12 Reasons Why Being Single Is Actually The Best Thing Ever


Reasons Being Single Is The Best Thing Ever

Is being single actually a negative and sad thing, as most people make it out to be? Is singlehood something, to be ashamed of?

It’s all how you look at it.

If you’re single, congratulations! You’re in excellent company.

For the first time in history, more Americans are single than married! The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 50.2 percent of American adults are single. And for good reason. The single lifestyle offers a long list of kick-ass opportunities and perks that couples donโ€™t get to enjoy. 

While being in love is amazing, here are 12 insightful reasons why the single life is more FUN than ever before: 

1. You Can Kiss Anyone You Want.

You can flirt with and kiss anyone you want, anytime you want (like that hot guy you just met at happy hour). Thatโ€™s pretty exciting!

2. You Donโ€™t Have To Compromise.

Relationships are hard work. When youโ€™re single, you donโ€™t have to deal with anyone but you. There’s no fighting, no hurt feelings, life is (mostly) drama-free, and you love it.

Want to know more about how being single is a good thing? Read 20 Underrated Perks Of Being Single

3. You Spend Money The Way You Want To.

You can buy that pair of ridiculously expensive shoes, donate gobs of money to your favorite charity, treat yourself to a decadent spa weekend, and even save up for your dream home.

No one tells you how to spend your dough. Itโ€™s all yours.

4. Your Friends Are Your Family.

When youโ€™re single, you have time to develop deep friendships, the kind where you really depend on one another. You get to choose who your close friends are and you get to spend as much time with them as you want. 

5. You Get The Whole Closet To Yourself.

No more cramming your clothes into one corner of the closet. Stretch out and take all the space you need, because you get the entire closet all to yourself.

6. You Can Travel Wherever And Whenever You Want.

You can hop on a flight to visit your college roommate for the weekend or book a hiking trip to the Canadian Rockies. Cross places off of your travel bucket list because you don’t have to consider what anyone else wants in the matter.

Itโ€™s all about YOU. Bon Voyage!

Looking to know more about how being single isn’t always a bad thing? Read Reasons Why Being Single Has Its Own Strengths

7. You Get To Pick The Radio Station And The TV Channel.

No more fighting over which music to listen to in the car or whether to watch football or HGTV. You have clicker control, and itโ€™s your road trip. Youโ€™re in charge.

8. You Can Pass Gas Whenever You Want To.

Come on, we know everybody does it. You donโ€™t have to hold them in anymore. Fart away.  

9. You Can Decorate To Your Taste.

You donโ€™t have to fight about where to put his ugly man-chair or the black leather couch he’s had since college. Hang a crystal chandelier from the bathroom ceiling and paint your bedroom hot pink. Itโ€™s going to look great! 

10. Youโ€™ve Learned To Enjoy Being Alone.

For many people, being alone means being lonely โ€” but not for you. Youโ€™ve spent enough time flying solo to appreciate your own good company. You enjoy time with friends but also look forward to being alone. You enjoy solitude.

11. You Have Time To Devote To Your Passions.

Join an evening tennis league or sign up for a painting class at the local art school! You can commit some time to train for a triathlon, so join a training group. Whatever floats your boat, you get to do it.

Be passionate and have fun!

Want to know more about why singlehood can be an amazing thing? Read Being Single Is Not Just Okay: But A Blessing In Disguise

12. You Have Time To Get Your Priorities Straight Before You Enter A Relationship.

Being single gives you a unique opportunity to discover who you are on the deepest level. You can create a life that is uniquely your own based on YOUR priorities. Once you’ve created a life that works just right for you, then go look for someone to share it with.  

There’s no better time to find love than when your life is already awesome!

I’d love to hear from you! What do you enjoy about being single? 

Michelle Jacoby is an award-winning matchmaker and dating coach. To discover the mistakes that will kill your chances of finding love, download Michelle’s FREE ebook “The 12 Mistakes That Will Kill Your Chances Of Finding Mr. Right”.

Originally appeared on Your tango
Printed here with permission from the author

Being single is not always a bad thing, as some people make it out to be. Singlehood gives you an amazing opportunity to know and understand yourself, and help you do everything that you have always wanted to do. So, enjoy your single life to the fullest and make the best memories of your life.

If you want to know more about how it’s a good thing being single, then check this video out below:

Being Single
12 Reasons Why Being Single Is Actually The Best Thing Ever
Reasons Being Single Is The Best Thing Ever pin
12 Reasons Why Being Single Is Actually The Best Thing Ever

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  1. Ariel Candy Avatar
    Ariel Candy

    Ashleigh Mackay these n a few more girl ๐Ÿ˜‰ xo

    1. Ariel Candy Avatar
      Ariel Candy

      Ahahaha yaya.!!! So good <3

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