432 Hz vs 440 Hz Frequency Response: Why You Should Change The Frequency Of Your Music


Why Change The Frequency Of Your Music

432 Hz vs 440 Hz Frequency Response: Is 432 Hz frequency response better than 440 Hz? Why does the frequency of your music matter, and most importantly, does the frequency of music affects health?

Itโ€™s a scientific fact that everything, including the human body, is made up of energy that vibrates at different frequencies. As such it just makes sense to question how sound frequencies can affect us.

How Does The Frequency Of Your Music Affect You?

The evidence suggests that sound frequencies can indeed affect us, as frequencies affect other frequencies. Think of it as being how ingredients affect the flavor of a meal. To illustrate this, there have been a number of experiments, such as cymatics and water memory, that show us the effect of frequencies on the physical world.

Related: Choose One Hologram And Find Out What Your Vibrational Frequency Is Trying To Tell You

Cymatics shows us that when you play sound frequencies through certain mediums, such as air, water, and sand, they can directly affect the flow of matter. You can see the results of the effect for yourself.

Water memory has a similar principle. It shows how not just sound, but also intent, can affect the vibration of matter. This effect was proven by Dr. Masaru Emoto who performed numerous studies showing this effect. Everyone has their own vibrational frequency and the human body is estimated to be around 70% water.

432 Hz vs 440 Hz Frequency Response:
Healing Benefits Of Music Tuned To 432 Hz

Given the experiments outlined above, it only makes sense that musical frequencies could affect the vibrational state of humans. Everything expressed through sound, emotion, or thought has a frequency of its own that affects the world around it. Just how one drop of water can create a large ripple and affect a huge body of water.

The Frequency of Music

Letโ€™s take this concept and look at music frequency. Most music produced in the world is set at the frequency of A=440hz after the International Standards Organization (ISO) promoted the idea in 1953.

However, according to some studies, listening to music at 432Hz has been associated with a decrease in blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate values, compared to 440Hz. People who listened to 432Hz music over 440Hz music were observed to be more satisfied and calmer at the end of the session.

Related: What Is Lofi Music? 5 Reasons Why It Is Good For Your Mental Health

Golden Mean and the Universe

Itโ€™s believed that the 432Hz frequency response is mathematically consistent with the patterns of the universe. 432Hz is said to vibrate with the golden mean PHI of the universe and unify light, time, space, matter, gravity, and magnetism with biology, the DNA code, and consciousness.

Resonating our atoms and DNA with nature leaves us with an even deeper connection to nature and the world around us. The number 432 is also significant as it is reflected in the ratio of the sun, Earth, and moon as well as the precession of the equinoxes, the Egyptian Great Pyramid Stonehenge, Sri Yanta, and other sacred sites.

The Cosmic Keyboard

Something else to consider is that A=432Hz correlates with the color spectrum; something that isnโ€™t true of A=440Hz.

Itโ€™s said that every frequency in the spectrum is related in octaves from gamma rays to subharmonics. The colors and notes are also connected to the chakras in the body and other important energy centers.

If people are to understand chakras are connected to the Seven Rays of the Solar Spectrum then we understand the importance of using the right notes and frequencies. The Cosmic Keyboard or Cosmic Pitchfork is tuned at A=432Hz, not the standard A=440Hz. On the Cosmic Keyboard C# is set at 136.10Hz โ€œOmโ€. This is the main note of the classical Indian Sitar and the pitch of the chants the Tibetan Monks sing. The Monks say that the note โ€œcomes from natureโ€.

Whatโ€™s the Difference?

Itโ€™s about time we explored the differences between A=440Hz and A=432Hz frequency response.

Music lovers and musicians have all noticed that when you have music tuned to 432 Hz it sounds more beautiful and is more harmonious and produces an inward experience that we feel in the heart and spine.

Related: 432 Hz โ€“ The Hidden Power Of Universal Frequency And Vibration

When you have music tuned to 440 Hz feels more outward and more mental experience. You feel it in your head and it projects outwards. Audiophiles have also noted that A=432Hz music can fill up an entire room while music in A=440Hz is far more local and linear.

So change the frequency of your music the next time you listen to it and hear the difference for yourself!

Want to know more about why the frequency of your music matters? Check this video out below!

432 Hz vs 440 Hz Frequency Response

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When was 432 Hz changed to 440 Hz?

This frequency of music was established in the 1950s and was later confirmed in 1975 as the standard tuning for music all over the world.

What does 440 Hz do to your body?

Listening to 440 Hz music frequency for long periods of time can lead you to feel aggressive, anxious, and nervous. This is because this frequency of music is never in harmony with the natural frequency of the Earth. Due to this harmonic misalignment, you tend to feel a lot of negative emotions.

What is so special about 432 Hz?

Research shows that listening to 432 Hz music reduces systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and slows down your heartbeat and even respiratory rate values. In other words, this music frequency relaxes and calms you down.

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432 Hz Vs 440 Hz Music
 Frequency Response Should Change  Pin
Music Frequency Response
Why Change Frequency Of Your Music
432 Hz Vs 440 Hz Frequency Response: Why You Should Change The Frequency Of Your Music
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432 Hz Vs 440 Hz Frequency Response: Why You Should Change The Frequency Of Your Music

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  1. Dina Nicholls Avatar
    Dina Nicholls

    How can you tell if the music you are listening to in in 432hz. And is there anything you can do to make sure that when listening to music that it is 432hz?

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