20 Useful Psychological Tricks That’ll Give You An Edge When Dealing With People


psychological tricks dealing people

Communication can make or break your reputation and relationship with people. While dealing with people you should know and use these useful psychological tricks to accomplish things much more smoothly.

Here are some cool and easy to implement psychological tricks that will give you a leg up in professional or personal endeavours.

You don’t need much practice plus they work on any person you meet in your daily life.

1. Look into someoneโ€™s eyes when you want to extract more information

If you want to know about something from someone

This psychological trick is very useful when you get a dissatisfactory answer or want to know more about a person or any situation or event.

If you want to know about something from someone: ask them a question and when they are done answering, keep silent for a few seconds and maintain eye contact.

They will open up, tell you some more stuff, almost everything.

Unlike repeating or asking more questions, staring at eyes make the person feel under pressure and force them to share more details and elaborate their thoughts.

2. Keep standing when you want to convince someone over something

When you try to convince someone over something

If you want to convince a person for a deal or to sign a project, standing is a useful psychological trick. This makes the sitting people believe you sooner.

That said, your standing posture must be convincing i.e your legs are in line with your shoulders and your weight is evenly on both feet. Your body is relaxed and chest is open and back is straight.

Such convincing standing posture will enhance your impressiveness.

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3. Assuming that everyone one likes you is the key to confidence:

The key to confidence

The key to confidence is walking into a room and assume that everyone already likes you.

This is one of the useful psychological tricks that boosts positive feelings inside you, making you less nervous in dealing with people.

4. Remember everyone’s name if you want to boost your connections

Psychological Tricks Dealing People boost connection
20 Useful Psychological Tricks That’ll Give You An Edge When Dealing With People

This is one of the wonderful psychological tricks to become famous among your friends and colleagues.

Refer to people youโ€™ve just met by their first name. People love being referred to by their name, it makes them feel special and it will establish a sense of trust and friendship right away.

Example: โ€œNice to meet you, Kabir. So, Kabir how do you know Naina?โ€ And continue to repeat name throughout the conversation.

Read 4 Mind Tricks That Make You Think Itโ€™s Love At First Sight

5. Spot if a person is attracted to you

If someone is attracted to you

Their eyes start blinking more than usual during a conversation with you.

6. Spot the difference between a fake smile and a real one.

Spot the difference between a fake smile and a real one

You can find out if someone is smiling for real or faking it by looking at their eyes. Wrinkles form near eye corners when the smile is genuine.

7. Pay attention to peopleโ€™s feet.

Psychological Tricks

To know if someone is interested in a conversation, look at their feet. If they are pointing towards you, they are genuinely enjoying talking to you. If they are pointing sideways or any other direction, their mind is somewhere else. Feet donโ€™t lie.

This is a nice psychological tricks to decide whether to join a conversation or to move on.

8. Find a group of people who feel close to each other

Psychological Tricks Dealing People group of people feel each other
20 Useful Psychological Tricks That’ll Give You An Edge When Dealing With People

When at a party or a meeting, crack a joke and observe the people who are laughing around you.

People who feel close to each other will be looking at each other. This is useful for discerning out friendships and other relationships.

Laughing admirers reveal who enjoys whoโ€™s company the most at your office, or within your group of friends.

9. Offer someone a choice instead of a command

Psychological Tricks Dealing People offer someone instead of command
20 Useful Psychological Tricks That’ll Give You An Edge When Dealing With People

This will make people do what you want them to do.

Offer someone a choice instead of a command. For example, instead of saying drink your milk to a toddler, ask which mug would he/she like to drink milk from.

This gives the person a sense of control hence produces a higher chance of a better outcome.

10. Stay calm to win an argument

Psychological Tricks

If the person arguing loses his temper and starts shouting, the natural human tendency is to shout back. Don’t! Stay calm and reply in silence. This will piss them off even more. Try it! It works.

Anger makes a person loudmouth and if you shout back it will provoke their aggressive behavior. Being calm can quiet the aggressor, subside anger and guilt will set in. And usually this person is first to ask for forgiveness.

11. Mirror peopleโ€™s body language to build up trust.

Psychological Tricks Dealing People mirror people body lang
20 Useful Psychological Tricks That’ll Give You An Edge When Dealing With People

If you subtly mimic the body language of the person youโ€™re talking to, you can effectively build up trust with them.

By mirroring the way they speak and how they move theyโ€™ll like you more, because, to them, it will seem as if you are pretty good compatible.

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12. Inception to plant an idea in someone’s mind

Useful Psychological Tricks

To plant a seed of an idea in someoneโ€™s mind, ask them to not think of a particular thing at all. Letโ€™s say I ask you to NOT think about ELEPHANTS. What are you thinking of?

13. Right posture will give you an upper hand when dealing with people.

Psychological Tricks Dealing People right posture
20 Useful Psychological Tricks That’ll Give You An Edge When Dealing With People

You can apply this psychological trick for both work and pleasure.

Whether you are at work or dating someone, maintaining the right sitting and standing posture can drastically improve your outcomes.

A right posture is a powerful language, which can tremendously boost your confidence.

Read 15 Body Language Secrets of Successful People

14. Make people feel needed when you ask for help.

Psychological Tricks Dealing People make people needed
20 Useful Psychological Tricks That’ll Give You An Edge When Dealing With People

Whenever you need help, always start with the phrase, โ€˜I need your helpโ€ฆโ€™

It will increase your chances to get the help you need. Because people hate feeling guilty and like to feel needed. So, this psychological trick will always work in personal and professional endeavours.

According to Ben Franklin effect, when people do someone a favour they will eventually like them more than they did before. So ask for help and you are highly likely to make more friends.

15. Warm your hands before shaking hands with others.

Psychological Tricks Dealing People warm hands before shake hands
20 Useful Psychological Tricks That’ll Give You An Edge When Dealing With People

Cold hands are linked to distrust!

Surprised? Well, you read it write. When your hands are warm, people feel a friendly atmosphere and that’s an added advantage for you.

So, rub your hands together before a firm handshake and you will surely make a first good impression.

16. Yawning helps you detect the stalker.

Psychological Tricks Dealing People yawning detect stalker
20 Useful Psychological Tricks That’ll Give You An Edge When Dealing With People

If you feel someone is stalking you and want to be sure, then just yawn.

But, make sure others can see when you yawn. After yawning turn and look at them. If they are yawning, its confirmed they were intently watching you or interested in you.

This is one of the most effective psychological tricks because yawning is contagious.

Read 4 Mind Tricks That Make You Think Itโ€™s Love At First Sight

17. Sit close to the aggressor to avoid attack.

Psychological Tricks Dealing People sit close to aggressor
20 Useful Psychological Tricks That’ll Give You An Edge When Dealing With People

If you are to have a meeting with an aggressive person and you are sure there will be a heated argument, make sure to sit next to that person.

Sitting in close proximity will make the aggressor feel uncomfortable, because things look more personal now, which cannot be hidden in group’s circle. And that lessens their level of aggression that they plan to exercise.

18. Nodding will make people agree with what your saying.

Psychological Tricks Dealing People nodding people
20 Useful Psychological Tricks That’ll Give You An Edge When Dealing With People

When you are speaking or sharing an important information with people or trying to make an impression on someone, start nodding. This is “always agreeable” strategy.

The nodding action makes the listeners believe what youโ€™re saying is actually true. As a result, they will most likely begin to nod as well, and agree with you.

19. Fatherly advice will make people believe you.

Psychological Tricks Dealing People fatherly advice
20 Useful Psychological Tricks That’ll Give You An Edge When Dealing With People

If you are stating something to someone and don’t want them to doubt your judgment, mention that your father gave this advice.

People are more likely to believe the father figure’s advice in one attempt.

Read 8 Tricks Narcissists Play To Manipulate Their Victims

20. Look in the direction you want to go to clear your path in the crowded places.

Psychological Tricks Dealing People look direction want to go
20 Useful Psychological Tricks That’ll Give You An Edge When Dealing With People

It’s always tough to quickly come out of crowded places. Isn’t it?

The best thing to do is to look in the direction you want to go and don’t look at the people around you or your friends or at your phone.

When you focus on where youโ€™re headed, people will make an effort to move out of your way. Because they are well aware of your mission and will naturally move out of the way.

These are 20 useful psychological tricks for you to ace your interview, crack a business deal, make a first impression on your date, get admiration from people, boost your communication skills and self-improvement.

Give it a try and let us know in comments which one worked for you.

Please share this article with anyone who you may think will find it valuable and helpful.


  • Goldman, A., How to analyze: People Proven Techniques to Analyze People on Sight and Read Anyone Like a Book; Simple Tricks to Understand the Human Mind and Master Human Psychology.
  • ะšัƒะฟั€ั–ั”ะฝะบะพ, ะœ., 2016. BODY LANGUAGE TRICKS.
  • Reiman, T., 2007. The power of body language: How to succeed in every business and social encounter. Simon and Schuster.
  • Bruner, J.S., 1974. From communication to languageโ€”A psychological perspective. Cognition3(3), pp.255-287.
  • Hartley, P., 2002. Interpersonal communication. Routledge.
  • Beattie, G. and Ellis, A.W., 2017. The psychology of language and communication. Taylor & Francis.

12 Useful Psychological Tricks That will Give You An Upper Hand When Dealing With People
12 Useful Psychological Tricks That’ll Give You An Edge When Dealing With People
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20 Useful Psychological Tricks That’ll Give You An Edge When Dealing With People
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20 Useful Psychological Tricks That’ll Give You An Edge When Dealing With People

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  1. Amein Ahmed Avatar
    Amein Ahmed

    Megan mergery you are so beautiful author, keep going

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