7 Deal Breakers for Women

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First dates are usually full of pressure: the pressures to look good, to be charming and to show your date a good time. One way to deal with it is to get really nervous and spend 2 hours practicing in front of a mirror. Or you can just make sure you avoid these deal breakers for women and ensure that you make a great first impression.

1. You smell

Hopefully, you already know how important it is to take a shower and brush your teeth before a date. If you really canโ€™t (i.e. youโ€™re meeting for drinks after work), make sure you donโ€™t eat a spicy lunch and skip that noontime workout. Bad breath, body odor, and stank feet are definite donโ€™ts.

2. You have 3 beers before the appetizers arrive

Maybe you had a stressful day โ€“ or you just really like beer. Either way, keep your drinking to a minimum. One drink before the meal and one drink during is a safe bet. You can always go out for more afterwards. If you do go for drinks however, donโ€™t get smashed. Puking on her (likely expensive) shoes is no goodnight kiss and is a definite deal breaker for women.

3. You put on a show

Donโ€™t pretend youโ€™re a big-time financial advisor if you really just crunch numbers in a cubicle. Trying to be someone you think sheโ€™ll like will only backfire in the end. Be genuine and honest, and chances are sheโ€™ll like you exactly the way you are. If not, her loss. Or you need a better job. Just kidding.

4. You wear grimy sneakers

Donโ€™t wear your mud-stained shoes or wrinkled clothes, even if you donโ€™t usually dress up. First impressions count, and itโ€™s easy to turn people off if they think you havenโ€™t made an effort. Dress to impress: put on some classy clothes and a nice pair of shoes. Clean shoes tell a woman that you take the time to care for yourself and your things.

5. You talk about yourself the entire time

Itโ€™s important to show interest in your date. Telling her about you is fine, but long-winded anecdotes and stories you might find funny may be more of a bore. Keep stories short and donโ€™t forget to ask her questions about her.

6. You donโ€™t talk at all

Being shy or tired is no excuse. The first date is your time to shine. You have a few hours to show her what type of person you are, so itโ€™s important to make an effort. Show your personality, be charming and most importantly, be confident.

7. You bring up taboo topics

Asking her how many people she`s slept with or which side of the Middle East conflict sheโ€™s on halfway through appetizers can be a little disarming. Donโ€™t bring up controversial issues that might get a rise out of her or cause conflict. Try to keep the conversation light and friendly.

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7 Deal Breakers for Women

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