What Love Means To You Based On Your Zodiac Sign


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Love Means To You Based Zodiac Sign

What does love mean to you? The way you prioritize your relationship and behave with your partner has a direct link with what love means to you or how you perceive this emotion.

Human beings have been struggling to define love for millennia. It has been finally speculated as everything between how your heart skips a beat when you see your person, and couples uniting through destiny or sheer good luck.

But what we do know is that love has been around for as long as mankind can remember and it can mean different things to different people. It could be anything from snuggling together in bed while binging on Netflix to finding someone to go skydiving with you.

Something that has to be kept in mind is that what love means to you might be drastically different from what it means to your significant other, or any other person, for that matter. Astrology can help us discern what love means to someone based on their zodiac sign.

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What Love Means To You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Now let’s see what love means to each zodiac sign!

1. Aries (March 21 โ€“ April 19)

The things you do to make your partner happy, define love for you. Competitive, fast, and a born leader, these characteristics influence the way you look at romantic feelings and youโ€™re always looking for ways to show your partner how much you love them. Words donโ€™t mean much to you and you expect deeds from your partner as well.

What love means to you: To put it simply, you desire reciprocation and not one-way traffic.

Related: What Each Zodiac Sign Means When They Say โ€œI Love Youโ€

2. Taurus (April 20 โ€“ May 20)

When youโ€™re completely at ease with a person, you feel love. Romance equates to being comfortable so you never compromise on alone time with your partner. Insecurity sometimes plagues you so securing your place with someone is very important to you.

What love means to you: To be secure, in every way and to be accepted as you are by your partner.

3. Gemini (May 21 โ€“ June 20)

Heartfelt talks and romantic whispers mean a lot! Communicating with your partner is highly essential for you. Even though you sometimes appear flighty, you are also practical and you keep analyzing everything that happens. This can make you very talkative and there is hardly any awkward pause when youโ€™re with the person you love.

What love means to you: When the two of you always have something interesting to talk about, thatโ€™s a true feeling as far as you are concerned.

Related: Signs She Is Falling In Love With You Based on Her Zodiac 

4. Cancer (June 21 โ€“ July 22)

What Love Means To You
What Love Means To You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

As an emotional person, you enjoy hanging out with just your partner because those are the few times when you can let your hair down. With the whirlwind that is your life constantly tossing you around, finding love for you is when you find someone who helps you feel calm. Itโ€™s true love for you if youโ€™d rather spend time with that person than have a relaxing day at the beach.

What love means to you: You need someone who will help you regain stability even when your emotions get the better of you.

Related: How Your Man Acts Based on his Zodiac Sign

5. Leo (July 23 โ€“ August 22)

You find love in being pampered. Even though you are pretty self-reliant yourself, you like it when someone spoils you by taking you to nice places, giving you surprise presents and so on. You believe love is being passionate and caring for each other, and sometimes, it is just nice to be looked after.

What love means to you: You expect love to be like a movie centered on you and youโ€™re ready to offer the same kind of attention to your partner as well.

6. Virgo (August 23 โ€“ September 22)

Life and love are all about the small gestures between you and your partner. Very little escapes your notice and you like to shower your partner with acts of service, whenever possible. You enjoy the simple joys like watching TV shows on the couch with a box of take-out food.

What love means to you: Loyalty is important to you and youโ€™re fine with everything as long as you can trust your partner to have your back in any given situation.

7. Libra (September 23 โ€“ October 22)

Without peace, there can be no love for you. It is important for you to find a person who is linked to your very soul and who leaves you with a sense of all-encompassing peace. Midnight conversations while youโ€™re looking up at the stars make you feel deeply connected to your partner.

What love means to you: Their presence should make you feel at home in this chaotic universe.

8. Scorpio (October 23 โ€“ November 21)

Just the very idea of love excites you because you sincerely believe that it is one of the most cherished memories you will have in this life. You enjoy being in love with your partner. Relationships are a huge deal to you and you never compromise on your commitment to someone.

What love means to you: Youโ€™re in it for the long run with a person who brings you laughter, interesting conversations, and a feeling of shared responsibility for each other.

Related: Romantic Zodiac Signs RANKED From Most To Least 

9. Sagittarius (November 22 โ€“ December 21)

Being as fiercely independent as you are, there is nothing that puts you off more than the idea of being caged. However, you are still very serious about love. You expect it to be better than anything you could ever imagine. For you, your partner also has to be a very good friend.

What love means to you: You need freedom, all the inside jokes, shared plans for the future, and adventures possible with your partner.

10. Capricorn (December 22 โ€“ January 19)

What Love Means To You
What Love Means To You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

For you, love means something that is rather traditional. Youโ€™re not fond of all the vulnerability that comes with love and being practical, you weigh everything before you take the plunge with someone. You prefer building traditions with your partner.

What love means to you: Little things like dinner every Friday, a holiday in the hills once a year, take-out Thursdays, etc. are essential to you as they make you feel like the two of you are becoming a family.

11. Aquarius (January 20 โ€“ February 18)

Understanding is your key element for love. The other person needs to be able to understand the aspects of your personality that remain a mystery to everyone else except them. Critical thinking and the thirst for knowledge drive you and so, even in love, you expect a partner with whom you can learn more and more every day.

What love means to you: Love is like a puzzle that you want to solve for the rest of your life.

12. Pisces (February 19 โ€“ March 20)

Your idea of love comes from every single young adult book youโ€™ve ever read. With your heightened sensitivity and gentleness, your definition of love dwells on creativity and art. Your intuition is powerful and this can be seen in the artsy ways in which you show your love.

What love means to you: You want to be in a harmonious relationship, that makes you feel like you are where you need to be.

Related: Spirituality

We hope you could resonate with the meaning of love based on your zodiac sign. What are your beliefs about love according to astrology? Please share your thoughts by commenting down below.

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What Love Means To You Based On Your Zodiac Sign
What Love Means To You Based On Your Zodiac Sign
What Love Means To You Based On Your Zodiac Sign
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What Love Means To You Based On Your Zodiac Sign
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What Love Means To You Based On Your Zodiac Sign
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What Love Means To You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

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