10 Signs You’re Dating A Mature Woman Who Knows What She Wants


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Signs You Are Dating A Mature Woman and Not A Girl

Dating a mature woman is truly the best decision. But how can you tell if the woman you are dating is truly mature? This article is going to delve deep into the signs you are dating a mature woman.

When it comes to dating and relationships, there’s a difference between dating a woman and dating a girl. Most men prefer to be with women who are smart, sorted, and mature. Women who act their age and think and live independently are considered attractive and desirable to many men.

Women and girls have different perspectives on the world and approach romance differently. Men like women who are sure of themselves, know what they want, and aren’t afraid to go after it.

Read on to know more about the signs that show you’re in a relationship with a mature woman.

Related: Successful Women Dating: What Is It Like Dating A Successful Woman: Some Myths and Realities

10 Signs You’re Dating A Mature Woman And Not A Girl

1. She knows how to dress well.

When you’re dating a mature woman, you’ll notice that she takes her appearance seriously, but isn’t completely obsessed with it. She knows what it takes to look presentable and well-dressed, and tries to make sure that she knows what works on her.

She never wears anything and everything just because it’s fashionable, and she values looking good without being consumed by it.

2. She knows how to communicate well.

While it’s important for men to understand what their partners want from them, it’s not always possible to read minds. Mature women choose to communicate clearly about what they want or what’s bothering them, instead of expecting men to magically understand what’s going on in their minds.

They know that one of the biggest secrets for making a relationship work is clear and transparent communication.

Dating a mature woman
10 Signs You’re Dating A Mature Woman Who Knows What She Wants

3. She doesn’t expect men to pay for everything.

Men respect women who don’t expect them to foot every bill. Just because you’re a woman doesn’t mean that you don’t have to pay for anything. Even though many women tend to expect men to pay for everything, mature women never try to take advantage of a man or his money.

If they want to buy something, they will always choose to buy it with their own money. If they go out for dinner, they will either split the bill or offer to pay for it themselves.

4. She can hold her drinks.

While everyone has a funny drunk story, someone who pukes their guts out every time they drink is not cool. Men tend to like women who know how to hold their liquor. Puking everywhere and making a fool of themselves every time they drink is not attractive.

5. She is not addicted to social media.

While women love social media, they’re not addicted to it, nor do their lives revolve around it. Unlike girls, who gossip and obsess about what someone posted on Facebook or Instagram, women might be active on social media, but they don’t run to it the moment a notification pops.

They know that they have better things to do in life than have their noses stuck to their phones.

Related: 16 Things To Remember When Dating A Strong Woman

6. She loves to gain as much knowledge as she can.

When you are in a relationship with a mature woman, you’ll notice that she prefers reading to sitting in front of the idiot box all day. No, watching television is not a negative thing, but if you spend your whole day doing that, is that really productive?

Women are always looking to better themselves from every aspect, and that’s why they love reading. Reading every day is a healthy habit, which can help you be not just a more knowledgeable person, but also a better one.

7. She is well-read and knowledgeable.

Many mature women have fascinating hobbies and can hold complete conversations on their own. They don’t like indulging in petty gossip and prefer to talk about important things that are going on in the world.

8. She takes care of herself without showing off.

She respects her body and unlike girls, do not show off the fact that she is healthy. The biggest difference between dating a woman and a girl is this.

Mature women will eat a burger without being too fussy and down a pint of beer with a man if they want. She will also eat healthy without shouting about it from the rooftops.

Dating a mature woman looks like this
Signs You Are Dating A Woman And Not A Girl

9. She knows what she wants from life.

One of the biggest signs you are dating a mature woman is this.

Women who are mature and confident know what they want from life. They are driven and passionate about achieving their goals and are always striving to better themselves. They are not afraid of hard work and are always ready to put in the effort required to succeed.

In contrast, girls tend to rely on others and often see love as a crutch to live. They may not have a clear sense of direction in life and may lack the motivation to pursue their goals.

Related 10 Things A Confident Strong Woman Will Do Differently

10. She is extremely self-reliant.

Mature women are independent and strong individuals who do not depend on anyone else to achieve their goals.

They believe in themselves and are always focused on getting their job done by themselves. They take responsibility for their own lives and are not afraid to make their own decisions.


In summary, there are several key differences between dating a mature woman and a girl. Women tend to be more mature, confident, and independent, and they have a clearer sense of what they want from life.

They are well-read, knowledgeable, and have fascinating hobbies, and they communicate clearly and effectively. They also take care of themselves without showing off and do not expect men to pay for everything.

On the other hand, girls may be more focused on social media, gossip, and obsessing over their appearance. They may lack direction in life and rely on others for support.

If you want to have a healthy and fulfilling relationship, it is important to be with someone who shares your values and goals. By looking for the signs that you are dating a woman and not a girl, you can find a partner who is confident, mature, and self-reliant, and who will be a positive influence in your life.

If you are dating someone who displays these qualities, consider yourself very lucky because you are in a relationship with a mature woman. Mature and confident women are not easy to come by, and being in a relationship with one can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience.

What do you think is the biggest difference between dating a woman and dating a girl? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

If you want to know more about the signs that you’re dating a woman and not a girl, then check this video out below:

Signs you are dating a mature woman

10 Signs You're Dating A Mature Woman Who Knows What She Wants
10 Signs You’Re Dating A Mature Woman Who Knows What She Wants
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10 Signs You’Re Dating A Mature Woman Who Knows What She Wants
10 Signs You're Dating A Mature Woman Who Knows What She Wants
10 Signs You’Re Dating A Mature Woman Who Knows What She Wants
10 Signs You're Dating A Mature Woman Who Knows What She Wants
10 Signs You’Re Dating A Mature Woman Who Knows What She Wants
mature women
10 Signs You’re Dating A Mature Woman Who Knows What She Wants

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