12 Positive Parenting Phrases To Affirm Good Behavior


positive parenting phrases to affirm good behavior

If you are like me finding this parenting thing a daily struggle, welcome to this world. There is no such thing as perfect parents, and as our kids grow, we also grow with them and so parenting strategies also keep changing that we use to raise our children.

The best tool can be a one-liner. Yes, you heard it right, not some modern parenting strategy or grounding rules, just some phrases instead of a big, long banter. In this article, we discuss some of the best parenting phrases you can use to discipline your child.

We as parents are always on the lookout for good parenting advice on how to raise a kid who is confident, kind, and successful. We like to think it all starts with good parenting. The trick is to train them with these brief phrases coupled with the tone of your choice so that your kid understands when to stop and what to do next. There is a saying “short and simple works better”.

Related: 9 Guiding Principles For More Positive Parenting

Why One-Liners?

Ever been in a shouting match with your kids, if not maybe you will get there. We all have been there at one point in time. But what I have learned is you cannot keep up with your authority if are down that level. Your child will find more ways to respond and win, and some time’s it can be aggressive. Keeping yourself calm (we know how hard it is) is necessary.

Over-explaining things to your child will not lead you anywhere but more arguments. You should tell your kid exactly what you want them to do, when they must do it, what happens if they do not and for this, you do not need to get into a power struggle, just one sentence is enough. You need to communicate with them in such a way that it gets clear the expectation which goes hand in hand with these one-liners. Your vocal cords will thank you.

It’s difficult, to sum up parenting in one sentence. Every child is different and so is every parenting style (of course it all depends on your kid) and that is why we have boiled down the best parenting one-liner phrases parents use to correct their child’s behaviors. Choose your pick.

Here Are Some Of The Parenting Phrases You Can Use To Avoid Unhealthy Arguments:

1. ‘Asked and Answered

This parenting phrase is the alternative of one of the most popular and super effective phrases (Because I said so). There is nowhere to go with this one. You might have let your kid get away with a lot; you listened, responded, and sometimes gave in. But there are some times that don’t just cut it.

It’s an exasperated response but trying to explain every situation will make you feel overtaxed because they have not reached that position to understand certain situations yet. Now you’re done explaining and it’s time for them to understand this, and be a good kid because mum knows better.

2. ‘It hurts me to say no…’

It’s a classic one among the parenting phrases. It’s a mom and dad’s way of saying no matter how much you whine, and you will not always have your way. Although it may really hurt us to say no, but setting boundaries is necessary.

With this phrase, you are letting your kid know that you understand where they are coming from, but it’s not possible for you to always give in to every demand of theirs. It helps them to feel validated although the ball is not in their court.

3. ‘Do you think that’s funny?

This may be a phrase that goes from generation to generation. While this is a simple question, it’s necessary to coach your kids to know that when you throw this expression at them, it’s certainly not funny. You have had enough tolerating their goofing around and now it’s time for them to act responsibly (Let’s say how much they are capable of).

Related: Conscious Parenting: The Art Of Raising Happy Children

4. ‘I love you too much to argue.’

Maybe the most productive parenting phrase. You use this phrase in a loving and logical way that makes sense. Telling your kid this will let them know that you are not arguing to satisfy your ego, because you love them too much for that. You are just trying to prove a point. This one sentence will make your kid stop arguing and turn around because they know it’s over.

5. ‘I know, but…

Bossing around drives millennial stubborn kids crazy, and can’t we relate? Let your kid understand that you have acknowledged their opinions but there will be other times for it too. You need to say it in an empathetic way, it shows them that you are equally sad for the loophole of this situation.

6. ‘How do we ask?’

This right here is a gem when we want to teach manners to our kids. Instead of getting upset with your kid’s rude behavior, just try to make them remember their manners in a calm way. It can be hard to convince a child to follow basic manners when you failed to do so.

Explain the reason why a specific behavior may not be appreciated. Little slips are alright because that is how they would learn and you are there to remind them always. If you can practice this in a matter-of-fact manner, your child will know that they are off the line and they should rectify their actions when you say this line to them.

7. ‘I may be wrong, but don’t you think…

The best way to end a power struggle is by stepping aside. Remove yourself from the argument. Your child will understand that it’s not wrong to be wrong. Calmly explain your points with a soothing tone. Ask for suggestions, you may be surprised.

Instead of acting repulsively, they will think it through. Keep it in practice so that your kid knows when you are going to do things your way, but with your kid’s opinions taking into account.

8. ‘I can’t understand you.’

An alternative to “stop whining”. Tell your kid to use their normal voice because if they are using that voice, they are not communicating properly what they actually want. The goal is to make them remember to talk in a pleasant way and stop their verbal tantrums.

Related: 10 Simple Steps to Stop Toxic Parenting

9. ‘Is it worth it?

Well, this parenting phrase needs practice but is equally effective, because it makes your child realize what they are doing is not worth it because their actions will not get them what they desire. Once they get accustomed to this line and understand that not all tantrums will be indulged, they will eventually pause and rethink their actions.

10. ‘It’s hard for me to accept that you would do this.’

A similar way of saying “that’s not who you are”. Every kid, although they may not say it, looks for their parent’s approval. When you make them understand that you are disapproving of their actions and you did not expect this kind of behavior from them, you set a standard for them. They may eventually stop and understand that they are not meeting the expectations of their family and refocus their approach.

11. ‘You don’t have to understand.’

One of the best parenting phrases is effective when you are tired of discussing all the pros and cons of their actions. Sometimes it’s not possible for a parent to discuss everything with their kid. This one will help them realize that there are some things that their parents know best and they should stop and believe that whatever it is, and constantly resisting against it will not do them any good.

Related: 25 Effective Parenting Rules For Mothers With Sons

12. ‘What would you want me to do/say to you?

Making them stand in the shoes of others helps them rethink their own attitude. This phrase teaches your child to think about how they would feel if their parents or someone else behaves like that to them. Consider the fact that their attitude or actions hurt others as much as it would hurt them if the same thing was thrown at them.

These are the most helpful and constructive phrases parents can use to help their kids make better choices. The point is to keep things simple. Remember, if you are feeling overwhelmed, your child is too, maybe 10 times greater because it’s all new for them. What is essential, is building and maintaining a strong relationship with your child.

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12 Positive Parenting Phrases To Affirm Good Behavior
Parenting Phrases Discipline Kid pin
12 Positive Parenting Phrases To Affirm Good Behavior
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12 Positive Parenting Phrases To Affirm Good Behavior

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