Choose A Mandala And Discover What It Reveals About You


Choose A Mandala And Discover What It Reveals About You

Mandala personality quiz: A mandala is a geometric design that comprises different patterns, shapes, and colors branching out from the center. The circle represents the power, the wholeness, the container of essence. Mandalas symbolize different aspects of the Universe and aid in finding enlightenment and peace. In some spiritual traditions, mandalas are used as a spiritual guidance tool to connect with a person’s ‘center’ or inner core. This mandala quiz will help you connect with your true inner self.

Today, I want you to do a little exercise with me. Close your eyes, take a deep breath 3 times. Open your eyes and look over the graphic below.

Choose Which Mandala Speaks To You Personally. Which One Are You Drawn To?

choose a mandala
Choose A Mandala And Discover What It Reveals About You

Now Scroll Down And Find Out What It Means..

1. Compassion

Choose A Mandala And Discover What It Reveals About You compassion
Choose A Mandala And Discover What It Reveals About You

Governed by the element of air. Notice the hatched cross barrier, it is like an army of crossed swords, the joining together of 4 equally important elements. United they now share the same path, even in a harsh environment do they know their heart guides from within.

This mandala carries the spirit of the elephant. He brings his steadfast convictions that are intuitively led by his foundations of gentle compassionate natural instinct. He reminds us to reconnect with our sense of community and to only fight for what his heart believes in.

If you are contemplating upon this mandala, your spirit may be asking you to retreat back into your own heart, and feel more about your current circumstances. Ask yourself if you are acting compassionately towards the others involved. This also applies to your own feelings towards yourself, is your inner dialog too harsh and judgmental? Be more gentle, let go of the negativity and let yourself be vulnerable enough to act from the heart instead.

2. Communication

Choose A Mandala And Discover What It Reveals About You communication
Choose A Mandala And Discover What It Reveals About You

Governed by the element of water. Notice that the circle border encapsulates like a protective bubble blanket and the beautiful delicately intricate layers that encompass a central orb. Each layer reveals something new, much like the forms in which we communicate – through all forms of language, verbal and non-verbal.

This mandala carries the spirit of the whale. She brings her unique storytelling by song and her graceful yet commanding presence. She helps us to remember to dive deeper into our subconscious and communicate our truest selves in any situation.

If you are contemplating upon this mandala, your spirit may be asking you to look at what is being said in the situation, as well as what isn’t being said. To dive deeper into your heart and to express your true message, in a way that will only strengthen yourself and others. When you speak or express from the heart, the best outcome will prevail.

3. Confidence

Choose A Mandala And Discover What It Reveals About You confidence
Choose A Mandala And Discover What It Reveals About You

Governed by the element of fire. Notice the spark within each semi-circular glow dome around the barrier, and the multi-tiered figure rising from the orb. This symbolizes arising from within, standing tall to command attention.

This mandala carries the spirit of the lion. He brings his radiant yet dominant energy and proud sense of self, remaining charismatic yet always in charge. He reminds us to be our most assertive when on the hunt for something new.

If you are contemplating upon this mandala, your spirit may be asking you to seek out your opportunity and to tackle it, head-on. Be your own leader, find your own pride. Know that no matter how daunting a task, it is you who has been chosen to take on this challenge – and it is time to make it look effortless.

Related: 5 Lucky Symbols To Attract Good Luck In Your Life

4. Strength

Choose A Mandala And Discover What It Reveals About You strength
Choose A Mandala And Discover What It Reveals About You

Governed by the element of air. Notice the hatched cross barrier, it is like an army of crossed swords and the beautiful arrows and points look a lot like a protective shield or talisman. This symbolizes our need to connect with our inner strength, to stand strong but with our guards up.

This mandala carries the spirit of the eagle. He brings his superior sense of sight, clarity, and intention. He reminds us of our ability to turn seemingly impossible intentions into victorious reality, to evoke our inner warrior.

If you are contemplating upon this mandala, your spirit may be asking you to build upon your courage from a higher level, look down on the situation with an acute sense of sight, set your focus on the real issue, and boldly swoop to take what you deserve. To find that inner strength, to know that you are more than capable to achieve your heart’s desires, and to get out of your own way and trust.

5. Motivation

Choose A Mandala And Discover What It Reveals About You motivation
Choose A Mandala And Discover What It Reveals About You

Governed by the element of fire. Notice the spark within each semi-circular glow dome around the barrier, and the large seed that is planted firmly into the base. This symbolizes the ability to remain focused and steadfast, as well as fully energized and ready to move up and outward into your own freedom.

This mandala carries the spirit of the horse. He brings his boundless energy, his dedication to the task at hand, and a beautiful strength and sense of freedom. He reminds us to look as though we move freely but to truly only move with intention.

If you are contemplating upon this mandala, your spirit may be asking you to take action, build your momentum. The seeds you have sown are now in need of extra nurturing from other elements, in order for you to move forward and maintain your inner drive and ambition. Know that your burning desires are rapidly approaching, but you will only get out what you put in.

6. Inspiration

Choose A Mandala And Discover What It Reveals About You inspiration
Choose A Mandala And Discover What It Reveals About You

Governed by the element of air. Notice the hatched cross barrier, it is like an army of crossed swords, within there is a beautiful eruption of feather-like eyes that represent the union of creativity and focus.

This mandala carries the spirit of the peacock. He brings his beauty, his powerful presence, and his sense of pride – he sees a truly unique perspective on life. He reminds us to never be afraid to show the world what we have to offer, to always show our true colors.

If you are contemplating upon this mandala, your spirit may be asking you to see the beauty that is around you. To trust in yourself and stand proud, show off your talents and let them inspire others as much as discovering them inspired you. You’re already halfway there; now let them see it come to life. Open up to your awakening.

7. Healing

Choose A Mandala And Discover What It Reveals About You healing
Choose A Mandala And Discover What It Reveals About You

Governed by the element of spirit. Notice that the rings represent each layer of your essence and that many points meet together to one root cause – this is the true focal point for your healing.

This mandala carries the spirit energy of the frog. He brings deep cleansing energy and reminds us that in order to heal, we must feel on all levels – the physical, the emotional, and the spiritual.

If you are contemplating upon this mandala, your spirit may be asking you to pay less attention to outcomes, and to focus energy on acknowledging and accepting your current situation. Dig deeper, you will know your healing when you realize you have a different perspective on that old situation.

Related: Healing Looks Like Acceptance And Feels Like Gratitude

8. Transformation

Choose A Mandala And Discover What It Reveals About You transformation
Choose A Mandala And Discover What It Reveals About You

Governed by the element of fire. Notice the spark within each semi-circular glow dome around the barrier, surrounding a spinning vortex of moving parts. This represents a movement from within a new life force is gaining momentum.

This mandala carries the spirit of the snake. He brings his sensuality, his fluidity, and his ability to shed the old, and warm up to the new. He reminds us to regain as much energy as possible before taking on daunting tasks and that preparation is the key.

If you are contemplating upon this mandala, your spirit may be asking you to take a moment to reconnect with your inner flame and to smoothly transition into your new light. To manifest a big change ahead, you must first discard what is holding you back, and then get to know yourself in your new skin.

9. Protection

Choose A Mandala And Discover What It Reveals About You protection
Choose A Mandala And Discover What It Reveals About You

Governed by the element of air. Notice the hatched cross barrier, it is like an army of crossed swords, and the heart center is well guarded by a unified group of individuals, symbolizing both warrior and nurturer traits.

This mandala carries the spirit of the bear. He brings his protective nature; he stands his ground, makes his presence known. He reminds us to also instinctively know when to retreat, and how to best prepare for any period of waiting.

If you are contemplating upon this mandala, your spirit may be asking you to be selective with your power. You must always trust your instincts, listen to whether your heart is telling you to stand up for yourself and your beliefs, or when to stay away from the conflict, for it will not benefit you in any way to always be on the defensive. Protect your heart, but also know when to fight for it.

10. Creation

Choose A Mandala And Discover What It Reveals About You creation
Choose A Mandala And Discover What It Reveals About You

Governed by the element of earth. Notice the trunk-like paving encapsulating the petal-like design and arrows pointing in outward directions, symbolizing the flourishing of creative ventures.

This mandala carries the spirit of the orangutan. She brings her grounded center, her craftsmanship, and her ability to work with her landscape to not only survive but also thrive. She reminds us to be as resourceful and productive as possible.

If you are contemplating upon this mandala, your spirit may be asking you to get in touch with your creative side. Nurture your abilities in self-expression, let your spirit reconnect within, and tell the story you have been meaning to tell – through any outlet of creativity – dance, writing, crafting, music, art, and beyond.

11. Instinct

instinct mandala
Choose A Mandala And Discover What It Reveals About You

Governed by the element of earth. Notice the trunk-like paving encapsulating the distinct box with a series of targets aligned in the center, symbolizing a distinct target in focus.

This mandala carries the spirit of the shark. She brings her primal knowledge of her environment and her strong forward propelling intention. She reminds us to trust ourselves and not to show too much vulnerability when it comes to our origins and past.

If you are contemplating upon this mandala, your spirit may be asking you to re-focus. It might be time to turn off all the extra noise and to hone in on your exact intentions. What does your gut tell you? Trust it. Move forward, do not look back. You know deep within that you are right on this one.

12. Harmony

Mandala harmony
Choose A Mandala And Discover What It Reveals About You

Governed by the element of spirit. A perfect balance of yin + yang; masculine + feminine energy. Representing the perfect synergy across all elements. Notice that the rings represent each layer of your essence, both the east and west flourish, and dance together artistically in unison, and the north and south stand tall, yet in a state of reflection.

This mandala carries the spirit energy of the swan. She brings her graceful femininity, countered by her protective masculine strength. She reminds us of the importance of balance.

If you are contemplating upon this mandala, your spirit may be asking you to shift attention towards creating more harmonious energy within your mind, body & soul. It asks that you retreat, reprioritize, and nurture your current situation.

13. Gratitude

Mandala art gratitude
Choose A Mandala And Discover What It Reveals About You

Governed by the element of earth. Notice the trunk-like paving encapsulating the sacred geographical shapes of the universe, a full cycle of the moons passing around the gravitational force, symbolizing all that is and all you have working together.

This mandala carries the spirit of the Buffalo. She brings her thriving spirit and her deep connection and respect to the lands she knows so well. She reminds us to remain humble, to live within our means, and to reflect upon our role in this universe.

If you are contemplating upon this mandala, your spirit may be asking you to take a snapshot of your current life and ask yourself what you are grateful for? Sometimes we can get so caught up in trying to get more of everything, that we forget how humbling it is to appreciate what it is we already do have and to live a life more in the present. It is in this action that a shift will take place, and more of that beautiful harmony between yourself and your environment will manifest positive outcomes for you both.

Related: The Healing Power Of Gratitude

14. Opportunity

Mandala opportunity
Choose A Mandala And Discover What It Reveals About You

Governed by the element of fire. Notice the spark within each semi-circular glow dome around the barrier, surrounds a navigation-like dial pointing in a multitude of directions. This symbolizes the many forward moves that can be taken from one point.

This mandala carries the spirit of the woodpecker. He brings his optimistic and determined approach to life, finding abundance in the seemingly ordinary. He reminds us to continue to knock on the doors, in hopes that the right one will open to reveal something truly amazing.

If you are contemplating upon this mandala, your spirit may be asking you to seize the day. Whether or not you feel there is a big opportunity ahead, it is time to create one if you are feeling unfulfilled. Seek inward to reflect on what it is you might be lacking in right now, and light the flame to guide you to creating something amazing from this darkness.

15. Imagination

Mandala imagination
Choose A Mandala And Discover What It Reveals About You

Governed by the element of water. Notice that the circle border encapsulates like a protective bubble blanket and from within are beautiful bursts of energy, dancing around new offshoots from the heart center, arrows pointing off into new directions. This symbolizes the ability to create – from one cell, comes the endless potential for recreation.

This mandala carries the spirit of the dragonfly. She brings you her gift of looking beyond the surface. She helps us to find new opportunities and delight, with enthusiasm and creative bursts of energy.

If you are contemplating upon this mandala, your spirit may be asking you to stop overthinking and worrying, and to let your imagination fly free. You might only need to skim the surface of your subconscious to truly find your new venture or life path. Alternatively, it could be locked up deeper within, which means you now have to move quickly and with intention. Follow the lead of the things you love, not the lead of the fears you have.

16. Vision

Mandala vision
Choose A Mandala And Discover What It Reveals About You

Governed by the element of the spirit. Providing clarity on intentions in key areas within your life, helping to dig deeper to find soul purpose. Notice that the rings represent each layer of your essence, the orbs are in alignment symbolizing the synergy amongst the elements that make up your unique outlook on life.

This mandala carries the spirit energy of the white tiger. She brings her clarity of vision and her wide spectrum of awareness. This majestic cat sees all that she needs. with precise clarity, focus, and full attention. She helps to keep you grounded, whilst maintaining focus on your ambitions.

If you are contemplating upon this mandala, your spirit may be asking you to visualize your future. What direction will serve you and your soul, best? Keep focus, set clear intentions, and don’t lose focus. The more you see yourself living that life, the faster it will be lived.

17. Love

Mandala love
Choose A Mandala And Discover What It Reveals About You

Governed by the element of water. Notice that the circle border encapsulates like a protective bubble blanket and the different arrow points all face towards a center point, but joined in perfect synchronicity and harmony. This symbolizes the focus upon love as the central motivation for all things, our primary target.

This mandala carries the spirit of the sea horse. She brings her heart-felt intentions, nurturing capabilities, and dedication to what and whom she loves. She reminds us to always show our loved ones that they are indeed loved and to keep any form of love as our primary motivator in life.

If you are contemplating upon this mandala, your spirit may be asking you to reconnect within. In order to attract love, feel more love and spend your time more on the things you love, you must first love yourself. It is in this process that a shift will begin to see you attracting more of the things that make your heart dance and sing. Like Cupid’s arrow, you must pull back; retreat, and then release to reach your desired target of love.

18. Forgiveness

Mandala forgiveness
Choose A Mandala And Discover What It Reveals About You

Governed by the element of water. Notice that the circle border encapsulates like a protective bubble blanket, deep valleys of negative and positive space meeting towards the diamond-shaped heart center. This suggests that all that we feel, the love and the fear pump through to the same point; they shape our current state of being.

This mandala carries the spirit of the dog. He brings his unconditional companionship and a deep-rooted sense of belonging. He reminds us to always forgive ourselves and that dog is a man’s best friend, as is your forgiving soul.

If you are contemplating upon this mandala, your spirit may be asking you to get to the heart of the issue. Reflect upon all of the others in your life, and how they have shaped how you feel today. This includes you. Look at what feelings no longer serve you, and part with them. Once you truly forgive anyone who has ever hurt you, including yourself, then the real healing can begin.

Related: Understanding The 4 Stages Of Forgiveness

19. Intuition

Mandala intuition
Choose A Mandala And Discover What It Reveals About You

Governed by the element of spirit. Notice that the rings represent each layer of your essence, and the triangle represents your trilogy, your intuition bursts out into new perspectives like a volcanic eruption, at one with the universe inside you.

This mandala carries the spirit of the owl. She brings her acute sense of sight and her ability to seek light in the dark. She helps to awaken your spirit to unseen realms, acting as a gatekeeper to your inner wisdom. She knows herself well and instinctively sees the right times to blend in, and the right times to strike upon what she desires.

If you are contemplating upon this mandala, your spirit may be asking you to trust, listen and stay open. Embrace the messages, take away all judgment and intuitively relearn about yourself and your innate capabilities. You already know more than you give yourself credit for.

20. Connection

Mandala connection
Choose A Mandala And Discover What It Reveals About You

Governed by the element of earth. Notice the trunk-like paving encapsulating the leafy imagery, which symbolizes life and deep roots.

This mandala carries the spirit of the wolf. She brings her instinctual wisdom and her ability to keep community morale high. She reminds us to always remember that we are working towards a collective conscious and that we play our own role, which maintains balance and our sense of oneness.

If you are contemplating upon this mandala, your spirit may be asking you to reconnect with nature, and in turn, yourself. If you have been craving more connection with others, it’s time to communicate with your spirit and with the earth to realign with your earth wisdom. Start by feeling the earth beneath your toes, make note of how grounded this makes you feel, and how more in tune you are with yourself.

This post originally appeared on The Fifth Element Life
Republished here via Higher Perspective 
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Choose A Mandala And Discover What It Reveals About You

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