How To Win Someone’s Heart, Based On Their Zodiac Sign


How to win someone's heart

How to win someone’s heart? Is it your natural charm or being attuned to their needs that help you effortlessly win peoples’ hearts? As it turns out, there are a few zodiac secrets to win people’s hearts!

Seeing that person who makes your heart melt is probably one of the most adorable feelings in the world. But how do you win over that special someone? Everyone loves compliments, appreciation, and being made feel special. But sometimes all it takes is a little extra effort to win someone’s heart. Their own zodiac signs will help you figure out how to win them over.

Do you want to discover how to win each zodiac sign’s heart? Then what are you waiting for? Read up!

Related: The Dark Side Of Each Zodiac Sign: Dark Zodiac Signs

How To Win Someone’s Heart Based On Their Zodiac Sign

Here is everything you need to know to win peoples’ hearts according to their zodiac.

1. Aries (March 21-April 19)

How To Win Someones Heart Aries
How To Win Someone’s Heart Based On Their Zodiac

You need to be determined to keep your calls, texts, or conversations about everything and anything that catches Aries’ attention. If you want to win their heart, have an ambition or a dream that matches theirs.

When it comes to winning over an Aries, you need to show your bold, flirtatious side. If they’re into you, they will probably shower you with genuine affection. Don’t shy away from expressing just how you’re feeling. They’ll want to know everything about you, especially your aspirations and dreams. 

Related: Aries Personality: 15 Things You Need To Know About The Ram Sign

2. Taurus (April 20-May 20)

How To Win Someones Heart Taurus
How To Win Someone’s Heart Based On Their Zodiac

A Taurean loves validation and attention. They will be attracted to someone with an appreciation for the things important to them, someone who will listen to their opinion and respect it. But also someone who will pamper them and make them feel wanted.

If you want to win someone’s heart and it happens to be a Taurus, prepare to get touchy-feely with them because physical affection is something they like. And when it comes to leisure they would enjoy a lazy day of TV watching and eating takeout on the couch. They might seem lazy but they are also quite intelligent and voice their opinions once in a while, just hear them out.

Related: 10 Secrets About Taurus You Probably Know Nothing About

3. Gemini (May 21-June 20)

How To Win Someones Heart Gemini
How To Win Someone’s Heart Based On Their Zodiac

They’re different from most people so you need to show them that you understand their mood swings, or at least are trying to. When you hang out, let them pick the music and show you the places they find exciting. They will be attracted to you if you accept their strangeness.

Geminis can be moody but if you want to win their hearts then you’ll have to stand out and appeal to their intellect. Make sure you ask questions and interact with honesty. Once you make them feel comfortable they will show their romantic side to you and include you in their regular plans.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of The Misunderstood Gemini

4. Cancer (June 21-July 22)

How To Win Someones Heart Cancer
How To Win Someone’s Heart Based On Their Zodiac

If you want to win their heart, all you gotta do is be sensitive and caring and treat them well. Also, you should give them space as they like to do things their own way. But they appreciate your company. Even with the little things like cleaning the house or daily chores, they just want someone to share the load. 

You can win a Cancer’s heart with love and adoration, as they are the cheesy romantic type. You could plan cute little outings, cuddle with them and show them you can be the sweetest person alive. They are attracted to people who make them smile and are sensitive toward their emotions. But sometimes they would appreciate some alone time and if you consider that, they will like you even more.

Related: 12 Personality Traits Of Cancer, The Cardinal Water Sign

5. Leo (July 23-August 22)

How To Win Someones Heart Leo
How To Win Someone’s Heart Based On Their Zodiac

They like people who dress and look well, you don’t have to be the prettiest person in the world, but act like you are. Don’t be confused though, they may seem arrogant but that’s just their confidence. All you need to do is match up to their personality.

If you want to win their heart, take care of yourself and be confident in your appearance. Leos are not vain or attention-seeking but they are attracted to people who present themselves well. Lastly, they want you to keep talking to them not because the world revolves around them, but because they want you to check up on them in a caring way.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Leo, The Untamed Fire Sign

6. Virgo (August 23-September 22)

How To Win Someones Heart Virgo
How To Win Someone’s Heart Based On Their Zodiac

They like people who have depth and an eagerness to learn. If you’re someone who reads books and has a good vocabulary it will make you look extremely desirable and possibly be successful at winning their hearts. 

If you want to win someone’s heart, compliment and care for them but if you want to win a Virgo’s heart you need to be their partner-in-crime and try to level up in life. They are mostly attracted to efficient and successful people.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Virgo, The Mercurial Earth Sign

7. Libra (September 23-October 22)

How To Win Someones Heart Libra
How To Win Someone’s Heart Based On Their Zodiac

You need to treat Libra like they are your world, and know that they will show interest in you. They want someone who is cute with them and shows them things they find interesting. It could be anything, movies, reading books or you reading poetry to them. 

Libras often have distinct personalities, so it may not be easy to win their hearts but if you have the will then they’ll appreciate your efforts. They are attracted to those who don’t pretend but are themselves. If you take them out to cute cafes for coffee dates, they’ll surely like you even more.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Libra, The Idealistic Air Sign

8. Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

How To Win Someones Heart Scorpio
How To Win Someone’s Heart Based On Their Zodiac

If you want to win their hearts you have to be a reflection of them. Scorpios are attracted to those who have the same personality as them. They are drawn to those who are charming and smart.

If you want to win them over, be careful with what you wear or what you say to them, as a Scorpio notices it all. They may not really care about outer appearances, but they’d like someone who is sharp and smart with an attractive presence.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Scorpio, The Ambitious Water Sign

9. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

How To Win Someones Heart Sagittarius
How To Win Someone’s Heart Based On Their Zodiac

They want to talk about travel and going somewhere unusual. If you want to win a Sagittarius’ heart, try to express your interest in going on trips and vacations. Do something out of the ordinary and they will be drawn to you.

A Sagittarius is often attracted to someone who embraces other cultures and lives an extraordinary life that is not mundane. If you’re planning to win their heart, then know that they’re extremely energetic by nature, and they also welcome adventures, so consider going beyond the regular dinner dates.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Sagittarius, The Fiery Archer Sign

10. Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

How To Win Someones Heart Capricorn
How To Win Someone’s Heart Based On Their Zodiac

Give Capricorn your full attention, for whatever they might be talking about and you will win their heart.  Show that you are confident in yourself and you do not need to drag others down to look good and they will be drawn to you.

A Capricorn loves to have meaningful conversations with someone who is open and expressive but they don’t get along well with overly emotional people. One rule to make them like you is not to be condescending to them or other people. They might look serious but are able to understand sarcasm and deliver it back. They are drawn to those who are intelligent, reliable, and honest.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Capricorn, The Disciplined Soul

11. Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

How To Win Someones Heart Aquarius
How To Win Someone’s Heart Based On Their Zodiac

They will be drawn to you if you make them feel wanted and cared for. They like those who express themselves in a creative manner and appreciate art in any form. If you want to win them over then focus on your dreams and be passionate about what you do.

If you want to win them over, be passionate about doing creative things like painting, dancing, or films, they will appreciate it. An Aquarius also likes someone who is easygoing, makes the first move, and makes them feel comfortable.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Aquarius, The Progressive Air Sign

12. Pisces (February 19-March 20)

How To Win Someones Heart Pisces
How To Win Someone’s Heart Based On Their Zodiac

They’re quite interesting people who tend to be emotional so when you know they’re upset give them a shoulder to cry on and if they’re moody, know when to leave them alone and they’ll be drawn to you.

If you want to win over a Pisces’ heart, you have to keep up with their ever-changing mood and needs. They like to surround themselves with people who are different from them because they enjoy having someone with a fresh perspective in front of them.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Pisces, The Gentle Water Sign

That’s all on how to win someone’s heart based on their zodiac. What is your most preferred way to win peoples’ hearts based on astrology? Do let us know in the comments below!

Related: Spirituality

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How To Win Someone’s Heart Based On Their Zodiac
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How To Win Someone’s Heart Based On Their Zodiac
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How To Win Someone’s Heart, Based On Their Zodiac Sign
How Win Someones Heart Zodiac Sign
How To Win Someone’s Heart, Based On Their Zodiac Sign
Win Someones Heart Zodiac Sign
How To Win Someone’s Heart, Based On Their Zodiac Sign
How to win someone's heart
How To Win Someone’s Heart, Based On Their Zodiac Sign
How to win someone's heart
How To Win Someone’s Heart, Based On Their Zodiac Sign

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