12 Powerful Crystals For Your Zodiac Sign


Powerful Crystals For Your Zodiac Sign

Crystals are among the most fascinating things in this world. Not only are crystals, beautiful, but they also have various healing properties, and using them correctly can help us meet our goals or improve our lives.

Many celebrities, including Kate Hudson, Kim Kardashian West, and Adele, have followed the trend of using crystals to enhance their lives in recent years.

However, the use of crystals is certainly not a new phenomenon. Crystals date back to the ancient civilizations of Rome, Egypt, and China. Many cultures all around the world have their own beliefs about the powers that crystals hold. Some people align crystals with zodiac signs.

If you’re one of them, then, here are some of the best crystals for your zodiac sign that will help heal your problems and rejuvenate you.

Want to know about powerful zodiac signs and their secret strengths? Check out this interesting article here, The 4 Most Powerful Zodiac Sign and Their Secret Strengths

12 Powerful Crystals For Your Zodiac Sign

Powerful Crystals For Your Zodiac Sign info
12 Powerful Crystals For Your Zodiac Sign

1. Aries (March 21 – April 19)

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12 Powerful Crystals For Your Zodiac Sign

Best crystal: Diamond

As an Aries, you are known for having an ambitious and bold personality. You love to find yourself in challenging situations as it makes you feel confident and passionate. But there are times when you have been impulsive, you don’t think before you do something. However, your strength and energy is something that makes you strong.

Hence the ideal crystal for you is the Diamond. It can benefit you by releasing stress and anxiety from those challenging situations. It will give you a sense of control that you want in life and will allow you to express yourself well, even in tough situations.

Read Aries Personality: 15 Things You Need To Know About The Ram Sign

2. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

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12 Powerful Crystals For Your Zodiac Sign

Best crystal: Emerald

As a Taurean, you are known for having a passionate soul. Your zodiac sign’s element is earth, which means that you are realistic and see things from a practical point of view. Though you are known for your strong-willed nature you may come off as stubborn.

The best crystal for you is the Emerald. It will help you lead a fulfilling life as you are aggressive especially during difficult situations. The healing crystal will affect the negative energy you have and offer you positive energy to focus on endeavors that would be beneficial for your long-term success,  and also work towards improving harmony. They are also beneficial for protection and work well for keeping away misfortune. You may carry it around to cut negative energy, as it will balance your nerves and calm your thoughts.

Read 10 Secrets About Taurus You Probably Know Nothing About

3. Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

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12 Powerful Crystals For Your Zodiac Sign

Best crystal: Moonstone

As a Gemini, you are known to be expressive and kind. Most people like you as you are friendly. You belong to the air element, which is why you have such easy-going nature. You adapt quickly to social situations and you’re the life of a party. However, you can get bored easily and often find yourself having a dual personality.

The ideal crystal for you is Moonstone. This powerful crystal will be perfect for you as it will keep your energy grounded. It also can stabilize anxious thoughts by connecting you with the vibrations of the earth.

Read 10 Personality Traits Of The Misunderstood Gemini

4. Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

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12 Powerful Crystals For Your Zodiac Sign

Best Crystal: Calcite

As a Cancer, you are known for having an emotional and empathetic personality, among other zodiac signs.  Often you are over-stepped by others due to your emotional side causing you to feel hurt. You also keep to the past, which makes it all the harder.

Therefore, Calcite is the best crystal for you. The energy of your zodiac sign along with the moon and water resonates well with your energy. It increases your inspiration and calms your emotional state. It also helps you to ease your mind so that you can let go of all your inhibitions and go with the flow.

Read 12 Personality Traits Of Cancer, The Cardinal Water Sign

5. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

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12 Powerful Crystals For Your Zodiac Sign

Best crystal: Onyx

Leos are known for being strong leaders with magnetic personalities. You represent the Lion and are devoted to those you care about. However, your charming personality can cause your egotistical nature to come out at times. This depletes your energy and causes you to lose focus.

Onyx is the ideal crystal for you. This powerful crystal is known for promoting compassion, as well as allowing you to imbibe forgiving qualities. It can even be used to help prevent negative thoughts while ushering happiness in your life.

Read 10 Personality Traits Of Leo, The Untamed Fire Sign

6. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

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12 Powerful Crystals For Your Zodiac Sign

Best crystal: Carnelian 

Virgos are known for their logical mind. You analyse every situation before making any decisions. There’s one thing you absolutely need and that’s your need for control. You want to achieve success through hard work and by doing things with perfectionism. But sometimes, you criticise yourself a lot, and often downplay your achievements.

That is why Carnelian is the perfect crystal for you. It calms and soothes your thoughts, which helps you to accept what you cannot change or prevents you from trying to control everything. It will inspire you to improve your relationships and subsidize any negative energy around you to elevate your inner self.

Read The Good and Bad of Loving a Virgo (12 Brutal Truths)

7. Libra (September 23 – October 23)

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12 Powerful Crystals For Your Zodiac Sign

Best crystal: Peridot 

Libras are best known for their peaceful nature. You are diplomatic in most situations and want balance in your life as you’re represented by the scales.

As your element is air, you have a wise mind that helps you to sense your positive and negative energy in every situation, but sometimes it makes you difficult to understand. You can also be very judicious and critical and don’t want anyone to question your authority.

Peridot is the ideal crystal for your growth. It keeps you balanced and helps to bring peace to your life. It boosts you with positive energy and allows you to have confidence in your intuition and make creative decisions.

Read 10 Personality Traits Of Libra, The Idealistic Air Sign

8. Scorpio (October 24 – November 21)

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12 Powerful Crystals For Your Zodiac Sign

Best crystal: Aquamarine 

As a Scorpio, you’re known for your perseverance and passion.  You are certainly a fighter when it comes to your goals and you continue to push forward until you have achieved them. You belong to the water element making you expressive and intensely emotional.

Aquamarine is the perfect crystal for you. Apart from being your birthstone it has many powerful effects and boosts positivity into your life. It relaxes your mind and improves communication by bringing harmony into your relationships.

Read The Good and Bad of Loving A Scorpio (12 Brutal Truths)

9. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

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12 Powerful Crystals For Your Zodiac Sign

Best Crystal: Labradorite

As a Sagittarius, you are known to seek adventure and have a heart that’s meant for travel. Your sign symbolizes the Archer, which complements your thrill-seeking nature. You are not afraid to take risks, even if you know that your carelessness might lead to dangerous situations at times.

The ideal crystal for your impulsive mind is Labradorite. This powerful crystal gives you the balance between thoughts and emotions. It contributes to stress management and is also the perfect meditating stone for your temperament.

Read The Good and Bad of Loving A Sagittarius: 7 Brutal Truths

10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

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12 Powerful Crystals For Your Zodiac Sign

Best crystal: Ruby

Capricorns are known for their self-control, diligence and hard-working attitude. You have an introspective outlook on life and calm nature. Although to some people you may seem cold, you try to manage your feelings and not let emotions interfere with your goals. You have a realistic approach to life and can handle pressure well, but sometimes it gets the better of you.

The ideal crystal for you is Ruby. This powerful crystal helps to balance your work life. It will help you to overcome unresolved trauma. It benefits you to gain new insights and positive energy, allowing you to enjoy everyday aspects of life. In addition, you will achieve clarity and concentration in everything you want to do.

Read 10 Personality Traits Of Capricorn, The Disciplined Soul

11. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

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12 Powerful Crystals For Your Zodiac Sign

Best Crystal: Garnet

As an Aquarian, you are known to be the most understanding soul among all the zodiac signs. You often dwell in deep thoughts about life. Otherwise, you love helping others and seeking opportunities to fight for humanitarian causes. When it comes to relationships, you are often distant as you don’t want your choices to be driven by emotions.

The ideal crystal for you is Garnet. It is the best option for crystal guidance and will enable you to fulfil your aspirations in the future. It brings passion and a steady grounding energy to your relationship, promoting stability and bonding. 

Read 10 Personality Traits Of Aquarius, The Progressive Air Sign

12. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

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12 Powerful Crystals For Your Zodiac Sign

Best Crystal: Amethyst

Pisces are known for having the most creative personality. You belong to the water sign, so you often have an empathetic nature and an accepting heart. You do not expect anything in return and are always willing to help.

The ideal crystal for you is Amethyst. You trust others too much since you’re so altruistic. The amethyst protects your heart and provides you with spiritual wisdom. This can also help you to strengthen your intuition and protect you from negative energy. The use of this crystal increases concentration and the ability to focus on your work as well.

Read 10 Personality Traits Of Pisces, The Gentle Water Sign

Meditate With Powerful Crystals

Apart from being a fashion statement crystals have a lot to offer and provide us with many advantages related to spiritual wellness, health benefits, and beauty. When you’re making a choice for powerful crystals based on your zodiac signs, make sure that you take the time to adapt to its energy…

You can meditate with the crystals to channel your chakras, take them in your bath or simply hold them in your hands to absorb the energy. We hope you have found your match and can use these crystals for your well-being.

Read The Crystals You Need For Every Part Of Your Life

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12 Powerful Crystals For Your Zodiac Sign
Powerful Crystals For Your Zodiac Sign pin
12 Powerful Crystals For Your Zodiac Sign

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