What Is Sanguine Personality? 10 Signs You’re The Human Version Of Sunshine

What Is Sanguine Personality? Ten Defining Signs You Are One

Are you feeling curious today? Because I have something downright fascinating for you! Ever met someone so irresistibly charming, sociable, and optimistic that you wondered, “How the heck do they do it?” Well, maybe you have come across a sanguine personality. Yep, it’s a thing! So, what is sanguine personality? And most importantly, are you one?

Imagine walking into a room, and your eyes are immediately drawn to that one individual who is the epicentre of energy, laughter, and positivity. The person who can turn a funeral into a celebration of life, literally. That, my friends, is a sanguine personality in full swing, and they’re impossible to ignore. 

Let’s find out more about what is sanguine personality, sanguine temperament, and sanguine personality traits. 

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What Is Sanguine Personality?

A sanguine personality is all about being the life of the party! It’s like having an upbeat and positive vibe that just radiates from you. Sanguine folks are super outgoing, social butterflies who love being in the spotlight.

People with a sanguine temperament can make friends with just about anyone and have a natural knack for making connections. These peeps are full of energy, always up for an adventure, and have this contagious enthusiasm that’s hard to resist.

Sure, they might have their ups and downs, but overall, they’re just happy-go-lucky and always see the glass as half full.

Do you think you’re one? Well, let’s find out the sanguine personality traits then to make things clearer!

What is sanguine personality

10 Signs You Have A Sanguine Personality

1. You are extremely, extremely optimistic. 

One of the major sanguine personality traits is this – you’re absurdly optimistic. You could be stuck in a hailstorm and still find a way to enjoy it. Maybe it’s the thrill of getting a free ice massage from the sky!

If you’re always brimming with positivity, or you love surrounding yourself with those who are, you’re either sanguine or a sanguine-fanatic.

2. You are a social butterfly. 

What is the sanguine personality type, you ask?

Imagine a garden filled with blooming flowers, but one particular butterfly keeps flitting from one bloom to another, spreading cheer and colour. That butterfly is you, my sanguine buddy.

You love social interactions so much that you practically breathe conversations. A solitary evening at home probably sounds as exciting to you as watching paint dry.

3. You perfectly embody the term “emotional rollercoaster”.

When you have a sanguine temperament, you are bound to have emotional highs and lows. You wear your heart on your sleeve, which is charming but can also be like, “Whoa, drama alert!”

One minute you’re over the moon, and the next you could be sulking because someone took the last slice of pizza. 

4. You have a very passion-driven life. 

What is sanguine personality? This right here!

When you get excited about something, and it’s like fireworks on the Fourth of July. Your enthusiasm is infectious, spurring even the most reluctant people into action.

But—quick reality check—this passion sometimes fizzles out just as fast as it ignited. Yep, you often get bored quickly. So if someone is dating you, they better keep those date nights versatile!

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5. You are a superb communicator. 

No kidding, you could talk a dog off a meat truck! You’re chatty, eloquent, and love to make people laugh. While it’s not all surface-level chatter, your love for talking often makes you  excellent at smoothing over conflicts.

However, the flip side is that you can talk so much that you forget to listen. And having the ability to listen to what other people are saying is as important as communicating your thoughts and opinions. 

6. You can be very impulsive at times. 

Having a sanguine temperament or sanguine personality type means being impulsive is written in your DNA. 

“Planning” is not your favourite word in the dictionary. You’re spontaneous, impulsive, and like to go with the flow. While this makes life around you exciting, it can also be a recipe for, let’s say, “unforeseen adventures.” Missed flights, anyone?

What is sanguine personality

7. You can be easily distracted by new, interesting things, which is why you have a short attention span. 

What is sanguine personality! This in a nutshell.

As a sanguine personality, you have a weakness for new, exciting, and shiny things. This love for novelty often makes you juggle too many balls at once, and sometimes you drop a few.

Staying focused is your biggest challenge, and you always struggle with it. No matter how hard you try, the moment you come across something new, be it a thing or even an experience, you chase it like there’s no tomorrow. 

8. You are very emotional, even if it might not seem like that. 

You are like an emotional daredevil, feeling things intensely but just as quickly moving on to the next thrill. You are all about living in the moment, reacting with your heart right then and there.

Picture this: you might totally hate someone’s guts for a hot minute, but before you know it, you’ll be like, “My bad, let’s forget about it, bro!” You might be termed as unpredictable or flaky by some people, but it’s just that you just need some time to bounce back to your original cheerful self.  

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9. You can get very arrogant and controlling sometimes. 

When it comes to confidence, you take it to the next level, sometimes bordering on arrogance. You have an innate desire to flaunt your awesomeness at every turn. With sky-high self-esteem, you strut around like you’re unstoppable, ready to conquer the world.

It’s like you want everyone to know just how amazing you are and how you’re a cut above the rest. This can make it challenging for other personality types to handle your larger-than-life presence. Hanging around you means being in the shadow of your self-assuredness, which isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.

10. You are a born and natural performer. 

One of the major sanguine personality traits is that you are always ready to take the stage and steal the spotlight. Whether it’s karaoke night at the local bar or a dance floor at a party, you will be front and centre, busting out your moves with unstoppable energy.

Your enthusiasm for entertaining is infectious, and you thrive on being the life of the party. This penchant for performance extends to the workplace too. In a group setting, you’ll often captivate your co-workers with animated storytelling, effortlessly engaging the room with your charismatic presence.

With a personality like yours, it’s like the world is your stage, and you’re always ready to put on a show.

What is sanguine personality

Wrapping It Up

Being or knowing a sanguine personality is like having a permanent ticket to an amusement park. There are thrills, spills, and plenty of fun, but remember to hold on tight because it’s one heck of a ride!

Related: 15 Things Happy People Do Differently

So, what’s your temperament? Are you a vivacious sanguine or something else altogether? Do you relate to any of these sanguine personality traits? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

sanguine personality
what is sanguine personality, sanguine personality type,

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