Zodiac Relationship Needs: What You Need Most In A Relationship, According To Astrology


What Do You Need Most In A Relationship Zodiac Sign

Do you know what you need most in a relationship? If you’re not fully aware of your desires, learning about the zodiac relationship needs can be quite helpful!

We all are unique individuals and our thoughts, feelings, and needs are quite different from each other. Many a time our needs don’t match those of our partners. Our relationship needs don’t get fulfilled and we’re left feeling deprived. When something goes wrong in a relationship, you need to fix it rather than piling your emotions and feeling unloved and neglected by your partner.

That’s why it’s imperative to be well aware of our desires so that we know how to communicate our needs to our significant other, when to try harder, and when to let go and move on.

If you’re not clear on what you need in a relationship to be happy and satisfied, you can seek help from astrology. It can offer startling insights into what each zodiac sign needs in a relationship! So, are you ready to discover the relationship needs of each zodiac? We bet you are! Without wasting any time let’s find out how astrology reveals your relationship needs!

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Zodiac Relationship Needs: What The 12 Zodiac Signs Need In A Relationship

Here are the relationship needs of zodiac signs:

1. ARIES (March 21 โ€“ April 19)

zodiac relationship needs
Zodiac Relationship Needs

Aries natives need a relationship on which they can bank upon. They need to feel secure and emotionally assured by their partner. Although they themselves are a bit edgy, they need stability in their relationship. They don’t like to be left speculating and guessing about their partner’s intentions and want someone who would commit to them.

Their partner must acknowledge and proudly announce their relationship and be bold and daring. An Aries would never be satisfied with a partner who is passive and boring.

2. TAURUS (April 20 โ€“ May 20)

zodiac relationship needs
Zodiac Relationship Needs

Taurus people need someone who is sensitive enough to be attentive to their emotions and vulnerabilities. They need a relationship that makes them feel secure, comfortable, and validated. Taureans need to feel comfortable and relaxed in the presence of their partner. So, their partner must accept them as they are and let them be themselves in the relationship.

Read: What You Want Versus What You Need in a Relationship: This Is What Your Zodiac Says

3. GEMINI (May 21 โ€“ June 20)

zodiac relationship needs
Zodiac Relationship Needs

Geminis are restless people who want to try out various options and never seem to stick to one path. That’s why they need someone who is patient and okay with change. They also need someone who can help them to stay focused in life.

Gemini people are often misunderstood for their fickle-mindedness. They’re not generally perceived to have depth or grit. Whereas the truth is, Geminis have an unsatiated thirst for knowledge and they know a lot! Therefore, they would appreciate someone who would marvel at their knowledge of various subjects and not judge them for their unstable nature.

Read: Your Biggest Need in a Relationship according to The Zodiac Signs

4. CANCER (June 21 โ€“ July 22)

zodiac relationship needs
Zodiac Relationship Needs

Cancer people need someone who is not afraid to take charge but is sensitive and empathic enough to emotionally connect with them. Cancers are generally submissive and emotionally dependent on their loved ones. So, they often find themselves attracted to partners who are domineering in nature.

Moreover, Cancerians are very compassionate and have a lot of love in their hearts, so they are most often in a vulnerable position in relationships. Therefore, they need to feel emotionally safe as well as taken care of by someone who is caring and knows what they are doing.

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5. LEO (July 23 โ€“ August 22)

zodiac relationship needs
Zodiac Relationship Needs

Leo needs someone who is able to lift them up when life gets tough and will appreciate their emotions and kind nature. Leos are often misjudged for being attention-seekers, vain, and arrogant.

In reality, they are generous, kind, sensitive, caring, and emotionally insecure. They need a lot of affection and guidance from their significant other. They will do well with a partner who can see the hurt behind their anger and appreciate the softness that they hide behind their pride.

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6. VIRGO (August 23 โ€“ September 22)

zodiac relationship needs
Zodiac Relationship Needs

They need someone who is mentally strong with a personality that can be silly and serious when need be. Virgos are tricky to deal with. They care a lot about their loved ones but they are not expressive or emotional. Rather they can be overly critical, cold, and difficult to be with. They are highly ambitious and have a very serious approach toward life.

Virgos often feel others don’t understand their good intentions or appreciate the effort that they put into their relationships. This is why they need a partner who will be mentally strong enough not to get daunted by the judgmental Virgo. Their partner should make them smile by being goofy, but also share their load of responsibilities.

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7. LIBRA (September 23 โ€“ October 22)

zodiac relationship needs
Zodiac Relationship Needs

Libras strive for balance and fairness. They detest relationships where there is no reciprocation of their devotion, love, or passion. Libras need to love and be loved intensely. That’s why they need someone who is unafraid to commit with the desire to make the relationship strong and everlasting.

They are very emotional and sensitive, so they need a partner who will be always loyal to them. Libras are not big on expressing their emotions and therefore their partner needs to be emotionally intelligent, understand their silent love, and support them through thick and thin.

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8. SCORPIO (October 23 โ€“ November 21)

zodiac relationship needs
Zodiac Relationship Needs

They need someone who is not intimidated by a strong personality and will give them a sense of assurance. Scorpios can come off too strong and they tend to intimidate their partner. On the surface, they may appear to be controlling, cold, and even cruel, but their inner truth is quite different.

They are emotionally vulnerable and their fierce personality is just a facade to protect their heart from being broken. Therefore, they need a partner who will be smart enough to see through their charade, gentle enough to boost their ego, and honest enough to stay loyal.

9. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 โ€“ December 21)

zodiac relationship needs
Zodiac Relationship Needs

Sag people are free-spirited souls who are adventurous and not too emotional. They love their space and their freedom. They want to explore the world as much as they can and hate to be tied down.

They also have a lot of ideas bubbling in their head and little time to sugar-coat their words and be mindful of others’ emotional needs. They need someone who is comfortable with trying innovative things and appreciates their nature of being outspoken.

10. CAPRICORN (December 22 โ€“ January 19)

zodiac relationship needs
Zodiac Relationship Needs

Capricorns are serious and practical people who are focused on their goals. They care deeply about a secure future and find the utmost satisfaction in their career achievements. They are not very good when it comes to expressing their love or being vocal about their needs. But that doesn’t mean they are without emotions.

In fact, they are very sensitive and hide a lot of unspoken feelings behind a stoic exterior. They need someone who is able to give them nothing but ‘love’ and constant stability so they can be comfortable. They need a nurturing environment to be productive and functional and that’s why need a partner who is stable, patient, and supportive.

11. AQUARIUS (January 20 โ€“ February 18)

zodiac relationship needs
Zodiac Relationship Needs

Aquarians are always thinking about things that are relevant and important for the greater good. They are adventurous, cerebral, and free-spirited individuals who need freedom, intelligent stimuli, and a lot of space.

However, they also crave love and care, but cannot handle emotionally intense situations. They need someone who is not on them all the time but attentive enough to make them feel special and loved.

12. PISCES (February 19 โ€“ March 20)

zodiac relationship needs
Zodiac Relationship Needs

Pisces are sensitive and emotional. They live in their imaginary world and tend to get hurt quite often. As their ideals are set according to fictional standards, they get disappointed a lot. And when they face a setback, they generally cut themselves off from reality and go off the radar.

They need a relationship that is romantic like the stuff you read in novels or watch on the silver screen. If not, their partner has to be understanding of their hyper-imaginative mind. Pisceans need someone who is a motivator, spontaneous, and is also able to handle their mood swings. Their partner has to pick them up when they feel down in the dumps, which happens quite often.

So, there you go! That was all about the zodiac relationship needs! Do you have anything to add to the list of what star signs need in a relationship? What is your take on our topic Zodiac Relationship Needs? Drop a comment down below and let us know!

What You Need Most in A Relationship based on your Zodiac Sign
What Zodiacs Need In A Relationship: Relationship Needs Of Star Signs
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Zodiac Relationship Needs: What You Need Most In A Relationship, According To Astrology
What Do You Need Most In Relationship Zodiac Sign pin
Zodiac Relationship Needs: What You Need Most In A Relationship, According To Astrology
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Zodiac Relationship Needs: What You Need Most In A Relationship, According To Astrology
zodiac relationship needs
Zodiac Relationship Needs: What You Need Most In A Relationship, According To Astrology

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