Anger Management For Zodiacs: How You Deal With Anger Based On Astrology


Anger Management For Zodiacs

Can you manage your anger well? This post on anger management for zodiacs can shed light on the way you deal with anger, based on your zodiac sign.

Does your anger get the better of you or do you know how to process your resentments and channel them through positive outlets?

Anger is a very strong emotion and although we must never suppress our negative feelings, we must also take care of the fact that we do not dwell in this energy for too long.

We all handle our rage in our own way. While some throw temper tantrums, some sulk silently, and some get visibly aggressive. And to be fair, we can’t help the way we express our anger, it’s somehow built into our system.

And this is where anger management for zodiac signs can help you understand why you react the way you do, when triggered, based on your zodiac sign.

Do you want to know how well or how bad you manage your anger, based on your zodiac? Let’s roll then! Read all about anger management for zodiacs here!

Related: The Dark Side Of Each Zodiac Sign: Dark Zodiac Signs

Anger Management For Zodiacs: How You Deal With Anger Based On Astrology

This is how zodiacs deal with anger:

anger management for zodiacs
Anger Management For Zodiacs

1. Aries (March 21 โ€“ April 19)

How You Deal With Anger aries
Anger Management For Zodiacs: How You Deal With Anger Based On Astrology

Aries people have sensitive hearts, but they also have a quick temper and a tendency to get triggered very easily. Their moods oscillate quite frequently and if they feel someone is being disrespectful to them or underestimating their capabilities, they fly off the handle.

The good thing about them is that they are aware of their weakness and are always mindful of how they should control their rage.

They can’t keep their feelings bottled up. So, they can’t help but let it out. They like to express their negative emotions by yelling or being physically aggressive and then be done with it. They don’t harbor grudges.

According to anger management for zodiacs, as an Aries, it’s best for you to blow off steam in a healthy way, like physical training. Take up any sport and sweat it out when you see red.

Related: Aries Personality: 15 Things You Need To Know About The Ram Sign

2. Taurus (April 20 โ€“ May 20)

How You Deal With Anger taurus
Anger Management For Zodiacs: How You Deal With Anger Based On Astrology

Taureans are slow to anger. They are one of the most emotionally stable creatures you’ll find on earth. They don’t open up easily and they don’t expect much from other people. They’re also very cooperative and accommodating with their loved ones.

But they are deeply focused people who always strive to make a good living and/or create a nurturing and comfortable living space for themselves and their families.

So, when they face a practical or financial setback in their endeavor, they tend to act out of character and throw a hissy fit.

Then it becomes difficult to control them or be reasonable with them. Taureans, infamous for their bullheadedness, can become argumentative, rude, and hard to handle.

According to anger management for zodiacs, as a Taurus, you must learn to accept setbacks as a part of life and cut people some slack when they fail to perform their tasks. Practice gratitude for what’s going right for you and be more forgiving.

Related: 10 Secrets About Taurus You Probably Know Nothing About

3. Gemini (May 21 โ€“ June 20)

How You Deal With Anger gemini
Anger Management For Zodiacs: How You Deal With Anger Based On Astrology

Geminis are great at conversations and interpersonal communications. They can express their feelings quite well, but not when they get mad at someone.

When Geminis get angry, they fail to explain the reason why they got so upset. They become avoidant and refuse to talk about it. Instead, they sulk and become reclusive.

This prevents them from clearing out misunderstandings and reconciling with their loved ones easily. Although it’s unlikely for a Gemini to lash out, their stonewalling behavior puts a damper on their relationships with others.

According to anger management for zodiacs, as a Gemini, the ideal way for you to process your anger is by letting others listen to your side of the story. Open up and talk your heart out to resolve conflicts in both your personal and professional lives.

Related:10 Personality Traits Of The Misunderstood Gemini

4. Cancer (June 21 โ€“ July 22)

How You Deal With Anger cancer
Anger Management For Zodiacs: How You Deal With Anger Based On Astrology

Yes, Cancers are nurturing, emotional, and caring to a fault. But if you hurt them, be ready to face their wrath. They can get really crabby (pun intended), moody, and difficult to be around.

Although Cancers are not known for violent outbursts and their irritability is actually their pain and sadness camouflaging as anger, it can get really annoying to put up with them when they’re in a bad mood.

If Cancers feel they have been let down or betrayed by you in any way, you’ll not hear the end of it. Being subtle is not their style and they will drive you crazy with their complaints and allegations.

But only if they still care; once they stop caring about you, they retract into their shell and go silent.

According to anger management for zodiacs, as a Cancer, you must channel your anger into self-love. Investing in yourself will help you take your mind off of your troubles and you would be able to deal with the situation with grace.

Related: 12 Personality Traits Of Cancer, The Cardinal Water Sign

5. Leo (July 23 โ€“ August 22)

How You Deal With Anger leo
Anger Management For Zodiacs: How You Deal With Anger Based On Astrology

Ahh, the rage of the mighty Leo! Now, this is something no one should take lightly. Leos when angered can become furious and depending on how they feel about you personally, their outburst can range from emotional fights to downright abuse.

Leos are self-centered, particular, and sensitive in nature, with a very fragile ego. They tend to blow things out of proportion and have a knack for theatrics. They also have a habit of making everything about themselves.

On the other hand, they’re passionate and generous, they wear their heart on their sleeve, and they love and care about others like no one else.

So all these make dealing with an angry Leo a challenge for anyone. Their loved ones put up with their fits of anger as they don’t want to let them go and those who are not in the good books of a Leo are afraid of them like hell.

According to anger management for zodiacs, as a Leo, you must learn to take a pause before you act on your anger impulse. Every time you get angry, take deep breaths, take a walk, and then respond. We know how much you regret hurting the ones you care about.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Leo, The Untamed Fire Sign

6. Virgo (August 23 โ€“ September 22)

How You Deal With Anger virgo
Anger Management For Zodiacs: How You Deal With Anger Based On Astrology

Virgos can appear to be uptight and snooty. They’re perfectionists who expect a lot from everyone, including themselves.

They set unrealistic high standards and are hyper-critical of the people they care about. Virgos want their loved ones to apply themselves more and it makes Virgos mad if others fail to do so.

Also, they’re pretty hard on themselves and that’s why you would rarely find them being happy or enjoying life as it comes. They would be always frowning, nitpicking, and disapproving of others.

According to anger management for zodiacs, as a Virgo, you must convert your angry energy into cultivating positive reinforcements for others as well as yourself.

Related: 12 Things to Know Before Dating a Virgo

7. Libra (September 23 โ€“ October 22)

How You Deal With Anger libra
Anger Management For Zodiacs: How You Deal With Anger Based On Astrology

Libras like to think about everyone and they try to make everyone happy. By doing this, they self-sacrifice a lot and often suffer from indecisiveness. Many a time they have to let great opportunities slide past them, for the sake of others.

All these give rise to pent-up resentments and bitterness in them. They become irritable, impatient, and lose their calm at the drop of a hat.

The saddest part is that they never express their pain and continue to suffer in silence. They tend to avoid conflicts and thus abandon relationships when things get intense or difficult. As a result, people often misjudge them and dismiss them as rude or whimsical.

According to anger management for zodiacs, as a Libra, you must stop running away from conflicts when you feel triggered in a relationship.

Related: Libra: The Sign of The Balanced Soul

8. Scorpio (October 23 โ€“ November 21)

How You Deal With Anger scorpio
Anger Management For Zodiacs: How You Deal With Anger Based On Astrology

Scorpios are the scariest of all signs. In their personal relationships, they’re quiet, intense, and secretive. So people cannot figure them out easily. And in their public life, these stingers are detail-oriented, particular, and hard taskmasters.

So, their way of expressing anger depends a lot on the relationship dynamic and the situation. If they get betrayed or cheated, they can get cold and cut people off easily without any drama or outbursts.

But they can also be very rude and short-tempered with someone who they deem to be insincere or unworthy. Scorpios can be very mean and they won’t mince their words when they’re letting it out on someone.

According to anger management for zodiacs, as a Scorpio, you will benefit from practicing meditation if you want to work on your anger issues.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Scorpio, The Ambitious Water Sign

9. Sagittarius (November 22 โ€“ December 21)

How You Deal With Anger sagittarius
Anger Management For Zodiacs: How You Deal With Anger Based On Astrology

Saggies are confident and carefree people who don’t really care much about emotions, good or bad. They want to live their lives on their own terms and enjoy every moment.

But when someone wants to put a speed breaker on their way or try to get them tied down, it becomes an issue.

Also, Saggies don’t like emotional dramas or high-maintenance people. So intense emotional conflicts make them mad.

They’re people who are set in their ways and when someone tries to question their choices or beliefs, Saggies get miffed.

But, most of the time, they don’t indulge in heated conversations or arguments. Sagittarians either end a debate with a snappy comment or a comeback or completely avoid the situation.

According to anger management for zodiacs, as a Sagittarius, you must be more flexible and open to others’ views and opinions. Listen to their perspective, before shutting them up. Practicing empathy when stressed is a good suggestion for you.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Sagittarius, The Fiery Archer Sign

10. Capricorn (December 22 โ€“ January 19)

How You Deal With Anger Capricorn
Anger Management For Zodiacs: How You Deal With Anger Based On Astrology

Capricorns are a tricky bunch. They seem to be passive and indifferent but can get way too obsessed with relationships, goals, and work.

Furthermore, they’re control freaks. They worry and overthink a lot and this makes them moody, brooding, and impossible to understand.

When a Cap gets angry, it will not be visible on the surface. They will continue doing their work, pretending everything is hunky-dory. But their grudges will keep festering inside them.

According to anger management for zodiacs, as a Capricorn, you need to lighten up a bit. Listen to music, take a trip, and talk about your fears and vulnerabilities with those whom you trust.

Related: The Good and Bad of Loving A Capricorn (7 Brutal Truths)

11. Aquarius (January 20 โ€“ February 18)

How You Deal With Anger Aquarius
Anger Management For Zodiacs: How You Deal With Anger Based On Astrology

It may seem that Aquarians are the most chilled-out ones. But make no mistake, they can be very rigid and cold. Although Aquarians are very progressive and liberal, they’re not flexible regarding their views.

If they face opposition or a creative difference, they can get mean, rude, and dismissive. They hate to accept defeat and if they’re presented with facts that contradict their opinion, they will change the topic or may avoid or block you.

Their anger is not expressed through their words or actions but through their absence and silence. It doesn’t do them any good and they keep losing people and relationships.

According to anger management for zodiacs, as an Aquarian, you need to stop letting petty differences become an ego issue. Be open to the possibility that you might be wrong too!

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Aquarius, The Progressive Air Sign

12. Pisces (February 19 โ€“ March 20)

How You Deal With Anger Pisces
Anger Management For Zodiacs: How You Deal With Anger Based On Astrology

The problem with Pisces is that although they’re peace-loving emotional beings, they cannot handle their negative emotions well. Instead of processing their anger, they withdraw themselves completely and dissociate.

They don’t resolve their overwhelming emotions but seek out self-sabotaging habits to numb their pain. They ignore their personal well-being and wallow in self-pity.

Pisceans also act out when angry and give away their power in relationships. They get too much emotionally dependent on their partner and thus cannot manage their overall well-being without the validation and support from their significant other.

According to anger management for zodiacs, as a Pisces, you have to make your mental health a priority and stop letting emotional setbacks ruin your life.

Related: 9 Reasons Why Pisces Are The Most Difficult People To Understand

anger management for zodiacs
Anger Management For Zodiacs

That was all on anger management for zodiacs. Hopefully, you resonated with your zodiac anger management style and also found out the best way to manage your anger based on your zodiac.

Related: What Is Spirituality?

Don’t forget to share your thoughts on anger management for zodiacs in the comment section down below!

Anger Management For Zodiacs
Anger Management For Zodiacs: Anger Management For Star Signs
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Anger Management For Zodiacs: How You Deal With Anger Based On Astrology
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Anger Management For Zodiacs: How You Deal With Anger Based On Astrology
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Anger Management For Zodiacs: How You Deal With Anger Based On Astrology

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