The 10 Best Songs To Wake Up To For A Brighter Morning


Best Songs to Wake Up to That'll Jumpstart Your Day

Looking for the perfect soundtrack to jumpstart your day with positivity? From upbeat melodies to soothing tunes, we’ve got your mornings covered with the best songs to wake up to that energizes and inspires.

Waking up to the sound of blaring alarms often leaves us feeling groggy and disoriented. It can tick you off the wrong way and completely dampen your mood immediately after you wake up. There is no doubt that this can seriously affect the rest of your day as you start your day off in a bad mood.

But, fret not, because I have the perfect solution to kickstart your mornings on a positive note with the best morning playlist. Imagine waking up to the melodious tunes of your favorite songs, gently coaxing you out of slumber and setting a blissful tone for the day ahead. 

The right wake up song can actually completely transform your day. So let’s dive in and check out some of the best songs to wake up to that can make your day brighter, happier and more positive. 

10 Best Songs to Wake Up To Have a Brighter, More Positive Day

best songs to wake up to
The 10 Best Songs To Wake Up To For A Brighter Morning

Wondering which wake up song to add to your morning playlist? Here are the 10 best songs to wake up to, along with the remarkable benefits of incorporating music into your morning routine. Let’s discover the magic that music can weave into our lives –

1. “Here Comes the Sun” by The Beatles

What better way to greet the morning than with the timeless masterpiece by The Beatles, “Here Comes the Sun”? This uplifting tune encapsulates the essence of a new day dawning, infusing your mornings with a sense of optimism and hope. 

The gentle strumming of the guitar and the soothing harmonies will set a cheerful ambiance, making it an excellent choice to bid farewell to sleep and embrace the possibilities that lie ahead.

Related: 5 Ways Listening To Music Affects Mood

2. “Good Vibrations” by The Beach Boys

The Beach Boys’ iconic hit, “Good Vibrations,” is a perfect blend of catchy melodies and harmonious vocals that are sure to energize your mornings. Its upbeat tempo and infectious positivity will have you grooving out of bed, setting a joyous tone for the day. 

As the song washes over you, you’ll find yourself embracing the vibrant energy and optimism that the lyrics exude.

3. “Lovely Day” by Bill Withers

Bill Withers’ soulful anthem, “Lovely Day,” is a timeless classic that encapsulates the sheer beauty of waking up to a brand-new day. The smooth R&B groove and Withers’ velvety voice create an atmosphere of tranquility, filling your mornings with warmth and contentment. 

This soulful melody is the perfect accompaniment for easing into the day with a sense of gratitude and appreciation.

4. “Don’t Stop Me Now” by Queen

If you’re in need of an instant burst of energy to kickstart your mornings with a great wake up song, then look no further than Queen’s iconic anthem, “Don’t Stop Me Now.” This electrifying track is a rollercoaster ride of high-octane beats and Freddie Mercury’s powerhouse vocals. 

As the song blares through your speakers, you’ll find yourself invigorated and ready to conquer the world, leaving no obstacle in your path.

best songs to wake up to
The 10 Best Songs To Wake Up To For A Brighter Morning

5. “Three Little Birds” by Bob Marley

Bob Marley’s reggae masterpiece, “Three Little Birds,” carries a profound message of peace and positivity, making it an ideal wake-up call. The laid-back rhythm and Marley’s soothing voice create a serene atmosphere, melting away any residual stress from your sleep. 

This song serves as a gentle reminder to embrace the present moment, casting aside worries and embracing a carefree mindset. This is surely one of the best songs to wake up to.

6. “Walking on Sunshine” by Katrina and The Waves

“Walking on Sunshine” by Katrina and The Waves is an infectious pop anthem that guarantees to put a smile on your face from the moment you wake up. The upbeat tempo, catchy melodies, and exuberant lyrics combine to create an instant mood booster. 

As the song resonates through your room, you’ll find yourself filled with a surge of positive energy, ready to seize the day with enthusiasm. You should add this track to your morning playlist right now.

Related: How Music Heals and Inspires Us in Challenging Times

7. “I Will Survive” by Gloria Gaynor

Gloria Gaynor’s empowering disco hit, “I Will Survive,” is the ultimate anthem to conquer any morning blues. This timeless classic celebrates resilience and inner strength, reminding you that you have the power to overcome any challenge that comes your way. 

As the infectious rhythm takes hold, you’ll find yourself empowered and ready to face the day head-on, armed with a renewed sense of confidence.

8. “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go” by Wham!

Wham!’s infectious pop hit, “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go,” is a guaranteed mood lifter that will have you bouncing out of bed in no time. The energetic beats, catchy melodies, and George Michael’s vibrant vocals create an atmosphere of pure joy and exuberance. 

Listening to this song in the morning will infuse you with a sense of lightheartedness and enthusiasm, setting the stage for a day filled with positivity.

9. “What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong

Louis Armstrong’s timeless ballad, “What a Wonderful World,” is a gentle reminder of the beauty that surrounds us every day. The soulful timbre of Armstrong’s voice and the heartfelt lyrics evoke a sense of awe and gratitude, creating the perfect ambiance for a peaceful and reflective morning. 

As you bask in the serenity of this song, you’ll find yourself appreciating the simple joys of life and embracing a more mindful approach to your day.

10. “Happy” by Pharrell Williams

Pharrell Williams’ infectious anthem, “Happy,” is a delightful addition to our list of best songs to wake up to. With its upbeat tempo, catchy melody, and uplifting lyrics, this song is guaranteed to put a smile on your face from the moment you open your eyes.

As the joyous beats and Williams’ exuberant vocals fill the air, you’ll find yourself embracing a positive mindset and ready to seize the day with enthusiasm.

best songs to wake up to
The 10 Best Songs To Wake Up To For A Brighter Morning

Well, now that we have listed down the best songs to wake up to, you know which wake up song to add to your morning playlist. But how can these songs actually help lift your mood? What are the benefits of music on mental health? Let’s find out.

Related: The Healing Power of Music: How Music Therapy Improves Mental Health

Benefits of Music on Mental Health

Beyond their ability to wake us up with a smile, music has a profound impact on our mental health. Here are some remarkable benefits of music on mental health when you incorporate them into our daily routine:

1. Stress Reduction

Listening to music can significantly reduce stress levels by lowering the production of stress hormones in our bodies. It acts as a form of therapy, helping to calm our minds and provide an emotional release.

2. Mood Enhancement

Music has the power to instantly uplift our mood and evoke positive emotions. It stimulates the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward, which can enhance our overall well-being and happiness.

3. Anxiety and Depression Relief

Music therapy has been shown to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression. It can promote relaxation, reduce feelings of sadness, and provide a sense of comfort and solace during challenging times. This is one of the most prominent benefits of music on mental health.

4. Increased Focus and Productivity

Certain types of music, such as instrumental or classical compositions, have been found to enhance focus and concentration. They create a soothing background ambiance that can improve productivity and cognitive performance.

5. Enhanced Memory and Cognitive Function

Music has a unique ability to stimulate various regions of the brain, including those responsible for memory and cognitive function. It can improve memory recall, enhance learning, and boost overall brain health.

6. Emotional Expression and Catharsis

Music provides a powerful outlet for emotional expression. It allows us to connect with and process our emotions, offering a safe space for catharsis and self-reflection.

Related: 36 Most Relaxing Songs For Anxiety, Stress And Depression

7. Pain Management

Listening to music, especially the best songs to wake up to, has been found to reduce perceived pain levels and discomfort. It can serve as a distraction from physical pain and promote relaxation, making it an effective complement to pain management strategies.

8. Improved Sleep Quality

Gentle and soothing music can aid in achieving a state of relaxation, helping to improve sleep quality. It can lull us into a peaceful slumber, reduce nighttime restlessness, and promote a more restorative sleep cycle.

9. Social Connection and Bonding

Music has a unique ability to bring people together and foster social connections. Whether it’s attending concerts, singing in a choir, or simply sharing favorite songs with friends, music can strengthen relationships and create a sense of belonging.

10. Self-Care and Mindfulness

Incorporating music into our daily routines can serve as an act of self-care and mindfulness. Taking the time to listen to music that resonates with us allows us to pause, reflect, and nurture our emotional well-being.

best songs to wake up to
The 10 Best Songs To Wake Up To For A Brighter Morning

Incorporating the right songs into our morning rituals can have a profound impact on our mental health and set a positive tone for the day. So, why not harness the power of music to create a more vibrant and fulfilling life? 

Wake up to the beats that inspire you, and let the melodies guide you towards a happier and more balanced state of mind.


Music has an incredible power to shape our emotions and influence our mindset. By choosing the best songs to wake up to, we can transform our mornings from dreary routines to vibrant and uplifting experiences. 

The 10 songs mentioned above are just a glimpse of the vast array of music available to brighten your mornings. Experiment with different genres and artists to find the melodies that resonate with you the most.

Whether you prefer gentle melodies to ease into wakefulness or energizing beats to jump-start your day, there’s a perfect song out there waiting to accompany your mornings. 

So, let the music be your guide and let it infuse your mornings with joy, positivity, and a renewed sense of purpose. Wake up to the rhythm of your favorite tunes, and embrace the endless possibilities that each new day brings.

Related: What Is Lofi Music? 5 Reasons Why It Is Good For Your Mental Health

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

What is the best song to wake up to?Β 

The best song to wake up to is subjective but upbeat tunes like ‘Here Comes the Sun’ can set a positive tone.

What is the best song to start a day?Β 

The best song to start a day varies, but uplifting melodies like ‘Don’t Stop Believin” can energize and motivate.

What is the best song to use as an alarm?Β 

The best song to use as an alarm depends on personal preference; consider upbeat songs with gradual intensity to ease awakening.

wake up song
The 10 Best Songs To Wake Up To For A Brighter Morning

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