Daily Horoscope: Your Predictions for Today, Sunday, November 29 2020


Your Daily Horoscope for Thursday 29 November 2020

Your Daily Horoscope for Sunday November 29 2020

Are you wondering how the day will be for you? Wondering if any good news is coming your way? Is there anything you need to be cautious about today? Let our most accurate free daily horoscope predictions help you.

Check out your daily horoscope for Sunday, November 29 2020 below:

General Daily Horoscope:

Today, the Moon is still in Taurus, although later in day will enter Gemini. Hence, Sunday stars rather lazy (with a nice brunch preferably) and continues with our need to communicate and search for company.

Also, tonight, Neptune ends his Retrograde course. This is amazing news especially for Pisces, Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius.

So, this will be a mostly good day.

Taurus, Virgo and Pisces will be the luckiest zodiacs in the beginning of the day while later Libra and Aquarius will get most blessings.

Daily Horoscope for Aries:

Neptune has been โ€˜playingโ€™ with your emotions for quite long. However, the last months have been especially troubled for your feelings โ€“ since June. Now that Neptune moves forward, things will change for better.

Daily Horoscope for Taurus:

Sunday begins with a warm feeling of self-fulfilment and as the day goes by you will feel the need to take a brave look at your finances. Hence, this might be a very productive day for you after you snooze a bit more.

Daily Horoscope for Gemini:

Although youโ€™ve been a bit off the last days, as the day goes by you feel like a huge boost of energy in your self-esteem. Also, the power of Neptune โ€“ FINALLY โ€“ will stop bothering you that much in your career. Illusions and false promises will cease to trouble your feelings.

Daily Horoscope for Cancer:

Tonight, the power of your gorgeous governor will help you figure out some important things about your self, your feelings and your deepest self. What is that bothering you? Pay attention to your thoughts in the darkest night.


Daily Horoscope for Leo:

Tonight, the Moon will move on and help you change the energies in your professional life. Furthermore, Neptune will now help you change the way you think regarding your finances โ€“ especially the ones that involve more people, other than you.

Daily Horoscope for Virgo:

Yes! Itโ€™s over! This very hard effect of retrograde Neptune right across your zodiac sign will cease to bother you. Hence, your relationships will gradually heal and the illusions will scatter. Misunderstandings and pointless issues will soon be resolved.

Daily Horoscope for Libra:

The energy of this day is focused on your personal power and magnetism. Especially as the day progresses, you will feel the need to have fun. Moreover, as Neptuneโ€™s energy was affecting your everyday life you will see positive changes.

Daily Horoscope for Scorpio:

What the Cosmos wanted you to learn these months is that you are self-sufficient. It is very important for you to know that happiness runs already in you. Hence, all this trouble and lack of joy will soon be resumed.

Daily Horoscope for Sagittarius:

Tonight, the cosmic energies will help you change the way you look your professional and personal relationships. Moreover, what you need to know is that the troubles in your home โ€“ drenched with illusions and misunderstandings will soon be healed.

Daily Horoscope for Capricorn:

Planetary energies are gradually getting stronger as Jupiter and Saturn join forces. Moreover, Neptuneโ€™s energy is finally getting helpful in the part of your life that has to do with the most important people in your life. Time to move on!

Daily Horoscope for Aquarius:

What we know so far is that a great deal of energy is coming your way and you need to be unblocked in order to get the most out of it. Hence, until December 21 2020 โ€“ cleanse your chakras daily!

Daily Horoscope for Pisces:

Yes! This is an amazing day for you as your governor stops his retrograde course which began messing with your head from June 2020. Now you feel free to resume your life โ€“ free from illusions โ€“ free from shadows.

Astrology and Magic:

All magic is even stronger, today. Love magic, emotional healing and whatever has to do with emotions receive even greater boosting.

Each day is different and brings new challenges and opportunities. Our Daily predictions can keep you informed and forewarned about the positive and negative happenings of the day so that you can better prepare yourself. Daily horoscopes and predictions are prepared by experts astrologers after determining the planetary configurations for the day.

Your daily horoscope reading is a mirror into the future and can help you decode your day before it starts and plan ahead accordingly.

Thatโ€™s all. Have fun and enjoy your day!

Originally appeared on Magical Recipes Online

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