9 Weird Signs You Might Actually Be A Genius


Weird Signs Be A Genius

What if you are actually genius but just not aware of it? Here are 9 weird signs backed by science that prove that you are a Genius.
Howard Gardener, an American developmental psychologist described that there are 9 different types of intelligence.

They are:

โ€ข Naturalist (nature smart)
โ€ข Musical (sound smart)
โ€ข Logical-mathematical (number/reasoning smart)
โ€ข Existential (life smart)
โ€ข Interpersonal (people smart)
โ€ข Bodily-kinesthetic (body smart)
โ€ข Linguistic (word smart)
โ€ข Intra-personal (self-smart)
โ€ข Spatial (picture smart)

Mozart and Einstein were two very different people but both were regarded as Geniuses because of their excellence in their respective fields

No matter which field or profession you are in, there are certain behavioral traits that are common in all people who are smarter than the average

Here are 9 unexpected signs backed by science that prove that you are a Genius:

1) Are you a worrier? Thatโ€™s a great start.

People who overthink and worry a lot are more imaginative and creative explains personality expert Adam Perkins, from King’s College London. “High scorers on neuroticism have a highly active imagination, which acts as a built-in threat generator,” cites Perkins.

Overthinking and worrying comes from your innate ability to imagine vividly. So next time you catch yourself overthinking, try utilizing your creative imagination to find out solutions.

Related: 3 Zodiac Signs That Are Known To Be Highly Intelligent

2) Do you talk to yourself more often?

Intelligent people have very hyperactive brains. They are often caught in their own ideas and philosophies. Talking to yourself reduces stress, provides a cognitive boost and brings more clarity and focus to your life.

โ€œQuiet people have the loudest mind.โ€ โ€“ Stephen Hawking

So next time you catch yourself talking in your head, donโ€™t worry, it is just one of the weird signs that you are a genius.

3) Do you get curious about everything?

Are you always interested in the hows and whys behind everything? Do you find yourself asking a lot of questions, reading a lot and observing everything with curiosity to learn? Then you are smarter than the average.

Genius people are highly curious and have a childlike zeal to learn and consume new information

Even Albert Einstein mentioned that โ€œI am not intelligent. I am only passionately curious.โ€

Related: 5 Smart People Flaws โ€“ If Youโ€™ve Got This Youโ€™re Probably Above Intelligent

4) Do you forget where you kept your phone or keys?

Scatterbrained people are basically geniuses, according to psychology. Highly intelligent people think deeply and are concerned with finding the mystical meaning behind things.

Their mind is occupied with thinking about n number of things at a time and therefore they can be absent-minded sometimes and forget about basic things like where they kept their phone or keys.

5) Are you lazy about Fashion?

If you are a genius, you want to spend your time and thinking abilities on bigger issues than fashion.

That is why the likes of Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg are known for wearing the same color T-shirt every day.

Related: Most Intelligent People Choose To Be Less Social. Hereโ€™s why!

6) Do you read constantly?

Do you enjoy reading constantly? Great, because intelligent people are obsessed with it.

They love learning about how things work and expanding their horizons.

There are two types of reading Geniuses:

1. The Polymath: who tend to read on any topics that they can get their hands on. This is what the likes of Elon Musk are.
2. The singularly focused: who tends to read on particular topics according to their area of expertise.

So, if you have a love relationship with books and reading, you are a Genius!

โ€œOf all the things, I like books best.โ€ โ€“ Nikola Tesla

7) Do you enjoy pushing boundaries and challenging yourself?

The brain is the sexiest organ for a Genius.

They like to constantly engage in activities to better their minds whether it is reading, Sudoku or crossword puzzles. They constantly push themselves out of their comfort zones and expand their horizons.

8) Do you suffer from social anxiety?

People who have IQ are constantly engaged in analyzing their surroundings, reflecting on what is happening around them, forming correlations, no wonder they get anxious in social environments.

Studies show that highly intelligent people are also highly sensitive to stimuli and get anxious in social setups.

Related: Science Reveals If You Have THESE 3 Bad Habits, You Might Be Exceptionally Intelligent

9) Do you struggle with addiction issues?

There is a long list of creative artists, singers, musicians, actors, scientists and creative geniuses who have struggled with addiction.
Whether it is to ease their loneliness or a desire to experiment to get into the creative zone, highly intelligent people are at a high risk of indulging in self-sabotaging addictive behaviour.

Obviously, this is a completely unhealthy thing and if you are a creative genius then you have to be extra cautious to stand guard against these tendencies.

โ€œHappiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know.โ€ โ€“ Ernest Hemingway

Can you relate to the weird signs of Genius?

Happiness In Intelligent People

weird signs Genius
Unexpected Signs You’Re A Genius
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9 Weird Signs You Might Actually Be A Genius

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  1. Michael Evayo Avatar
    Michael Evayo

    Great article

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