Symptoms Of Blocked Chakras: How To Identify And Heal


Symptoms Of Blocked Chakras

Do you know your blocked chakras can be the reason why your life is out of whack? Read on to know why it’s important to open your blocked chakras.

For hundreds of years, Chakra healing has been a science to reckon with and it’s making a comeback in the medical field too. Find out if you have any blocked chakras. But before we start here is what you should know about Chakras and their Power in our Life.

Related: What Is Spirituality?

What are the Chakras?

Chakras are located down our back from the top of our head to the base of our spine. The word ‘Chakra’ is the Sanskrit word for ‘wheel’.

These wheels are the seven points in our body through which the energy in our body is circulated. Blocked Chakras in our body hamper the uninterrupted energy flow and thus disrupt our body’s organic flow, causing emotional and physical illnesses.

The seven Chakras from the bottom are as follows:

  • The Root Chakra
  • Sacral Chakra
  • Solar Plexus Chakra
  • Heart Chakra
  • Throat Chakra
  • Third Eye Chakra
  • The Crown Chakra

Each of these Chakras is directly related to a particular part of the body and thus affects our general health- taking all the major systems in our body like the digestive system, reproductive system, and respiratory system, to our intuition.

Therefore, it is vital to keep these energy wheels clear and unblocked to allow our body to function as it was designed.

The Chakras in our body can be blocked because of various factors, the most common being:

  • diet
  • negative thoughts
  • stress
  • and a sedentary lifestyle

We can easily open and heal our blocked chakras by implementing some simple lifestyle changes that can show drastic improvements in our overall physical and emotional well-being.

Related: What Are Chakras? A Quick and Easy Guide

Identify Blocked Chakras

The first step to healing any ailment is to find the root of the problem. The same is true for blocked chakras. Before we can focus on opening the blocked chakras, we need to identify the blocked chakras first. You may discover that many are blocked or you might find there are one or two that need clearing.

Symptoms Of Blocked Chakras

Find out the blocked chakras you should focus on healing by identifying with the list of symptoms below associated with each chakra.

1. Root Chakra

blocked chakras
Open Blocked Chakras

Color: Red
Element: Earth
Position: Base of the Spine
Objective: It is associated with the foundations of survival:  food, shelter, safety, comfort, and belonging.
Blocked by: Fear which cannot be managed.

When your Root Chakra is blocked:

  • You often feel stuck and inactive.
  • You experience overwhelming stress because of external pressure.
  • You feel insecure about your life.
  • You feel left out in varied situations.
  • You are facing persistent financial problems.

Related: Your Most Powerful Chakra based on your Zodiac Sign

Healing the Root Chakra:

  • You can engage more in activities close to nature like gardening, going for morning works in the garden, walking bare feet on the grass, doing healthy cooking, go hiking.
  • Surround yourself in a safe and comfortable environment, where you feel calm and soothed. Be around earthly colors and objects reminding you of nature.
  • Doing yoga can bridge the gap between the body and the spirit.

Read Unblocking the Third Eye: What Illuminati Doesn’t Want You To Know

2. Sacral Chakra

blocked chakras
Identify Blocked Chakras

Color: Orange
Element: Water
Position: Below the belly button.
Objective: Governing connectivity, sexuality, quality of interpersonal relationships, pleasure and contentment, and joy of life.
Blocked by: Guilt.

When your Sacral Chakra is blocked:

  • You negatively evaluate yourself, judge yourself in a negative light, and feel inadequate and insufficient.
  • You have trouble engaging in a sensual and pleasurable sexual relationship
  • You hold negative and degrading ideas about Physical intimacy and sexual intercourse.
  • You feel disconnected from other people.
  • You have a punitive attitude toward yourself.
  • You desperately search for a worthy partner, failing to realize you are lovable.

Healing the Sacral Chakra:

  • Overcoming The Challenge of Grasping – can you fully recognize and appreciate the experience at the moment? Getting too attached to experiences might get in the way of a “healthy” flow and turn into insatiable, obsessive, or hoarding behavior.
  • Severing Draining Emotional Ties – This chakra drains because of unstable and toxic family dynamics where manipulation is at play. In relationships, you have to engage in transparent and direct communication of different emotions: joy, happiness, sadness, anger, etc. instead of giving in to reactive responses.
  • Healing Shame in the Second Chakra- Repressed sexuality can lead to serious imbalances in the second chakra, whether it “shuts down” or becomes overactive. Working on building trust in your partner for intimacy and sensuality can help resolve guilt associated with sex. Going step by step, starting with small experiences of pleasure might pave the way to healing big wounds.
  • Restoring a Balanced Enjoyment of Life’s Pleasures – start taking pleasure in the happenings of the moments rather than overthinking and overwhelming yourself with emotions.
  • Laws of Attraction and The Sacral Chakra – As repulsion and attraction are a part of the Sacral Chakra, one must be aware of one’s intentions and thoughts.

Related: Which Chakra Are You Most Connected To? – Mind Game

3. Solar Plexus Chakra

blocked chakras
Heal Blocked Chakras

Color: Yellow
Element: Fire
Position: Above the navel – two inches below the breastbone.
Objective: Self-esteem, development of the self, self-worth, freedom from shame.
Blocked by: Shame.

When your Solar Plexus Chakra is blocked:

  • You are not assertive enough to define your choices to people.
  • You suffer from a lack of self-confidence and can’t get the courage to follow your dreams.
  • You always seek external validation to boost yourself.
  • You feel that you are a victim of the circumstances and you’re bound to destiny.

Healing the Solar Plexus Chakra:

  • The chakra color associated with Manipura is yellow, which means that bananas, sunflower seeds, yellow peppers and cheeses are good solar plexus chakra healing food. Spices for the solar plexus chakra are ginger, chamomile, mint, and cumin. (3)
  • Meditation by simply envisioning a brilliant yellow sunflower over your solar plexus chakra can help. Solar plexus chakra healing stones include yellow stones like citrine, amber, yellow tourmaline, and tiger’s eye.

 4. Heart Chakra

blocked chakras
Unblock Your Chakras

Color: Green
Element: Air
Position: Center of chest
Objective: Emotionality, compassion, kindness, self-acceptance, and love for the self, masculine/feminine sides of an individual.
Blocked by: Grief

Related: The Scientific Effects Of Fasting On The Body

When your Heart Chakra is blocked:

  • You have difficulty finding the purpose and meaning in life.
  • You don’t feel contented and happy with the things you possess or have achieved.
  • You stay away from being emotionally attached to others because you are afraid of getting hurt.
  • You are petrified of commitment in a relationship.
  • You become vengeful, angry, and resented in a relationship, leading to a disrupted bond.

Healing the Heart Chakra:

  • One can practice relaxing yoga poses and progressive muscle relaxation to free up stresses in the different parts of the body enabling easy blood circulation. The body must be free of constrictions or interference to heal the heart Chakra.
  • One must try to stay away from positive energy-draining situations and toxic people.
  • One must try to give away self-limiting beliefs and practice self-promoting dialogues with oneself like “I can do it.” “I am worth it.” “I love myself the way I am.”

5. Throat Chakra

blocked chakras
How To Clear Blocked Chakras

Color: Blue
Element: Sound
Position: Hollow of throat
Objective: Body’s communication tool: self-expression, assertiveness, expressing one’s truth and being receptive of others, creative expression.
Blocked by:  Lies.

When your Throat Chakra is blocked:

  • You are scared of speaking the truth because of being rejected by the crowd.
  • You always please everyone.
  • You find it difficult to speak up for yourself regarding your choices, ideas, etc.
  • You feel unheard and misunderstood in most circumstances.
  • Your vocal expression is too hastened and people fail to comprehend you.

Healing the Throat Chakra:

  • One can use the Chakra healing stones by placing throat chakra stones just above or on the area of imbalance, the stone’s vibration cleanses the negativity to restore balance.

6. Third Eye Chakra

blocked chakras
Blocked Chakras And Their Meanings

Color: Indigo
Element: Light
Position: Between the eyebrows
Objective: Associated with Psychic abilities like intuition and higher-level perception, deep understanding, empathy, visualization, discernment, and self-reflection.
Blocked by: Illusion.

When your Third Eye Chakra is blocked:

  • You are indecisive and can’t make decisions after weighing the pros and cons of a situation.
  • You fail to trust your instincts.
  • You overthink too much about everything – whether it’s magnificent or trivial in nature
  • You pay no heed to your inner voice and reflections.

Healing Third Eye Chakra:

The use of essential oils, such as to anoint the forehead at the location of the Ajna chakra, can also help to balance the third eye Chakra. Consider using:

  • Marjoram
  • Frankincense
  • Juniper
  • Clary Sage
  • Rosemary
  • Sandalwood

Use healing stones that possess the same vibrational frequency and chakra color as the Ajna chakra to get rid of negativity. Use :

  • Amethyst
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Purple Flourite
  • Moonstone
  • Quartz

One should also look after their food intake to help restore balance in the Third eye Chakra. Incorporate the following into your diet:

  • Eggplant
  • Plums
  • Blueberries
  • Purple peppers
  • Cabbage
  • and Kale

Read 7 Chakra Cleansing Herbs For Empaths and Healers

7. Crown Chakra

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Blocked Chakras: Crown Chakra Healing

Color: Violet
Element: Thought
Position: Top of the head
Objective: The brain functions and the Central Nervous system is connected by the crown Chakra. It is concerned with spirituality, one’s belief system, revelation, transcendence, spiritual awakening, and enlightenment. It connects you to the Divine.
Blocked by: Attachment.

When your Crown Chakra is blocked:

  • You often suffer from migraines and tension headaches.
  • You are more focused on acquiring materialistic possessions and staying disconnected from the spiritual realm.
  • You often experience loneliness, worthlessness, and meaninglessness.
  • You avoid being guided by spiritual higher power and disregard and resent it.

Related: How To Open Your 7 Chakras As Explained In a Children’s Show

Healing the Crown Chakra:

  • One can practice meditation with the sound of ‘Om’ and deep tonal voices to accompany it.
  • Using chakra stones such as Selenite, Clear Quartz, Amethyst and Diamond can also be an effective way to heal the crown chakra.
  • Most Yoga Asanas are useful for the crown chakra – especially Anulom Vilom and Kopalbhati. Practicing yoga poses that focuses on slow yet deep inhalation are ideal.
  • Aromatherapy using flowery essential oils like jasmine rose and lavender can soothe an overactive crown chakra, while more pungent essential oils like sandalwood, frankincense, and myrrh can help stimulate the Chakra.

Even if any one of the 7 chakras is blocked, it results in unbalanced chakras, which in turn causes disharmony within our body, mind, and spirit.

Being aware of the unbalanced Chakras symptoms and doing the aforesaid can help rejuvenate your body, mind, and soul and get rid of blocked energies.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What does Third Eye Chakra Opening feel like?

When the third eye chakra activates, you may feel a slight pressure between your eyebrows. It will increase your consciousness and you may even have vivid dreams or a slight increase in blood pressure.

How long does it take to open third eye chakra?

There is not specific time for spiritual awakening. Some believe it can take a few days, a few weeks, months, years or even a lifetime of practice for the third eye to open.

Can you open your third eye without the other chakras?

Yes, it’s possible to activate the third eye chakra prematurely. However, it is recommended to start with an activation practice. And if you’re new to chakra activation work, you should begin with the root chakra.

What helps strengthen the third eye chakra?

To strengthen the third eye chakra, you can start by adding supplements to your diet, applying essential oils, practicing meditation or using crystals and even sun gazing.

 BLOCKED Chakras
Blocked Chakras Symptoms &Amp; Unbalanced Chakras Meaning
blocked chakras
Signs Of Blocked Chakras
blocked chakras
Symptoms Of Blocked Chakras
Symptoms Of Blocked Chakras pin
Symptoms Of Blocked Chakras: How To Identify And Heal
Symptoms Of Blocked Chakras pine
Symptoms Of Blocked Chakras: How To Identify And Heal
Symptoms Of Blocked Chakras pinex
Symptoms Of Blocked Chakras: How To Identify And Heal

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  1. Kay Avatar

    Thankyou. It’s helpful info

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