourself From Energy Vampires

6 Types Of Energy Vampires At Work And How To Protect Yourself From Them

Vampire #1: The Sob Sister

energy vampires at work sob sister

Every time you talk to her sheโ€™s whining. She adores a captive audience. Sheโ€™s the coworker with the โ€œpoor meโ€ attitude whoโ€™s more interested in complaining than solutions.

How to Protect Yourself:

Set clear boundaries. Limit the time you spend talking about her complaints. Say โ€œnoโ€ with a smile. For instance, with a co-worker, smile and say, โ€œIโ€™ll hold positive thoughts for the best possible outcome. Thank you for understanding that Iโ€™m on deadline and must get back to my project.โ€

With friends and family, briefly empathize with their problem, and say โ€œnoโ€ with a smile by changing the subject and not encouraging their complaints. With a firm but kind attitude say, โ€œIโ€™m sorry I can only talk for a few minutes today.โ€

Energy Vampires At Work
How to deal with energy vampires at work

Vampire #2: The Drama Queen

energy vampires at work drama queen

This vampire has a flair for exaggerating small incidents into off-the-chart dramas. My patient Sarah was exhausted when she hired a new employee who was always late for work. One week he had the flu and โ€œalmost died.โ€ Next, his car was towed, again!. After this employee left her office Sarah felt tired and used.

How to Protect Yourself:

A drama queen doesnโ€™t get mileage out of equanimity. Stay calm. Take a few deep breaths. This will help you not get caught up in histrionics.

At work, set kind but firm limits. Say, โ€œYou must be here on time to keep your job. Iโ€™m sorry for all your mishaps, but work comes first.โ€

Related: Protection From Energy Vampires: 9 Strategies to Cure Emotional Hangovers After An Energy Vampire Encounter

Vampire #3: The Constant Talker or Joke Teller

energy vampires at work talker

He has no interest in your feelings; heโ€™s only concerned with himself. Initially, he might seem entertaining, but when the talking doesnโ€™t stop, you begin to get tired. You wait for an opening to get a word in edgewise but it never comes.

Or he might physically move in so close heโ€™s practically breathing on you. You edge backward, but without missing a beat, he steps closer again. โ€œOne patient said about such a coworker, โ€˜Whenever I spot this man my colon goes into spasm.โ€

How to Protect Yourself:

Know that these people donโ€™t respond to nonverbal cues. You must speak up and interrupt. Listen for a few minutes. With a family member or coworker, express in a neutral, non-blaming tone, โ€œIโ€™d like to add to the discussion too. It would be great if you can allow me to contribute.โ€

If you convey this without irritation, you can be better heard โ€”a much more constructive tack than โ€œKeep quiet, youโ€™re driving me crazy!โ€

Vampire #4. The Fixer Upper

energy vampires at work fixer

This vampire is desperate for you to fix her endless problemsโ€”at all hours. She turns you into her therapist. At lunch, sheโ€™ll make a b-line to your desk, monopolizing your free time. Her neediness lures you in.

How to Protect Your Energy:

Do not become the โ€œrescuer.โ€ Show empathy but resist offering solutions. Be supportive but tell her, โ€œIโ€™m confident youโ€™ll find the right solutionโ€ or sensitively suggest that she seek a qualified professional for help.

How to protect yourself from energy vampires at work

Vampire #5: The Blamer

energy vampires at work blamer

This vampire has a sneaky way of making you feel guilty or lacking for not getting things just right. Whenever my patient Marie, a book editor, sees her boss sheโ€™s on guard; her boss had a way of cutting her down that saps her energy. She always has a negative comment to make.

How to Protect Yourself:

Try this visualization. Around this person imagine yourself surrounded by a cocoon of white light. Think of it as a protective covering that keeps you from being harmed.

Tell yourself that you are safe and secure here. The cocoon filters out the negativity so it canโ€™t deplete you.

Related: 5 Ways Empaths Can Protect Themselves from Toxic Energy

Vampire #6: Go For The Jugular Fiend

energy vampires at work fiend

This type is vindictive and cuts you down with no consideration for your feelings. He says things like, โ€œForget that job. Itโ€™s out of your league.โ€ These jabs can be so hurtful itโ€™s hard to get them out of your head.

How To Protect Yourself:

Eliminate them from your life whenever possible. For a boss who isnโ€™t going anywhere try a visualization that put you at a distance from them, and refuse to ingest the poison.

If you donโ€™t want to switch jobs, realize heโ€™s a wounded person; try not to take his meanness personally.

Use the above strategies to cope with these types of energy vampires in your life. Then, youโ€™ll have the powerโ€”not them. Take an inventory of people who give you energy and who drain you. You can create separate lists for work, home and family, friends, and peripheral relationships.

You might decide to completely stop having contact with some vampires. For those who must stay in your life, such as a boss, coworker, or certain family members, decide on what strategies to use and consistently implement them. Learning to set limits with drainers will protect your sensitivities and enhance your well-being.

Want to know more about energy vampires? Check this video out below!

Dealing with energy vampires at work

Written By Dr. Judith Orloff
Originally Appeared On Dr. Judith Orloff
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