4 Things You Must Give Up To Be With The Right Woman


Things You Must Give Up With The Right Woman

Giving up certain things, and habits to thrive in your relationship and to be with the right woman is a truly loving gesture.

How many times have you come across a woman telling someone that she doesn’t need a man in her life? Or relationships are not for her, and it’s better if she stays away from them?

These instances might make you wonder why is she so averse to being in love, and in a relationship. After all, being in a loving relationship is one of the best feelings in this world. What is it that they could possibly want in a man that would make them the happiest women in the entire world?

You are a decent man who is settled in life with a stable job, and lifestyle. You are a good looking guy, who has a really good job. So, what exactly does a woman expect from a stable, happy, and fulfilling relationship?

But, there are 4 things that you as a man, should give up if you want to be with the right woman.

1. Stay away from making assumptions.

If you think every girl’s favorite color is pink, then this is for you. If your smartness, humor, looks, and possessions have all failed to impress your woman, you might want to stop and think about what you have been saying to her.

She might not show it on the surface, but deep inside she is hating every single of those stupid things you are shooting at her.

When you assume something, consciously or subconsciously, you come across as narrow-minded, judgemental, and stereotypical. Generalizing everything under the sun is something that puts women off instantly.

The best way to avoid making assumptions is to ask questions. Don’t reach a conclusion solely based on what you think, and assume. Ask her about what she likes, what she doesn’t like, her beliefs, opinions, etc. Try to get to know her, instead of thinking that you already know her.

Related: 8 Signs You Have Found The Right Woman For You

2. Stop giving in to your ego.

Ego can single-handedly destroy your chances of being with the woman of your dreams. Having self-respect is a good thing, but constantly thinking that you are right, and you can never do any wrong can be disastrous. No one is perfect, including you, and you need to understand that. And you don’t even have to be, because the right woman will accept you as you are.

Also, many of your learning experiences might also come from the woman you love, because she will be able to provide you with new perspectives in life. In order for that to happen, you need to put your ego where it actually belongs, and that is your past. Never give your ego the power to destroy something valuable in your life.

3. You need to think long-term.

If you want to be with the right woman, you need to think about everything, including your relationship with her in the long term. A woman will only invest her time in you when she feels that she has a future with you, and you are also serious about your future with her. And not just your relationship, she will also love it when she will see that you are serious about pursuing your goals, and support her fully when she pursues hers.

Constantly thinking that the future can wait, and you will think about it later will only turn her off, and make her feel unsure about you. The moment that seed of uncertainty is planted, it’s then just a matter of time before she decides to end everything. “Let’s just wait and see where things go” is not the right attitude to have if you want to be with the right woman.

Related: 8 Reasons Why An Alpha Woman Is The Best Partner You Can Ever Have

4. Say goodbye to immaturity.

There was a time when you spent all your free time in bars and pubs, and that’s okay because at that point of time it served you well. But, if you want to be in a serious relationship with the right woman, then you need to work towards building a strong foundation for your future. Being with the right woman calls for a lot of maturity in life.

You need to understand that both of you are a team, and you need to work together to be successful. You need to support her, and she needs to support you. Both of you need to work together to build a happy, and stable future for yourselves. Focus on being a part of this team, and give her your sincere passion, honesty, support, and encouragement.

It might look like you are giving up a lot, but she must be doing that for you too. It is not a one-way deal. Having a strong relationship, and being with the right woman asks for a lot of work and effort. The effort you will put in now will set the tone for your future.

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4 Things You Must Give Up To Be With The Right Woman

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