7 Perks and Pleasures of Being An Old Soul


Perks Being Old Soul

Old souls are special people because they see the world in a different way than others. Being an old soul, I can attest to that. When you are an old soul, you are not unsocial or only like to spend time alone, as most people tend to believe. You are simply old – in your mind, body, and soul. Many times you feel that you belong to the wrong generation, and at the wrong time because your way of seeing the world is immensely different from the people around you.

You are one of those people who do not experience life like most others; you always have your own unique take on things, and your take doesn’t always sit well with the majority. Being an old soul, you have never believed in herd mentality. You do what makes you happy. You do what makes your soul happy, and your heart sing with happiness.

It is no surprise that you seem to find peace and solace within yourself rather than the people you are surrounded with. No wonder you are not intrigued or interested in knowing what makes the rest excited; you have your own beautiful world, and you thrive there.

When you have an outlook that is so different from others, it can lead you to feel alienated at times, unless you come across another old soul who shares the same feelings and perspectives as you. Only a fellow old soul will be able to understand your thoughts, and feelings about the world and its people. However, being an old soul is not at all a bad thing or something to be ashamed about. Sometimes, old souls are the ones who end up feeling the most fulfilled.

Here Are 7 Perks And Pleasures Of Being An Old Soul

1. Alone time is beautiful.

Old souls are never interested in doing something just because everyone else is doing it, and they dislike it when they are forced to do something they don’t want to do. Being an old soul, when you do not relate to a person, you struggle to have a good time with them. You would rather spend time with yourself, and indulge in things that make you feel happy and content.

You are not antisocial nor do you have a lack of friends, you are simply someone who gets exhausted by superficial friendships and doing things just for the sake of it.

being an old soul
7 Perks And Pleasures Of Being An Old Soul

2. Spirituality comes naturally.

Old souls have a more sensitive personality and have a deeply spiritual side to themselves. They are spiritually awakened human beings who find it easier to deal with things such as winning over your ego and achieving enlightenment, compared to people who are not spiritual. Spirituality is an integral part of their lives.

When you see an old soul, you will notice that they are mature beyond their years, and are peace-loving people, who always believe in building meaningful connections, and deep friendships.

Related: 6 Signs Youโ€™re Experiencing Spiritual Maturity

3. An innate love for truth and knowledge.

When you are an old soul, you will naturally feel inclined towards the intellectual side of life. Even though you might not innately possess wisdom in yourself, you will always be drawn towards gaining knowledge for your gratification, and along the way, you will also gain a more educated and accurate way of looking at life.

For example, understanding the theory of attraction would seem more appealing to you than reading the current edition of some popular gossip magazine that has all the spicy secrets of everyoneโ€™s โ€” supposedly โ€” private lives.

4. Having a universal outlook on life.

Old souls are more likely to be reminded of the implications of impermanence and the vulnerability of life, which turns them into pessimists at times. They give in to thinking about the unknown so much, it makes them feel negative at times, after which they withdraw into their shells. Being an old soul can be an overwhelming experience at times.

But this is not always a bad thing for them. Being a pessimist at times helps them see life as it is, and also helps them be decisive. They can smartly control the path of their lives and always look for happiness in small things, and the things that actually matter.

Related: 7 Signs You Are an Old Soul

5. Contemplation is like a second skin.

Introspecting and thinking comes naturally to an old soul. It is during moments of peace and silence, when an old soul can perfectly hear and get in touch with their own thoughts, which helps them dive deep into their consciousness, and focus on everything, including life.

Introspection and the dissecting of your thought processes also allow you, as an old soul, to understand many enlightening lessons, and achieve awareness into various life experiences.

6. Having a rebellious streak.

Old souls never go where the crowd is going because they never believe in herd mentality. They always fight and stand for what is right, rather than give in and do what everyone else is doing and believing. Being an old soul, you have a rebellious streak in you, and you refuse to back down when you know for a fact that what you are doing is morally and ethically right.

Whether it is law and order or religion, if you are able to understand the natural order of things and form your own conclusions and find conviction and happiness, then you are definitely an old soul.

Related: The Old Souls Of The Zodiac (And The Ones Who Are Not)

7. The satisfaction of feeling old.

An old soul loves the feeling of feeling old when compared to most people around them. In other words, the feeling of wariness that forces one to sit down and enjoy the idyllic beauties that surround you.

The patience that is important to discern and recognize. The feeling of calmness one gets from detaching oneself from the fast-paced nature of life. This is one of the biggest reasons why old souls are normally seen as cold, distant, or aloof, but they are actually not like that.

Although not an actual representation of what an old soul might be, these are some of the things old souls do and find pleasure in life. If you identified and related to all of these or most of these, then you might be an old soul yourself.

7 Earthly Pleasures of an Old Soul
7 Perks And Pleasures Of Being An Old Soul
7 Perks and Pleasures of Being An Old Soul
7 Perks and Pleasures of Being An Old Soul
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7 Perks And Pleasures Of Being An Old Soul

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    Alexandrea Atkins


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