6 Subtle Signs He Is Using You


Clear Signs He Is Using You In A Relationship

No matter how much you love him, it’s important to recognize the signs he is using you. We’ll show you the signs so that you can protect yourself and move on from a toxic relationship.

There is a big difference between being loved and being used. The person you are with might not always have your best interests in his heart, and that is why you need to look out for a few warning signs that you are being used by a man for this Valentine special!

Unfortunately, though, sometimes when we fall into relationships it’s hard to recognize the warning signs because we’ve been blinded by love and foolishly taught that we must sacrifice ourselves for the people we care about.

While there’s something to be said for making compromises and learning to be more selfless in your relationships, you have to be smart, too.

How To Know If You Are Being Used? Here Are 6 Subtle Signs He Is Using You

warning signs he is using you and what to do about it
How To Know If You Are Being Used By A Man And What To Do About It

1. You’re always doing something for him without anything in return.

Love is all about give and take. But if you’re doing more of the giving and never taking, it might be time to pay attention. While it’s good to do things out of the kindness of your heart without keeping a ledger, you have to value yourself enough to notice when something’s not fair.

If you’re often bending over backwards for a man who won’t even let you borrow his car to get to work in the morning, or lend you $5 to grab a snack at the airport when you forgot your wallet, that isn’t healthy. You’re being used.

Related: How To Spot Manipulation

2. You often feel like a sidekick in a one-man show.

If you realize that you are simply a sidekick or a trophy on your man’s arms, there’s a good chance you’re being used. When you’re in a relationship with the right person, you won’t simply be the person standing next to him—you’ll be the one he introduces.

You’ll be such an important part of his life and relationship that he’ll show you off to family and friends. He’ll include you in conversations. He’ll make you feel desired and loved.

3. Your desires are often brushed off or ignored.

In a healthy relationship, your thoughts, ideas, perspectives, opinions, and feelings are valued. If you feel that what you have to say is often brushed off or disregarded, this is one of the sure signs that you’re being used by a man.

A man who truly loves you will care about what you have to say and make it a priority to not only discuss these things with you, but make changes to help you feel more secure.

Related: 17 Signs You Are An Option, Not A Priority

4. You don’t feel stable in your relationship or have an official promise/label.

One of the sure signs you’re being used by a man is if your relationship has no real ‘title.’ If you’ve never had a talk about what you’re doing or what your relationship means, chances are, the man you’re with isn’t really serious about you.

Anyone who really loves you will be transparent about his feelings. He will share whether he wants to be your boyfriend or if there’s a promise for anything long-term. If you haven’t had any of these conversations, this is a sure sign you’re being used and underappreciated.

Related: Surviving A Manipulator and Restoring Your Sanity

5. You feel like something’s off but you don’t want to acknowledge it.

Sometimes our guts can be fool-proof means of identifying toxic or unhealthy relationships. The hard part is listening to and trusting our guts over our hearts.

Being alone is better than being used by a man
Being Alone Is Better Than Being Used By A Man

If you feel that something is off with your relationship, it’s important to pay attention to those feelings. Sometimes your mind and body are trying to tell you things that your heart has ignored. Don’t brush the warning signs under the rug! If you feel that you’re being used and mistreated, pay attention. You are the only one who can get yourself out of this relationship.

6. You don’t feel prioritized or respected.

If you don’t feel prioritized or respected in your relationship, you need to leave. End of discussion. Anyone who doesn’t care about or value you isn’t worth being with, not to mention they’re definitely using you and your relationship for their personal gain.

Related: Loving Someone Doesn’t Have To Mean Staying In Bad Relationship

It may be difficult to acknowledge when a man is using you, but if you think you are, then it’s time to say goodbye! Especially before Valentine’s day! Share your thoughts in the comments below.

6 Signs You Are Being Used By A Man pin
6 Subtle Signs He Is Using You In A Relationship
signs being used by man pin
Signs That He Is Using You
Signs You Are Being Used By Man pin
How To Know If He Is Using You? 6 Subtle Signs That He Is Using You
Signs You Are Being Used By A Man pin
6 Signs You Are Being Used By A Man
Warning Signs He Is Using You pin
Signs That He Is Using You
signs he is using you
Signs You Are Being Used
signs he is using you
6 Subtle Signs He Is Using You

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