Are You A Multipotentialite Empath?


Are You A Multipotentialite Empath

Multipotentialite Empath: Many people struggle to find their life purpose, especially the Empaths. Feeling confused as to whether we are walking the โ€˜right occupational pathโ€™ is all too common for the Sensitive. There are many reasons for this, but the way the world makes us โ€˜feelโ€™ certainly contributes to our confusion. Because we get exhausted, depressed or overstimulated by spending too much time around others, it can lead us to feel unfulfilled and often blaming our chosen profession.

This sense of unfulfillment can lead us to try many different vocations, in a bid to find the work that feels a fit and we hope will put us on the path to our true-life-purpose.

Empaths are hardwired into learning, gaining knowledge and wisdom. We have active imaginations and are often looking for ways to fill our creative-mind-space. Many try different posts, college courses or careers and believe the reason for this is because we are searching for our true vocation, however, there may be another reasonโ€ฆ You could be a Multipotentialite Empath!

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According to Emilie Wapnick, A multipotentiality is a person who has many different interests and creative pursuits in life. She says:

โ€˜Multipotentialites have no โ€œone true callingโ€ the way specialists do. Being a multipotentialite is our destiny. We have many paths and we pursue all of them, either sequentially or simultaneously (or both).

 Multipotentialites thrive on learning, exploring, and mastering new skills. We are excellent at bringing disparate ideas together in creative ways. This makes us incredible innovators and problem solvers.

 When it comes to new interests that emerge, our insatiable curiosity leads us to absorb everything we can get our hands-on. As a result, we pick up new skills fast and tend to be a wealth of information.โ€™

I believe many Empaths will resonate with being a multipotentialite for the simple fact they love to learn and master new skills and abilities (mostly to help others).

The sad thing is our society expects us to find one vocational path and stick to it for life! This may make those who want to change careers feel guilty or wrong for doing so.

For some, being in the same job throughout their life is โ€˜heaven on a plateโ€™. But this path is not for everyone. Some of us need to keep changing, keep learning, and keep moving forward and we have to know that it is ok to do this.

Like many others, I used to believe that I studied a vast array of subjects and professions to find my true calling. I realized some time ago that all I was learning was not just part of a whimsical passing interest. What Iโ€™ve been studying and researching over the years, Iโ€™ve been doing for a reason. I love writing about ways others can better serve themselves and learning all that I have, has helped me do this.

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There is nothing wrong with embracing change or having a desire to learn and a thirst for knowledge. Stepping away from the herd, and herd mentality is essential for our own personal growth. We have to know it is ok to keep learning and experiencing new or different careers if thatโ€™s what we want. Even if we try a job for just a matter of weeks. As long as we are not letting others down, getting into debt or overly putting on others by our choices, we need to know we are ok to keep learning and growing.

Listening to our internal guidance system will keep us going in the right direction. If you have a desire to do or learn something, follow it. It may be learning a language, playing a musical instrument, learning to act, ride horses, play golf, qualify as a yoga teacher, a computer programmer, photographer or reflexologist. Whatever your urge is, follow it!

The great late Wayne Dyer had a saying that has always stuck with me: โ€˜Donโ€™t die with your music still inside you!โ€™  This phrase tells me to keep following and listening to my intuition and if I have a hankering to follow a certain path, listen to my inner guidance and do it.

You never know where what you have learned today will take you tomorrowโ€ฆ or ten years from now. When you align with your calling, your path will be illuminated in a series of stepping stones. You canโ€™t always see where they are taking you now, but trust that your Higher Self can see the bigger picture and you will be guided in the right direction.

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Embrace being an Empath, Multipotentialite or both! You are meant to change the world!

Until next timeโ€ฆ

ยฉDiane Kathrine at Empaths Empowered

This article was originally published on Empaths Empowered and has been republished here, with permission.

Are You A Multipotentialite Empath

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