10 Ways You’re Making Your Life Harder Than It Has To Be


ways youre making your life harder than it has to be

Life is not always an easy thing to navigate, with all its ups and downs, and the sudden curveballs that it throws your way. But sometimes, knowingly or unknowingly, you’re making your life harder than it has to be, due to your own mindset, actions, and behaviors.

Here Are 10 Ways You’re Making Your Life Harder Than It Has To Be

Ways Making Life Harder infographics
You Are Making Your Life Harder

1. You Ascribe Intent.

Another driver cut you off. Your friend never texted you back. Your co-worker went to lunch without you. Everyone can find a reason to be offended on a steady basis. So what caused you to be offended? You assigned bad intent to these otherwise innocuous actions. You took it as a personal affront, a slap in the face.

Happy people do not do this. They don’t take things personally. They don’t ascribe intent to the unintentional actions of others.

2. You’re The Star Of Your Own Movie.

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10 Ways You’re Making Your Life Harder Than It Has To Be

It is little wonder that you believe the world revolves around you. After all, you have been at the very center of every experience you have ever had. You are the star of your own movie. You wrote the script. You know how you want it to unfold. You even know how you want it to end.

Unfortunately, you forgot to give your script to anyone else. As a result, people are unaware of the role they are supposed to play. Then, when they screw up their lines or fail to fall in love with you, or don’t give you a promotion, your movie is ruined.

Lose your script. Let someone else star once in a while. Welcome new characters. Embrace plot twists.

Related: 5 Factors Crucial To Living a Happy Life, according To Carl Jung

3. You Fast Forward To The Apocalypse.

I have a bad habit of fast-forwarding everything to its worst possible outcome and being pleasantly surprised when the result is marginally better than utter disaster or jail time. My mind unnecessarily wrestles with events that aren’t even remotely likely. My sore throat is cancer. My lost driver’s license fell into the hands of an al-Qaeda operative who will wipe out my savings account.

Negativity only breeds more negativity. It is a happiness riptide. It will carry you away from shore and if you don’t swim away from it, will pull you under.

4. You Have Unrealistic And/Or Uncommunicated Expectations.

Among the many shortcomings of your family and friends is the harsh reality that they cannot read your mind or anticipate your whims.

Did your boyfriend forget the six-and-a-half-month anniversary of your first movie date? Did your girlfriend refuse to call at an appointed hour? Did your friend fail to fawn over your tribal tattoo?

Unmet expectations will be at the root of most of your unhappiness in life. Minimize your expectations, maximize your joy.

5. You Are Waiting For A Sign.

I have a friend who won’t make a decision without receiving a “sign.” I suppose she is waiting on a trumpeted announcement from God. She is constantly paralyzed by a divinity that is either heavily obscured or frustratingly tardy. I’m not disavowing that fate or a higher power plays a role in our lives. I’m just saying that it is better to help shape fate than to be governed by it.

Related: 5 Ways To Eliminate Sadness From Your Life

6. You Don’t Take Risks.

Two words: Live boldly. Every single time you are offered a choice that involves greater risk, take it. You will lose on many of them but when you add them up at the end of your life you’ll be glad you did.

You're making your life harder
You’Re Making Your Life Harder By Not Taking Risks

7. You Constantly Compare Your Life To Others.

A few years ago I was invited to a nice party at a big warehouse downtown. I was enjoying the smooth jazz, box wine, and crustless sandwiches. What more could a guy want? Later in the evening, I noticed a steady parade of well-heeled people slide past and disappear into another room.

I peeked and saw a large party with beautiful revelers dancing and carrying on like Bacchus. Suddenly my gig wasn’t as fun as it had been all because it didn’t appear to measure up to the party next door- a party I didn’t even know existed until just moments before.

I do this frequently. Those people are having more fun. Mary has a bigger boat. Craig gets all the lucky breaks. Ted has more money. John is better looking.

Stop it.

Always remember what Teddy Roosevelt said: “Comparison is the thief of joy.

8. You Let Other People Steal From You.

If you had a million dollars in cash under your mattress, you would check it regularly and take precautions to ensure it is safe. The one possession you have that is more important than money is time. But you don’t do anything to protect it. In fact, you willingly give it to thieves.

Selfish people, egotistical people, negative people, people who won’t shut up. Treat your time like Fort Knox. Guard it closely and give it only to those who deserve and respect it.

9. You Can’t/Won’t Let Go.

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You Are Making Your Life Harder By Not Letting Go

These are getting a little harder, aren’t they? That’s because sometimes you have to work at happiness. Some hurdles are too difficult to clear by simply adjusting your point of view or adopting a positive mindset.

Do you need to forgive someone? Do you need to turn your back on a failed relationship? Do you need to come to terms with the death of a loved one?

Life is full of loss. But, in a sense, real happiness would not be possible without it. It helps us appreciate and savor the things that really matter. It helps us grow. It can help us help others grow.

The closure is a word for people who have never really suffered. There’s no such thing. Just try to “manage” your loss. Put it in perspective. You will always have some regret and doubt about your loss. You may always second guess yourself. If only you had said this, or tried that.

You’re not alone. Find someone who understands and talk to that person. Reach out for support. If all else fails, try #10 below.

Related: 17 Hauntingly Beautiful Keanu Reeves Quotes About Life

10. You Don’t Give Back.

One way to deal with loss is to immerse yourself in doing good. Volunteer. Get involved in life.

It doesn’t even have to be a big, structured thing. Say a kind word. Encourage someone. Pay a visit to someone who is alone. Get away from your self-absorption.

When it comes down to it, there are two types of people in this world. There are givers and there are takers. Givers are happy. Takers are miserable. What are you?

Written By Tim Hoch 
Originally Appeared In Thought Catalog

When you realize that you’re making your life harder than it has to be, the best thing to do is to stop doing whatever that is contributing to it. Life is unpredictable, sure, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything to make it more fulfilling and happy.

Stop doing these things as these are just making your life harder than it is. You will see just how positively your life changes for the better.

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10 Ways You’re Making Your Life Harder Than It Has To Be
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10 Ways You’re Making Your Life Harder Than It Has To Be
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10 Ways You’re Making Your Life Harder Than It Has To Be
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10 Ways You’re Making Your Life Harder Than It Has To Be

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