Choose A Hologram And Discover What Your Vibrational Frequency Is Trying To Tell You


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Choose Hologram Discover Vibrational Frequency Trying To Tell You

The Universe is constantly in motion, everything has a vibrational frequency. So take a look at the image below, and you will find your frequency and unfold the message for you!

For instance, when you see the color red, you are actually looking at the vibrational frequency of ~ 430 โ€“ 480THz. When you play the musical note G (the lowest note of a violin), you are actually emitting the vibrational frequency of ~196 Hz.

Even the things you smell are beginning to be seen from a scientific perspective as (you guessed it) vibrational frequencies.

So, if vibrational frequencies can have an impact on how we see, hear, or smell, it may also mean that these frequencies can provide us with useful information about our energetic state of being.

In this hologram quiz, we will be utilizing our visual sense to translate a vibrational frequency into a language (or โ€œhologramโ€) that you can understand.

Now, before we begin, take a moment to connect with yourself. First, sit up straight and take a deep breath in. Hold it for three secondsโ€ฆ now let it out. Repeat this three times, holding the breath in, and slowly letting it out. Now, as you continue to focus on your breath, think about an element in your life that youโ€™d like clarity on.

It could be something thatโ€™s been bothering you, a big decision that needs to be made, or simply a general intent to receive guidance. Got something? Great!

How To Know Your Vibrational Frequency And It’s Message For You? Choose A Hologram

Now as you are holding this thought in your mind, take a look at the 8 pictures displayed below.

vibrational frequency
What Is My Vibrational Frequency Quiz

Which one are you most attracted to right now? Got one? Now, remember that number as this is your vibrational hologram for this particular thought/situation.

Scroll down to find the matching number below, and you will learn what this specific vibrational hologram means for you!

1. Empowerment

Choose Hologram Vibrational Frequency Trying To Tell You Empowerment
Choose A Hologram And Discover What Your Vibrational Frequency Is Trying To Tell You

You want freedom, but you are afraid of the responsibility that comes with it. The idea that you have to move forward by yourself frightens you. You ask yourself if you can do this, or maybe you think that your dream is too far-fetched.

โ€˜Who am I to do something like this?!โ€™ The thought slowly creeps up on you and makes you doubt. Do not run away from your fears any longer. Just accept that they are there. Embrace them, just like the never-ending possibilities you have at your disposal. Radiate who you are!

The frequency of Empowerment reminds you that you already possess unparalleled power.

Affirmation: I have the strength to realize my dream.

2. Momentum

Choose Hologram Vibrational Frequency Trying To Tell You Momentum
Choose A Hologram And Discover What Your Vibrational Frequency Is Trying To Tell You

You are planning to take a big step in your life, and youโ€™re waiting for just the right moment to come. You feel that you have to be patient and wait for your chance, just as if you are being prepared for the exact moment to jump.

But it gives you a feeling of insecurity. When do you know when the exact moment is? How do you know that you are not too early? How do you know that you will not jump too late? Whatโ€™s important is that you donโ€™t allow your fear to overcome you, and that you make yourself trust your intuition.

But be careful. Donโ€™t allow yourself to remain in a safe state by waiting too long. Everything depends on momentum. Stay in touch with your feelings. Then you will know exactly the right moment to step into the flow, and you will see that everything will work towards achieving your goal.

The frequency of Momentum helps you to find the right timing to decide your next step.

Affirmation: I trust that at the right moment I will do what I have to do.

3. Victory

Choose Hologram Vibrational Frequency Trying To Tell You Victory
Choose A Hologram And Discover What Your Vibrational Frequency Is Trying To Tell You

How often have you told yourself, โ€œI was almost thereโ€? You had the answers, the puzzle was complete, and all of your hopes and desires were tuned into that one important moment. Everything was right, until the moment of truth itself. You had to take charge, but you didnโ€™t.

Something was holding you back from the finish, and at the most crucial moment, you saw yourself fail. We all recognize it, but what distinguishes us is the way we handle it.

Winning and losing are two sides of the same coin, and you determine which side you focus on. It takes perseverance to achieve something, but at least as much courage to get back on your feet again after a setback. Please realize that no one fails as long as we learn the lesson from the experience.

Be proud of yourself and feel your strength! Be proud of the fact that you have tried something. Convince yourself that the next time you will succeed.

The frequency of Victory gives you the strength to believe in yourself during important moments.

Affirmation: Iโ€™m going to do it!

4. Transcending

Choose Hologram Vibrational Frequency Trying To Tell You Transcending
Choose A Hologram And Discover What Your Vibrational Frequency Is Trying To Tell You

How badly do you want to fulfill your dreams? How many times have you tried? Which steps have you taken? Often you feel you are close, yet something is preventing you from making it happen.

Everything is there, yet youโ€™re not owning it. There always seems to be a โ€œbutโ€ โ€” โ€œbut I still have to learn so muchโ€; โ€œbut I still have to work through so muchโ€; โ€œbut I still need this or thatโ€. It is time to let go of these saboteurs. However strange or hard a choice may be, you canโ€™t avoid following your heart.

Whatever it is you want canโ€™t be planned or spontaneously invented, so let go of control and jump! Youโ€™ll become amazed at the immense power you hold inside. You will transcend limitations of any kind.

Just take a leap, take a risk and surrender to your true Being. Nothing can go wrong as long as you stay in touch with your feelings.

The frequency of Transcending helps you to let go of control and helps you navigate your way to your true state of Being.

Affirmation: I transcend my fears and limitations.

5. Perseverance

Choose Hologram Vibrational Frequency Trying To Tell You Perseverance
Choose A Hologram And Discover What Your Vibrational Frequency Is Trying To Tell You

You have started a process, and the longer it continues, the more difficult it becomes. You had not expected that it would cost you so much time and energy.

In the meantime, all sorts of thoughts are playing in your mind and distracting you from your goal. Am I doing it right? Should it be this way? Is there another way? Is there another path? Do I have it in me? Can I do this?

When you start a process, at some point you get to this phase, and itโ€™s important to carry on. Donโ€™t give in to your doubts โ€” Keep going.

Accept the resistance you are feeling. It is all part of the change that you want to create. So donโ€™t allow yourself to be distracted and give up, because then youโ€™ll be giving a sign for unwanted repetition from the past. Reject excuses and show perseverance.

When you bring the process to a conclusion, in hindsight, you will be grateful. The frequency Perseverance gives you strength to keep going during the difficult phases and ignore the temptation to give up.

Affirmation: I know what I want and I go for it.

6. Authenticity

Choose Hologram Vibrational Frequency Trying To Tell You Authenticity
Choose A Hologram And Discover What Your Vibrational Frequency Is Trying To Tell You

You are in a process of change, and authenticity is the solution. You are challenged to make contact with who you really are, and this demands that you have to let go of prevailing opinions.

This can be a difficult process because in the energy of duality and competition we are constantly focused on others.

In this time, it is important not to just follow suit and instead take a standby deciding your own course rather than copying what others say or do.

Authenticity means that you are unique, so do not try to be someone you are not. Move from your own power, your own truth and do not wait for approval from someone else to do what you feel.

The frequency of Authenticity helps you to believe in yourself and let go of the tendency towards adaptive behavior.

Affirmation: I am a special and unique being.

7. Sensitivity

Choose Hologram Vibrational Frequency Trying To Tell You Sensitivity
Choose A Hologram And Discover What Your Vibrational Frequency Is Trying To Tell You

You climb to a level of consciousness, beyond the limits of intellect. Your sensitivity grows from incentives from outside: energies, symbols, instructions, inspirations, and emotions from others. It feels as if your senses are sharpened, enabling you to see the reality of things even more clearly.

With this sensitivity also comes responsibility, because you can grasp situations more quickly than others, prepare for incidents and anticipate opposing powers.

Understand that it is also important to show your sensitivity and not hide all this within. No one gains anything if you keep quiet in moments when your intuition shows you silence is not the way.

Dare to be yourself, show vulnerability and honestly share what you feel. Others can gain from your insight, and when this comes from the heart, you cannot harm others.

The frequency of Sensitivity helps you to gain more insights and enables you to be more open.

Affirmation: I trust my sensations and the signals I pick up.

8. Calling

Choose Hologram Vibrational Frequency Trying To Tell You Calling
Choose A Hologram And Discover What Your Vibrational Frequency Is Trying To Tell You

Sometimes you feel something happen inside where the only thing you can do is take action. A deep desire within is touched, and you just have to do something about it. It cannot wait, the feeling is so strong! Suddenly all feelings of fear, doubt, and uncertainty disappear.

It feels as if you awaken from a deep sleep as if something or someone is forcing you to do what you came here to do. It is important that you take these inspirations seriously because it means youโ€™ve been reminded of your calling.

Small things, such as a conversation, a piece of music or something that you receive through the media or your surroundings can prompt it. Seize these moments to do what you have to do. Your soul is screaming for movement, so get going! Donโ€™t postpone anything until tomorrow, because this is what you have been waiting for.

The frequency of Calling brings you in contact with the higher purpose in your life.

Affirmation: I immediately do the things that give me energy.

So, which hologram did you choose? Share your results in the comments below!

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Choose A Hologram And Discover What Your Vibrational Frequency Is Trying To Tell You

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  1. Jason Puckett Avatar
    Jason Puckett

    I got Momentum.

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