Most To Least Affectionate Zodiac Signs Ranked

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Most To Least Affectionate Zodiac Signs Ranked 2

Is being affectionate your love language? Do you expect the same from your future partner? Then find out who are the most affectionate zodiac signs so that there are no unpleasant surprises later!

โ€œThe Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mateโ€ by Gary Chapman is a wonderful book that explains that there are five different ways in which people can experience and express the love that Chapman refers to as โ€œLove Languagesโ€.

They are:

  • Receiving gifts
  • Quality time
  • Words of affirmation
  • Acts of service (devotion)
  • Physical Touch

People tend to naturally give love in the way they like to receive love and great intimacy and communication can be established between couples if they have a better understanding of each otherโ€™s love languages.

One way to find out about our and our partnerโ€™s love language is through observation. You can observe if they like to give you verbal compliments and words of affirmation to express their love or if they use physical touch such as hugs and kisses to express their love or if they like to be of service to you and do things like household chores to express their love.

You can also tap into the wisdom of Astrology to gain insight into your and your (existing or potential) partnerโ€™s behavior and the ways they express love.

There are 12 zodiac signs and each of the twelve signs represents a stage in the cycle of solar energy. Our zodiac sign influences our behavior, our goals, and the way we do things.

When it comes to being affectionate, all 12 zodiac personalities have their own way of showing their love and care towards their partners. Some are more expressive and demonstrative, while some are more subtle and practical. This post covers the most to least affectionate zodiac signs, ranked on the basis of their ability to express their love.

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Most To Least Affectionate Zodiac Signs Ranked

Hereโ€™re the affectionate zodiac signs ranked from most to least!

Affectionate Zodiac Signs

1. Cancer (June 21 โ€“ July 22)

Cancer is a cardinal water sign and its ruling planet is the moon.

It is one of the most emotional and affectionate zodiac signs. A Cancer person is intuitive and highly in touch with emotions โ€“ their own and those of others around.

They would just intuitively know when you want words of affirmation or physical touch by observing subtle details like a frown on your face or inflection in the tone of your voice.

Cancer is one of the most romantic signs of the zodiac. Not just that, but theyโ€™re super creative and thoughtful. Theyโ€™re the ones who would surprise you with a love poem or surprise gifts when you least expect them.

They would be totally into showing affection โ€“ be it through cuddling, hand-holding, kissing, or PDA โ€“ be rest assured that they will always show you that you are loved.

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2. Pisces (February 19 โ€“ March 20)

Pisces is again a water sign. It is one of the most creative and dreamy of all zodiac signs.

A Pisces native is super affectionate and romantic. For them, finding true love and intimacy is most important and they know that to find a good lover, they have to be one.

Theyโ€™re the ones who would shower you with unconditional love and warmth and kindness and so much love that you would not really know what to do with it. Just thank your stars, if you are with a Piscean partner already! Theyโ€™re sure one of the most affectionate star signs.

3. Leo (July 23 โ€“ August 22)

Leo, another fiery fire sign brimming with passion and love. They love to be pampered and be the center of attention. Especially when it comes to their partner, they become very demanding.

However, what most donโ€™t know, Leos are very generous, caring, and affectionate in nature. They have a lot of love to give and they expect the same in return. They express their affection through thoughtful actions, words of compliment, gifts, and the physical act of love.

One of the most expressive and affectionate zodiac signs, they can get clingy, possessive, and jealous if they donโ€™t get proper affection or time from their person of interest.

4. Libra (September 23 โ€“ October 22)

Libra is an Air sign that gives close competition to Cancer in the areas of romance and affection.

A Libra partner is super affectionate. They wouldnโ€™t want to spend a single day without kissing, hand-holding, and romance.

Even if they canโ€™t spend time physically with you, they would be thoughtful to send you small texts to check on you and send you โ€œkissโ€ emojis just to tell you that they miss you.

Loving and showing affection comes naturally to them and if youโ€™re with a Libra, then get used to being pampered and cared for. Theyโ€™re a pro at it, being one of the top affectionate zodiac signs!

5. Taurus (April 20 โ€“ May 20)

Taurus is again an Earth sign and a very practical, logical, and hard-working one with the right mix of emotions. They want to give their loved ones material comforts as well as affection.

A Taurus lover is the kind of person you can discuss your work problems with as well as lean on for emotional support. A Taurus is also a very romantically inclined sign and they have a very fine sense of aesthetics and beauty. They know how to appreciate the little things in life along with striving for material comfort.

And a Taurus is highly into PDA and physical affection. If youโ€™re with a Taurus partner, be ready for affection, in public, at home, in big ways, and in small ways, every day!

Although they appear to be serious and practical to others, for their partners, Taurus is surely one of the most affectionate zodiac signs.

6. Scorpio (October 23 โ€“ November 21)

Scorpio is a water sign. It is one of the most intense signs of all the zodiac signs.

A Scorpio knows how to live a life that is full of passion and affection. They take time to open up, but once they do, get ready for some serious amount of PDA and physical affection.

Scorpios are well known for their lovemaking skills, however, theyโ€™re also very emotional and devoted toward their partners. So if you win their trust, youโ€™ll be showered with love materially, physically, as well as emotionally. Theyโ€™re also one of the most affectionate zodiac signs.

7. Capricorn (December 22 โ€“ January 19)

Capricorn is an Earth Sign. Earth signs are more practical and grounded as compared to the other signs.

They know how to hold back their emotions and how to not get carried away by them. A Capricorn is also very practical and logical. Even if they have feelings for you, they will not show them all the time. They will carry their head with their heart along their journey.

They would also prefer to show their affection in private than engage in PDA. They definitely want to stay for the long haul but theyโ€™re not good at expressing their feelings openly. Itโ€™s something they struggle with. They are one of the affectionate zodiac signs, but not one of the expressive ones. Their affection is more subtle and has to be felt.

Affectionate Zodiac Signs

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8. Virgo (August 23 โ€“ September 22)

Virgo is an Earth sign. It is one of the most meticulous and organized zodiac signs. A Virgo knows how to solve problems.

Virgo people would express their love for you by helping you and supporting you. Their love language is not so much about PDA or words of affirmation but acts of service.

If youโ€™re with a Virgo partner, they would just do whatever they can to make sure that you have an organized life and you achieve your goals.

Trust me, theyโ€™re more thoughtful than you would ever know and even if they donโ€™t use a lot of words to express their love, their actions and constant support speak volumes about their love and concern for you. Donโ€™t take that for granted, even if theyโ€™re not one of the most expressive and affectionate zodiac signs!

Read Romantic Zodiac Signs RANKED From Most To Least

9. Aries (March 21 โ€“ April 19)

Aries is a fiery fire sign. Aries is a very assertive and aggressive zodiac sign. They are always looking for excitement and thrill in their life.

For Aries, affection could mean their partner matches their spontaneity and upbeat energy. Aries are very ambitious and focused and donโ€™t like to engage in mindless flirting, they would look to be with someone they can have a real connection with.

They donโ€™t always show their affection through physical touch or compliments even. You have to be smart and observant to see their love, through their banter, and eye contact, and the list is endless. But they donโ€™t make it to the list of the most affectionate zodiac signs.

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10. Sagittarius (November 22 โ€“ December 21)

Sagittarius is a fiery fire sign again. They are playful and world travelers. A Sagittarius would like to keep it casual for a long time. They will flirt with you till everything is playful but the moment you get serious; they would take a step back.

Theyโ€™re very anti-commitment and wouldnโ€™t mind looking flaky until they find the best option for them. Even then, they hate to be tied down and overt expression of affection is not something theyโ€™re comfortable with. Definitely one of the less affectionate zodiac signs.

11. Gemini (May 21 โ€“ June 20)

Gemini is an Air sign. It is the most social of all zodiac signs. They just want to have a good time and party. Geminis are not that great at letting their guard down. A Gemini would love to flirt and have fun till they really find someone worth it.

They like the chase and being flirty, being too serious is just too close to comfort for them. Theyโ€™re not big on emotions and find expressing love to be corny. Theyโ€™re pretty lousy when it comes to meeting their partnerโ€™s emotional expectations. Theyโ€™re one of the least affectionate zodiac signs.

12. Aquarius (January 20 โ€“ February 18)

Aquarius is at the end of the spectrum of emotional affection. Theyโ€™re the least affectionate zodiac signs. Theyโ€™re the most intellectual and unconventional sign of all the zodiacs. They are out-of-box thinkers and revolutionaries. They donโ€™t do anything mainstream and that includes their love life.

They will not be the ones to indulge in lovey-dovey expression but rather they would look for a partner who is equally independent and ambitious. They would rather focus on their dreams and be in a relationship where they can help each other achieve their magnanimous goals instead of spending their time on pointless confessions of personal sentiments.

If you are with an Aquarian partner, then know that they would be detached and seem cold and distant. Itโ€™s not that they donโ€™t love you. They want to focus on achieving their goals and theyโ€™re looking for someone who is equally focused on what they want to achieve in life.

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So, those were the most to least affectionate zodiac signs! What is your love language? What are your thoughts on the topic of affectionate zodiac signs? Are you or your partner on the list of the most affectionate zodiac signs? Drop a comment down below and let us know!

Affectionate Zodiac Signs
Affectionate Zodiac Signs
Most To Least Affectionate Zodiac Signs Ranked pin

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