60 Of The Hardest Questions To Answer


Hardest Questions To Answer Life

Deep, meaningful conversations have a certain magic about them. When you are able to open up to someone, without feeling scared of being judged, it’s a beautiful thing to experience. However, there’re some questions about life that are not just going to make you think, but they might be some of the hardest questions to answer.

Difficult and deep questions can throw you off balance and can even make you question life and the way you have lived it all this time. But this doesn’t always have to be a bad thing you know? Feeling uncomfortable sometimes, and thinking about some serious stuff helps you grow and understand yourself on a deeper level.

When you ask yourself these hard questions, the truth might feel difficult, and painful even. But facing those painful feelings is going to be a good thing for you in the long run. That’s why we have compiled for you 60 hard questions to ask yourself, and probably the hardest questions to answer about life. Let’s get started, shall we?

Here are 60 of the most hardest questions to answer in life.

Related: 40 Deep Questions To Ask If You Really Want To Know Someone

60 Of The Hardest Questions To Answer About Yourself And Life

1. What kind of a legacy do you want to leave behind? How would you want people to remember you, long after you’re gone?

2. Will you be able to deal with the death of your parents and your spouse? Will you be able to live a happy life without them?

3. Do you feel jealous of anyone? If yes, then who and why?

4. If the person who hurt you the most in life, showed up on your doorstep and asked for your forgiveness, would you forgive them?

hardest questions to answer
60 Of The Hardest Questions To Answer

5. If you were granted three wishes, what would you wish for and why?

6. Do you think that you are too hard on yourself sometimes?

7. Are you happy with where you are in life?

8. When you look at the person you have become today, do you feel proud and happy about yourself?

9. If your friends had to describe you with only 3 words, how do you think they would describe you?

10. Which 3 words would you use to describe yourself?

11. If it was your last day on Earth, which movie would you want to watch and why?

12. If there was only one person you could talk to for the rest of your life, who would it be?

13. You could change only one thing about the government without any consequences. What would you do?

14. When was the time you finally realized that it’s okay for other people to take care of you?

15. If you were asked to give up on your dream job for your partner/spouse, would you do it?

16. Would you sacrifice your life for your loved ones (parents, siblings, spouse/partner, friends)?

Related: 80+ Questions That Can Unmask Someoneโ€™s Deepest Insecurities And Thoughts

17. Have you ever pretended that you don’t need help, but you actually do? If yes, then why?

18. What are the important and life-changing lessons you think you wouldn’t have learned if you hadn’t suffered?

19. Which one do you think is more important – being respected or being loved?

20. If you didn’t know how old you are, what do you think your age will be?

21. Do you think happiness is a privilege or a right?

22. What would you tell your 15-year-old self, if you could travel back in time?

23. If you knew how and when you are going to die, would you change how you live your life now?

24. When was the last time you just let go and ventured out of your comfort zone, without any fear?

hardest questions to answer
60 Of The Hardest Questions To Answer

25. When was the last time, you laughed so much that your stomach hurt?

26. Do you feel angry and frustrated whenever things don’t go your way?

27. Do you think you can ever have full and complete control over your life?

28. Do you think life has a purpose or is everyone alive just for the sake of it?

29. Have you ever cut ties with some people, and then regretted it for the rest of your life?

30. Have you ever forgiven anyone who hurt you badly, but never apologized for it?

31. Is there anything in your life you are trying very hard to avoid? If yes, then what?

32. Do you have any lost relationships in your life that you would like to mend?

33. Do you think suffering is necessary for attaining wisdom in life?

34. Why are we so scared of death? What’s the real reason behind our fear of death?

Related: 50 Questions To Ask Yourself To Know Your Deepest Insecurities

35. Which one is easier – to love or to hate?

36. Children and babies are considered to be innocent beings. At what point in life do you think people start to lose their innocence?

37. Why do you always feel the need to beat yourself up over every little problem?

38. If there is one thing every human being should experience in life, what is that according to you?

39. If you could time travel, where would you choose to go – the past or the future? Also, which era would you like to travel to?

40. What is more important to you? What do others think of you or what do you think about yourself?

hardest questions to answer
60 Of The Hardest Questions To Answer

41. If you could speak any language fluently, which language would you choose?

42. Which of the 7 sins do you think you are guilty of?

43. Would you like to know when you are going to die? Or would you want to be kept in the dark about it?

44. Why is it okay to eat a pig or a cow but not a dog?

45. Is reality the same for everyone, or does it vary from person to person and as per their perceptions?

46. What is the first thing you would do if you had unlimited money?

47. Which one do you think is more important – motivation or discipline?

48. What do you think existed before the Big Bang?

49. Do you find it easy to be grateful for the things you have, or do you tend to focus more on what you DON’T have?

Related: 32 Thought-Provoking Questions That are Reflections on the Self

50. Why do we miss our childhoods so much?

51. Would you like to do anything differently in your past or change anything in it, if you were given an opportunity to do so?

52. Is immortality a blessing or a curse?

53. Why do we always forgive the ones we love, even if they hurt us a lot?

54. What do you think are you missing out on by not stepping out of your comfort zone?

55. What would you do if you knew you could never fail?

56. Do our accomplishments and achievements matter in the long run?

57. Is it possible to be a perfectly nice person?

58. Which one would you choose – to live forever or to die but be remembered forever?

59. Do you think technology is ruining humanity? Or is it actually making a positive difference?

60. What do you think the black hole looks like on the inside?

61. What is your favorite color and why?

Related: 30+ Weird Questions To Get To Know Someone Better

These are the top hardest questions to answer about life. Which ones made you think the most? And as per you, what are the hardest questions to answer in this world, apart from these? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

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60 Of The Hardest Questions To Answer

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