6 Easy Ways To Start Loving Your Body, Right Now!


start loving your body

You are beautiful, no matter what you may think. But embracing our body is a practice that doesn’t come easily as human beings have the tendency to change their mental and physical image as per society at some point in their life. So, how can you start loving your body and yourself?

You are imperfect, permanently, and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful.
— Amy Bloom

How much do you love your body? If you’re like most women, you have a desire to improve your body in some way, and you probably have a love/hate relationship with your body.

Research has shown that 80 percent of women in the U.S. are dissatisfied with their appearance. And more than 10 million are suffering from eating disorders.

We are constantly sold images of what is defined as sexy and desirable. In many non-Caucasian ethnic groups, the fairer skin toned you are the more desirable you are seen in your community.

The bottom line is that we become disconnected from the beautiful, miraculous nature of our bodies.

Instead of celebrating, we are constantly criticizing and fighting our bodies, suffering from poor body image, and not loving ourselves. This constant battle on our bodies leaves us feeling depressed, anxious, and that we are not good enough.

Now, imagine what it would be like to feel good in your body, to feel happy and appreciative of it.

Itโ€™s possible to change your relationship with your body, and once you do, you will actually see your body physically become more and more beautiful. Here’s how to start loving your body.

1. Focus On What You Love About Your Body.

Loving your body
6 Easy Ways To Start Loving Your Body, Right Now!

Like everything, what you focus on gets stronger. If you focus on the lack and the negative, the more negative you will get.

This is true for our bodies as well. When you focus on what you love about your body, you will find more and more to love. Your body will feel your love and lead to health, happiness, and ease.

Read: 12 Tips To Self-Love And Compassion

2. Express Gratitude For Your Body.

Think about all your body enables you to do. Make a ritual to express gratitude to different parts of your body daily.

Thank your feet for carrying you where you need to go, your hands for helping you connect with others, your hips for attracting potential partners, or for helping your body carry a healthy baby.

Read: How The Universal Law of Gratitude Can Help You

3. Stop Comparing Yourself To Others.

You are unique and you do not compare to anyone on this earth. Sociologists and other concerned academics and social critics have traditionally put the spotlight on fashion magazines and other forms of media.

Social media is no different. No one is perfect, and, in the words of Gloria Steinem, โ€œperfectionism is internalized oppression.โ€

Stop comparison and start loving your body.

4. Meditate.

When you quiet your busy mind, your body’s truly miraculous nature surfaces.

Read: 7 Informal Meditation Practices: How To Meditate Without Meditating

5. Practice Body Awareness By Observing Your Breath.

Seriously, itโ€™s like doing yoga when you are not at yoga. Focus on your breath when you walk, when you are sitting are your desk. Just notice your breath in and out of your nostrils, your chest or stomach.

6. Eat And Exercise From Your Intuition.

Forget the schedule or the diet plan sold to you on Instagram.

No oneโ€™s body is the exact same, when you tune into the subtle needs of your body, your body will get what it needs to look and feel its best.

The more you tune into your body, the happier and more empowered you will be. Your body and the body of all women are truly miraculous not a shameful problem to fix, but a gift to be celebrated and honored.

Read: 30 Minute Exercise Workout Routine Especially for Chest

May you feel honored to be in a womanโ€™s body today.

Did you enjoy reading? Share your thoughts in comments.

Written By Samin Razzaghi
Originally Appeared On Your Tango
6 Easy Ways To Start Loving Your Body
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6 Easy Ways To Start Loving Your Body, Right Now!

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