6 Things You Can Do To Reduce Mental Stress


things you can do to reduce mental stress

Mental stress is a response of our body arising from a situation or life event. It varies from person to person and differs from social interactions, environment, or genetics.
How to reduce mental stress?

People stress in many things. Lost of a loved one, financial difficulties, losing a job and divorce/separation are the main causes of stress according to the survey. During this situation, youโ€™re irritable, upset, and threatened that can lead you to the way you behave, emotional and physical changes; moreover, it has a huge effect on building a relationship in our daily life. 

stress is caused by being "here" but wanting to be "there"

Here is a psychological research that suggests on how to reduce mental stress: 

1. Exercise regularly 

Exercise should be part of your stress management list. Physical activity produces endorphins which increase your sense of wellbeing and overall health. Physicians always encouraged patients to stay physically active. The more physically active people the greater the feeling of enthusiasm.

When stress affects your brain, the rest of your body does eventually. Exercise reduces fatigue, boosts mental alertness and concentration, and stabilize your mood. Any form of physical activity can help you reduce mental stress.

Read 8 Self Soothing Techniques to Reduce Stress

2. Laugh out loud 

Laughter is universally known as the best medicine. Laughter therapy relaxes the muscles and can help decrease your depression and anxiety level. When we smile, our brain releases dopamine that increases the feelings of positive mental state.

I a, attracted to laughter

Negative thoughts can affect the body by bringing more stress and decreasing immunity. But, if you change the quality of your thoughts; you will feel the change in your behaviour. Share a smile, and the world will smile you back.  

3. Eat healthy foods. 

Eating the right kinds of foods is a vital part of our lifestyle. Studies show that eating habit affects our mood. Make a meal plan. Try to avoid sugary and processed foods. It has proven that whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and fish are good in reducing stress, help build higher energy level and sharper mental alertness.

Reduce caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine intake as much as possible. Replace it with tea instead. Green tea contains antioxidants that provide health benefits. It is also good to relax your mind and body which helps to fight your anxiety and depression.

Read 10+ Immunity Boosting Foods You Should Have More Often

4. Practice saying NO like you mean it 

You disrespect yourself every time you say yes when you want to say no

Always saying YES is not right and may end up to more pressure and disappointments. Overcommitted at work with poor time management can result in physical and emotional stress. Learning to say no is not easy at first especially when she is someone you care about who used to get what she wants from you, and you may find yourself to give in to avoid arguments and disagreement.

Learning to say NO is not only a selfish act but also an essential skill to achieve a stress-free life. You should also think about yourself and respect your rights. Stand up for yourself and make sure that your priorities and needs meet. 

5. Get enough rest

Sleep is a powerful stress reliever. Having a regular routine of sleep calms and restores the body, improves concentration, mood, judgment and decision making, and sharper memory.

On the contrary, inadequate sleep reduces your energy, more reactive, more impulsive and more sensitive. Sleeping impairment can trigger higher stress level which can affect your performance and creating difficulty in relationships. 

The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.

6. Treat yourself 

Enjoy your life because you deserve to be happy. Donโ€™t be too hard for yourself. Inhaleโ€ฆ Exhaleโ€ฆ Do things that you are passionate about. You can treat yourself in many ways such as going to a cinema to watch movies, trying new adventures, going to the beach, gardening, playing sports, going to a spa and salon, playing music, cooking your favourite foods, and upgrading new skills. All of them contributes to achieving a peaceful mind and physical fitness. Bonus, you can get to know more and embrace yourself. 

Read 9 Steps Thatโ€™ll Help You Love Yourself Better

A word from Mind Journal

Stress is an inexorable part of our life, but it doesnโ€™t mean you have to tolerate it. Untreated stress can result in serious health problems. Interestingly, stress is manageable and reducible in many ways. Itโ€™s up to you if whichever of them works well.

6 Things You Can Do To Reduce Mental Stress
6 Things You Can Do To Reduce Mental Stress
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things you can do to reduce mental stress

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