The Future Of Your Marriage: What Your Wedding Zodiac Reveals

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What is your Wedding Zodiac Sign? and what does it reveal about the future of your marriage? They say that marriages are made in heaven, and to the most extent, it is right.

Since time immemorial, Astrology and the stars have always played a big and mysterious role in determining the future of a marriage. Your wedding zodiac which is the wedding date (and the zodiac sign associated with it) you choose can give you a lot of insight into how your marriage will fare in the future.

Even though, it is ultimately up to you and your spouse to make sure that your marriage works out, sometimes, astrology strongly plays a part.

Here is how your chosen wedding date foreshadows the future of your marriage.

The Future Of Your Marriage According To Your Wedding Zodiac Sign

1. Aries Marriages: March 21- April 19

wedding zodiac

You will have an adventurous marriage.

The Aries zodiac sign is known for being extremely independent, bold, and adventurous. So, it will be no wonder if your marriage also reflects the same values. If you get married during this time, your marriage will be spontaneous and a lot of fun, like impulsive travel plans, unplanned romantic dinner dates, and spontaneous romantic gestures. However, make sure that you donโ€™t get competitive with your partner, like a typical Aries.

Related: The Type Of Woman A Man Needs Based on His Zodiac Sign

2. Taurus Marriages: April 20 โ€“ May 20

wedding zodiac

You will have a grounded marriage.

If you decide to get married during the Taurus season, you and your spouse will have a grounded marriage. Even though both of you like the finer things in life, and love luxury, you will never let that dominate your marriage. But keep in mind that, you mix up things once in a while, otherwise it might end up being monotonous and boring.

3. Gemini Marriages: May 21- June 20

wedding zodiac

You will have an exciting and communicative marriage.

Getting married during this time means that both of you will have a marriage based on transparency and communication. No matter what the situation, you will always choose to talk about it openly and resolve it. Additionally, you and your spouse will also want to have some variety in your lives, like bungee jumping in the summer, skiing in the winter, taking a gourmet cooking class, etc. Keep in mind that you donโ€™t get overwhelmed with everything, and try to prioritize your time with your spouse.

Related: The Most Lovey-Dovey To The Least Affectionate, Zodiac Signs RANKED

4. Cancer Marriages: June 21- July 22

wedding zodiac

You will have a romantic marriage.ย 

Cancers are very romantic and emotional by nature, so it wonโ€™t be any surprise that your marriage will be an incredibly romantic one. You will have cute nicknames for each other, have romantic candlelight dinners every once in a while, and might also pamper your partner with many gifts. Nevertheless, remember that there is a life outside of your marriage. Meet up with friends and family, and stay connected to them.

5. Leo Marriages: July 23- August 22

wedding zodiac

You will have a passionate marriage.

If you decide to get married during the Leo season, then rest assured, your marriage will be a very passionate and dramatic one. Both you and your spouse will be very opinionated, and, will never step back from sharing your opinion. However, if Leo is your wedding zodiac sign, then try not to let your opinions go take you in a negative direction. Make sure that no one tries to dominate the other, and all will be fine.

Related: The Kind of Husband He Will Be Based On His Zodiac Sign

6. Virgo Marriages: August 23- September 22

wedding zodiac

You will have a mature marriage.ย 

Your marriage will be based on being refined, healthy, and organized. Both you and your spouse are extremely particular about everything, and also very clear about what you want. You are always his biggest support and cheerleader and him yours. The only thing that might end up creating problems, is if you donโ€™t look at the big picture, because you were too busy nit-picking.

7. Libra Marriages: September 23- October 22

wedding zodiac

Your marriage will be balanced.ย 

Libra marriages are known for being very balanced, and there is always a healthy give and take between the two partners. This helps in making sure that both you and your spouse feel appreciated and respected. For people with this wedding zodiac sign, marriage and relationship is always your first priority. On the other hand, take care that you do not lose your individuality. Have your own personal identity outside of your marriage, because you are more than that.

Related: 18 Marriage Vows, I Would Love To Make on My Wedding Day

8. Scorpio Marriages: October 23- November 21

wedding zodiac

Your marriage will be intense.ย 

Scorpios are known for their intensity and sexiness, so itโ€™s no wonder that your marriage will also resemble that. People with this wedding zodiac will have a lot of intimacy and passion, and keeping things spicy will never be an issue. The flip side is that Scorpios are very jealous by nature and this can create problems. In case any trouble crops up, make sure that both of you talk about it openly. Letting a stupid power struggle hamper your marriage is not at all ideal.

9. Sagittarius Marriages: November 22- December 21

wedding zodiac

Your marriage will be a whole lot of fun.ย 

Your marriage will consist of a lot of travel, as a Sagittarius couple is very outgoing and open-minded by nature. You are always seeking to learn something new and try your hand at doing something new. However, try to hold back a little sometimes, especially when it comes to money. Living your life on the edge can sometimes put you into troubling situations.

10. Capricorn Marriages: December 22- January 19

wedding zodiac

Your marriage will be traditional.

The zodiac sign of Capricorn is known for being traditional, so your marriage might take place around Christmas or New Year. Since both you and your spouse believe in honoring heritage and upholding traditions, your entire married life will echo the same. Keep in mind that you sometimes relax and enjoy the present, instead of constantly planning for the future.

11. Aquarius Marriages: January 20- February 18

wedding zodiac

Your marriage will be quirky.ย 

The best thing about getting married during the Aquarius season is that your marriage will be very unconventional, idiosyncratic, and modern. Even though you are madly in love, you are also best friends with each other. People with Aquarius as wedding zodiac sign love going out and partying their heart out amongst people, mix very well with huge crowds. But, do enjoy some one-on-one time together sometimes, so that the romance is still there in the relationship.

Related: From the Best to the Worst Marriage Material: Zodiac Signs RANKED

12. Pisces Marriages: February 19- March 20

wedding zodiac

Your marriage will be dreamy.ย 

Pisces people are known to be very romantic, dreamy, and creative. People with this wedding zodiac will spend their married life in utter romantic bliss, and your spouse will always try to find out new ways to make you feel loved. Big romantic gestures such as renewing your vows and flying off to romantic destinations to celebrate your anniversary, are just some of the things you do. In spite of everything, make sure that you also be pragmatic sometimes so that you donโ€™t end up blowing all your money on expensive things and experiences.

The future of your marriage will ultimately depend on you and your spouse, but taking into consideration how astrology plays a part in it, isnโ€™t going to harm you.

Even though a lot of people scoff at the idea of astrology and horoscopes, they have always played a silent role in determining our lives and the future. So, it is quite natural that it will play the same part when it comes to the future of your marriage.

Whatโ€™s your wedding zodiac sign? Could you relate to the article? Let me know in the comments.

Your Wedding Zodiac Reveals The Future Of Your Marriage
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