Ugly Games Each Zodiac Plays To Keep You Around Without Commitment


Ugly Games Zodiac Plays Keep You Without Commitment

Do you know every zodiac sign plays some ugly games to keep you around, without committing to you or reciprocating you love?

Even if you donโ€™t believe in astrology, chances are that you have come across the zodiac concept at least a couple of times in your life. Although not supported by modern-day science, it has, however, enticed millions of people across the world, believers and non-believers alike.

We probably know the effect horoscope has on our immediate future, we do not know how these signs have different effects on relationships.

They are people who pretend to be committed in a relationship but are in search for an opportunity to betray their partner.

Like every human being, these pretentious people are also tied to their respective planets and zodiac signs. And their individual signs determine how they successfully go about their dirty game.

zodiac sign keeps you around without committing to you

Here are 12 different ways how each zodiac sign keeps you around without committing to you:

1. Aries

To keep themselves attached to you, people with Aries as zodiac sign frequently forward jokes and funny snaps. Theyโ€™ll act silly, take snaps of their silliness, and send you for fun.

What theyโ€™re essentially trying to do is cover up their treacherous side by making you laugh, so that you think of them as innocent hearts who are just trying to keep the funny side up!

Want to know more about what ugly games the signs play to keep you around? Read The Dark Side of Each Zodiac Sign And How To Overcome It

2. Taurus

Taurus being a down to earth sign tries to be a good friend by developing closeness. They become close not only to you but to your friends and possibly your family members as well.

They pretend to value the earthly relationships, emotions by upholding supportive words, and mental bonding. But these are just for show. Inside, they are constantly hunting for opportunities.

3. Gemini

Geminis play with promises. They donโ€™t keep them obviously but are somehow able to convince you to believe and trust in them. Their promises are hollow.

Another thing youโ€™d find them doing is being around you along with other people. Youโ€™ll never find only the two of you. Theyโ€™d always attempt to keep both of you surrounded with as many people as possible so that you are unable to catch their lie.

4. Cancer

Cancerians are emotion hubs who take advantage of feelings and mental states. Theyโ€™ll show you how internally scarred they are. They will send you drunk texts conveying how painful their days are. Theyโ€™ll whine about their suffering to make you feel sorry for them. But donโ€™t fall for it.

It is just an attempt to gain sympathy. The illusion they create is pretty convincing. You really start developing feelings for them. But at the end of the day, it is all part of the same plan.

Want to know more if they are playing games to keep you around? Read How To Know If Heโ€™s Really Interested or Flirting Based On His Zodiac Sign

5. Leo

Leos, as their sign suggests, tend to establish an aura of nobility and respect. To you, theyโ€™ll come off as helpful and generous. Whenever you need them, theyโ€™ll always show up, ready to help. Theyโ€™ll show you how valuable you are to them and how much you mean to them.

The mask of nobility they wear successfully hides away the true face underneath. This is one of those zodiac symbols whose deception is very hard to catch.

6. Virgo

Virgos play dangerous mind games. They use the hot and cold method of emotional maneuvering. Youโ€™re pushed into the mental conflict of deciding whether or not the person youโ€™re interacting with truly loves you. You remain confused regarding the nature of the person.

Youโ€™d feel as if youโ€™re facing a puzzle. Theyโ€™ll push you to your limit of tolerance, and then suddenly play caring when you decide to move on. This to and fro oscillation is what they tend to enjoy the most, disregarding the emotional stress the partner faces.

7. Libra

While good Libras seek balance in the positive aspects of life, opportunists, on the other hand, tend to seek to balance out their schemes. Libras are master schemers and are adept in maintaining a surprising emotional balance.

Youโ€™ll find them introducing you to their family members, friends, and relatives as if youโ€™re their priority.

This keeps you blindfolded, as a result, youโ€™re unable to see their real face underneath. Their attempt of balancing out stuff is far beyond anyoneโ€™s comprehension unless someone is suspicious of them.

8. Scorpio

As a zodiac sign, Scorpios tend to be the most mysterious. Theyโ€™ll play around in times of peace and show little to no trace of their original self. They are masters in hiding the truth in the dark.

They can entice people to fall into their trap. While they are unsure of commitment, they make sure to make others dedicate themselves to them.

They are so intensely passionate that once someone tastes the chalice of their love, they would happily dedicate their entire lives in the Scorpioโ€™s service. They make use of their charming and mysterious nature to lure others into the illusion of dedication. 

9. Sagittarius

Sagittarius themselves are commitment phobics but are very adept at flirting. They make use of their happy-go-lucky nature to false promises of a happy and secure future. People fail to see the farce in them because they are very headstrong and these others mistake as determination.

What their partners believe as a hard-working, determined person working for their joint future actually turns out to be a self-absorbed and ambitious person working for their own success.

Looking to know more about how the signs play games to keep you around? Read Ten Negative Traits Of Each Zodiac Sign Revealed

10. Capricorn

Capricorn is very hardworking, determined, and ambitious in nature. For them, work is over everything else. They intentionally choose a lifestyle and a partner who would support them in their endeavors. Sometimes to achieve this success they end up using their partner as a resource.

The partner, on the other hand, keeps believing in the Capricorn because of the affection that they feed their partners, just to make sure they keep providing the support and affection they require to move forward in life.

11. Aquarius

Aquarius lack emotional openness which comes off to others as being unapproachable. They resist emotional pain and hence, they absolutely detest the idea of a committed relationship. So to say, the Aquarians who are whimsical in nature would go for a one-night stand over a committed relationship, any-day.

So the very need to create an illusion of false romantic devotion is invalid for them. They just do not want to get involved in all these.

12. Pisces

Pisceans are the slowest to commit to any romantic relationship. Pisceans are extremely sensitive, empathetic, and considerate of other peopleโ€™s feelings. The optimistic Pisces love to live in the fantasy world more than be trashed by reality.

This very characteristic instigates them to make false promises of future prospects which they often use as a tool to create a falsified sense of security for their partner; while they themselves remain carefree.

But remember, even after all these Piscesians are not the devil you think they are.

So, there you go! These are all the zodiac signs and the ugly games they play to keep you around. Let us know in the comments down below, if you have ever experienced any of this in your life.

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Ugly Games Each Zodiac Plays
Ugly Games Each Zodiac Plays To Keep You Around Without Commitment
Ugly Games Each Zodiac Plays To Keep You Around Without Commitment
Ugly Games Each Zodiac Plays To Keep You Around Without Commitment

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