Emotional Triggers Of Each Zodiac: The One Phrase That Triggers You Based On Your Zodiac Sign


triggers of each zodiac

What triggers you? We all have our triggers. Sometimes, it can be as simple as a phrase that hits a nerve in us. Knowing the triggers of each zodiac sign helps us avoid unintentionally hitting someone where it hurts the most.

Not everyone is offended by the same things. But the thing about words is that you can never take them back once they are spoken. This is why we should always keep a check before uttering any random thing out of our mouths. Of course, everyone is different and what bothers a person would be different from the others.

Our zodiac signs have a great influence on our personalities, positive and negative, therefore, each zodiac sign reacts differently to certain words. If you really don’t want to tick off your partner, make sure to avoid some phrase that triggers them.

We have boiled down the oneliner phrases that are the emotional triggers of each zodiac sign. So to keep yourself on the safe side, check out the list of zodiac sign triggers and keep them in mind.

Related: The Fire and Ice of Zodiacs- Ranked!

Triggers Of Each Zodiac: Each Zodiac Sign’s Biggest Emotional Trigger

Here are the triggers of zodiacs that you should avoid at all costs:

triggers of each zodiac
Emotional Triggers Of Each Zodiac: The One Phrase That Triggers You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

1. Aries (March 21- April 19)

the one usual phrase that triggers you based on your zodiac sign aries
Triggers Of Each Zodiac

โ€œHold Upโ€ or โ€œI will call you laterโ€

Intrusiveness, Aries cannot stand people who hold them down. They are born to focus forward. People belonging to this star sign are very restless and anxious by nature. They are impatient and hate to be kept waiting.

So never tell them lines like โ€œI will call you laterโ€ or ” Hold Up”. They are bound to overthink the situation because they are the ones who decide. They are headstrong and like to get things done in their way, so never question their activities as it will ultimately hurt their ego.

2. Taurus (April 20-May 20)

the one usual phrase that triggers you based on your zodiac sign taurus
Triggers Of Each Zodiac

โ€œYou arenโ€™t enoughโ€ or โ€œIโ€™m watching youโ€

A Taurus hates his moves being sharply examined. It will be a big blow to their confidence if you appoint yourself as an invigilator of their motives. They are independent creatures and they have got this, thank you.

These people cannot stand the ones who are narcissistic and are all about self-praises. They hate people who are self-publicists. You are likely to make matters worse by increasing the pressure on them by saying things like โ€œyou arenโ€™t enoughโ€. They are foodies by nature. So never disrespect food in front of them.

3. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

the one usual phrase that triggers you based on your zodiac sign gemini
Triggers Of Each Zodiac

โ€œKeep quietโ€

Gemini is the sign of communication and they know what they are talking about. This is why statements like โ€œplease shut upโ€ or โ€œcanโ€™t you keep quiet?โ€ really hurt their ego and make them angry.

People falling under this zodiac sign are known for being very expressive, so you also don’t want to constantly bother them about why they are quiet or why they donโ€™t smile because if they are quiet, there is a big reason for that. They are sorted, reasoned people. They donโ€™t do things randomly. So stop questioning them.

4. Cancer (June 21 – July 22) 

the one usual phrase that triggers you based on your zodiac sign cancer
Triggers Of Each Zodiac

โ€œLet me speak firstโ€ or “There is a slight change of plan”

Cancerians hate being stopped or asked to delay their speeches. They find it very disrespectful if others are overtaking them. These people like their own pace, once you distract them, you may not be able to get them to talk about it with the same enthusiasm. They also do not like their schedule to be changed, hence try never to change their timings once fixed. They get irked by unstable things and haste decisions.

5. Leo (July 23 – August 22) 

the one usual phrase that triggers you based on your zodiac sign leo
Triggers Of Each Zodiac

โ€œXyz looks better in thisโ€

Leos are known to be in the limelight, no one can steal it from them. Members of this sign are really conscious of their looks and appearance. They love to be admired and praised. So avoid telling them things like โ€œthat other person looks better in thisโ€, โ€œthis doesnโ€™t suit you a lotโ€. Do not be a critic in their lives, this will only make them dislike you.

6. Virgo (August 23 – September 22) 

the one usual phrase that triggers you based on your zodiac sign virgo
Triggers Of Each Zodiac

โ€œI donโ€™t care what you thinkโ€

Virgos are the most organized of all signs. Let us start off by declaring that they are logical, sensible, thoughtful, and big-time grammar Nazis. They are really humble but they hate being disrespected. They dislike being told stuff like โ€œyour opinion doesnโ€™t matterโ€ and โ€œI donโ€™t care what you thinkโ€. People in this sign are schemers, they loathe the idea of not knowing what’s going on around them. For them, not being taken seriously is a huge blow to their pride.

Related: The Dark Side Of Each Zodiac Sign: Dark Zodiac Signs

7. Libra (September 23 – October 22)

the one usual phrase that triggers you based on your zodiac sign libra
Triggers Of Each Zodiac

โ€œDecide quicklyโ€

Everyone knows that Libras hate being rushed as much as they dislike being made to pick a side. Statements like โ€œdecide quicklyโ€, โ€œyou have to choose one of usโ€, or โ€œmake your decision. I want to know right nowโ€ puts them under immense pressure.

This sign is patient and productive, they hate being given a deadline. One minor thing that actually annoys Libra is when they are told to lower the music volume. They are groovy quirky people by nature and they hate anyone killing their vibe.

Related: 4 Things You Can Do That Will Help You Make The Right Decisions

8. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) 

the one usual phrase that triggers you based on your zodiac sign scorpio
Triggers Of Each Zodiac

โ€œTrust me on thisโ€

Scopians are very intense. They hate the feeling of being replaced, be it by a friend or a partner. They are independent and like to get things done their own way and can be very private when they want to.

Scorpians are known for their trust issues. The phrase that triggers the most is โ€œTrust meโ€. It creates more doubts in their mind as they usually don’t like to be followed. They pretty much like to know the truth by themselves and want their partner to prove their loyalty to them rather than asking for their trust out of nowhere.

9. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) 

the one usual phrase that triggers you based on your zodiac sign sagittarius
Triggers Of Each Zodiac

โ€œI have the toughest lifeโ€

They are optimistic people. This is the reason why they donโ€™t entertain people who say negative things like โ€œMy life is the toughestโ€ or โ€œIโ€™m really unluckyโ€.

Sag people do not believe in constantly cribbing about their problems. Instead, they do everything to make it fine.  They donโ€™t just sit with the issues, but they keep looking for a solution. They are very active and donโ€™t like people who live their lives like dead ducks; always staying home and not wanting to go out. “Spot the silver lining” is the mantra of every Sagittarian everywhere in the world.

10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

the one usual phrase that triggers you based on your zodiac sign capricorn
Triggers Of Each Zodiac

โ€œWhy do you always do that?โ€

Capricorns are incredibly practical and disciplined. Members of this star sign hate judgemental people so when someone says statements like โ€œwhy do you always do that?โ€ or โ€œcanโ€™t you ever stop doing this?โ€

Never question their choices, they start feeling really conscious about it and feel critiqued. They also hate borrowing and lending money because they think that it will affect their relationship in the future and even has the potential of ruining it.

11. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

the one usual phrase that triggers you based on your zodiac sign aquarius
Triggers Of Each Zodiac

โ€œThatโ€™s a dumb ideaโ€

Aquarians are the eccentric ones and their mind if full of progressive ideas. They get more hurt than angry when someone doesnโ€™t respect or appreciate the idea they give. It makes them feel incompetent and dumb.

Therefore, one needs to really be wise with words while outing down an idea coming from an Aquarian. They also hate when someone else clears their mess. They like to do their own work. It makes them feel like they have control over their lives and everything happening to it. They do not criticize other people doing their work.

12. Pisces (February 19 – March 20) 

the one usual phrase that triggers you based on your zodiac sign pisces
Triggers Of Each Zodiac

โ€œI heard them talk about youโ€

People belonging to this star sign don’t like being a part of gossip. They do dislike people speaking ill of them. Pisces have a rich inner world and to them, it matters what others think about them.

They are generally quite popular among their friends because of their loving and giving nature and that is why they just can’t stand the idea of gossiping, especially about their loved ones. They hate demanding people and it hurts their self-respect if someone tells them that they are incapable of doing a particular task.

Related: Spirituality

triggers of each zodiac
Emotional Triggers Of Each Zodiac: The One Phrase That Triggers You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Those were each zodiac sign’s triggers. We’re sure that after going through each stress trigger for all zodiac signs, you have discovered what triggers you based on your zodiac sign. So, what’s your biggest trigger according to your zodiac sign? Do let us know in the comments below!

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What You Shouldn't Say To Each Of The Zodiac Signs
The One Usual Phrase That Triggers You Based On Your Zodiac Sign
The One Usual Phrase That Triggers You Based on Your Zodiac Sign
Triggers Of Each Zodiac
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Triggers Of Each Zodiac
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Triggers Of Each Zodiac
The One Usual Phrase That Triggers You Based on Your Zodiac Sign pinop
Triggers Of Each Zodiac
One Phrase Triggers You Based On Zodiac Sign pin
Emotional Triggers Of Each Zodiac: The One Phrase That Triggers You Based On Your Zodiac Sign
One Phrase Triggers You Based On Your Zodiac Sign pin
Emotional Triggers Of Each Zodiac: The One Phrase That Triggers You Based On Your Zodiac Sign
One Phrase Triggers You Based On Your Zodiac Sign detailpin
Emotional Triggers Of Each Zodiac: The One Phrase That Triggers You Based On Your Zodiac Sign
triggers of each zodiac
Emotional Triggers Of Each Zodiac: The One Phrase That Triggers You Based On Your Zodiac Sign
triggers of each zodiac
Emotional Triggers Of Each Zodiac: The One Phrase That Triggers You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

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  1. Marty "the mislead" Webster Avatar
    Marty “the mislead” Webster

    Good luck on the book and Ihopeu find your happiness

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